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DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 1 Control and Monitoring of PID Detectors o Disclaimer o Remarks on Control and Monitoring: 1) Missions.

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Presentation on theme: "DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 1 Control and Monitoring of PID Detectors o Disclaimer o Remarks on Control and Monitoring: 1) Missions."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 1 Control and Monitoring of PID Detectors o Disclaimer o Remarks on Control and Monitoring: 1) Missions 2) Settings and Variables 3) The Finite State Machine Approach o PID C&M Logical Description o The ideal GUI o Summary Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva

2 DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 2 Disclaimer  Control and Monitoring of one detector should be under the responsibility of the group building the detector…  I have no experience in developing C&M systems  No concrete activity is possible before the hardware is chosen In particular, the HV system is not defined yet for TOF, CKOV and EMCAL !

3 DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 3 Remarks on C&M  My understanding of Control: Set all the parameters required for the experiment to run in a given configuration What to do in case of *Event* The Event can be anything between “Voltage of Channel X is 1V above the nominal value” to “the physicist wants to start data taking” Monitoring: What is the state of a Subsystem at a given time (could be now) This implies the knowledge of all the values of variables and settings

4 DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 4 PID Settings and Variables  HV Settings (usual ones, may change when the HV system is chosen): HV Set Point MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:HVSP Range Level 1 (Dead band) MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:RL1 Range Level 2 (Warning Level) MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:RL2 Range Level 3 (Alarm Level) MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:RL2 Imax L0 MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:IMX0 Imax L1 Trip TimeMICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:TRPT Ramping Up Parameter MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:RUP Ramping Down Parameter MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:RDP  HV Variables: Actual VoltageMICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:HVV Actual Current MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:IV Status (Normal, Tripped,MICE-DET-HVPS-01:001:STA Ramping up, Ramping Down)  Other Variables: Hall Temperature (for TOF) VME crate Status Define when the channel will be switched off automatically X 110 for TOF X 240 for EMCAL X ? For CKOV Idem

5 DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 5 PID C&M Logical Description  Object: TOF_HV  Object: TOF_HV (the group of all the TOF_HV_CH) State: ALL_ACTIVE (All channels are ON, none is INACTIVE) State: PART_ON (Some Channels are ON but not all of them) State: OFF (All channels are OFF) State: OUT_OF_RANGE_L1 (idem for OUT_OF_RANGE_L2 and OUT_OF_RANGE_L3) (Some channels are in OVERFLOW_L* or UNDERFLOW_L*) State: TRIPPED (Some channels are TRIPPED) State: UPDATING (Some channels are UPDATING) State: COM_ERROR (Some channels are in COM_ERROR)

6 DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 6 TOF0 TOF1 TOF2 USCDSC Tracker 1 Tracker 2 EMCAL  The Ideal GUI  Each Detector has a color:  Each Detector has a color: Green= FULL_READY Yellow= OUT_OF_RANGE_L2 Red= OUT_OF_RANGE_L3 or TRIPPED or NOT_READY White= INACTIVE  Each Detector is clickable, a panel pops up with the status of each individual channel  The same panel can be used to edit the settings, providing a password

7 DAQ WS03 Sept 2006Jean-Sébastien GraulichSlide 7 Summary  PID Control is basically limited to the Control of HV Channels 110 Channels for TOF 240 Channels for EMCAL A few Channels for CKOV  Time to think about User requirement for the Detector C&M GUI And also to assign this task to someone…

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