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NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION OF WAVE EFFECTS IN HIGH-FREQUENCY CAPACITIVELY COUPLED PLASMAS* Yang Yang and Mark J. Kushner Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011 October 2007 YYANG_AVS2007_01 * Work supported by Semiconductor Research Corp., Applied Materials and NSF.
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics AGENDA Wave effects in hf capacitively coupled plasma (hf-CCP) sources Description of the model Base Case: 160 MHz, single frequency Scaling of plasma properties with frequency Scaling of dual frequency CCP (dfCCP) properties in Ar/Cl 2 Concluding Remarks YYANG_AVS2007_02
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics WAVE EFFECTS IN hf-CCP SOURCES YYANG_AVS2007_03 A. Perret et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 243(2003) Wave effects in CPPs impact plasma uniformity at high frequencies: Standing waves due to finite wavelength tend to produce center peaked plasma. Skin effects due to high electron density tend to produce edge peaked profile. Electrostatic edge effects still contribute.
Relative contributions of wave and electrostatic edge effects determine plasma distribution. Electronegative additives complicate issue by changing relationship between power and plasma density. Plasma uniformity will be a function of frequency, power, mixture… In this talk, results from a computational investigation will be discussed: Wave effects on plasma properties in hf-CCPs. Roles of electronegative gases on uniformity. Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_04 GOALS OF THE INVESTIGATION
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_05 HYBRID PLASMA EQUIPMENT MODEL (HPEM) Electron Energy Transport Module: Electron energy equation with Boltzmann equation derived transport coefficients. MCS for secondary, sheath accelerated electrons Fluid Kinetics Module: Heavy particle and electron continuity, momentum, energy Maxwell’s Equations in potential form E s, N Fluid Kinetics Module Fluid equations (continuity, momentum, energy) Maxwell Equations Te,S, μ Electron Energy Transport Module Boltzmann equation
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics FULL-WAVE MAXWELL SOLVER YYANG_AVS2007_06 A full-wave Maxwell equation solver has been developed to address finite wavelength wave effects. Vector potential : Coulomb Gauge : With vector and scalar potential, Maxwell equations are: In 2D cylindrical coordinates,, solved on a staggered mesh using sparse matrix techniques. E field : Scalar potential :
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics NUMERICAL REPRESENTATION OF EQUATIONS YYANG_AVS2007_07 Radial vector potential: Axial vector potential: Scalar potential:
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_08 TENSOR TRANSPORT COEFFICIENTS With azimuthal magnetic field, the electron flux is given by where and are the tensor mobility and diffusivity. and electron momentum transfer collision frequency. Fluxes of heavy particles given by momentum equations.
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_09 NORMALIZATION OF SPARSE MATRIX Normalized vector and scalar potentials solved in same matrix. = 00
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics REACTOR GEOMETRY YYANG_AVS2007_10 2D, cylindrically symmetric. Ar, 50 mTorr, 200 sccm Base case: 160 MHz, 300 W (upper electrode) Specify power, adjust voltage. Ar for single frequency. Ar/Cl 2 dual frequency Ar, Ar*, Ar + Cl 2, Cl, Cl* Cl 2 +, Cl +, Cl - e
ELECTRON DENSITY YYANG_AVS2007_11 Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics [e] peaked at center with Maxwell solution (MS) due to finite wave length effect. With Poisson solution (PS), a flat [e] profile. Less power penetrates into bulk plasma with MS. Ar, 50 mTorr, 200 sccm 160 MHz, 300 W, 48 V Maxwell Solution Electrostatic Poisson Solution
ELECTRON HEATING YYANG_AVS2007_12 Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics Bulk ionization follows electron density as T e is fairly uniform. With MS, lower T e obtained in the center due to reduced ohmic heating in high electron density region. Ar, 50 mTorr, 200 sccm 160 MHz, 300 W, 48 V Maxwell Solution Electrostatic Poisson Solution
YYANG_AVS2007_13 Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics Maxwell Solution Axial field Electrostatic Poisson Solution - 170 V/cm – 260 V/cm Radial field - 89 V/cm – 24 V/cm Axial field - 130 V/cm – 250 V/cm CYCLE AVERAGED ELECTRIC FIELD Ar, 50 mTorr, 200 sccm 160 MHz, 300 W, 48 V With MS, the cycle averaged axial electric field is stronger in the center in sheath region. As such, standing wave effect mainly enhances stochastic heating in the center. Relative weak radial electric field in the bulk plasma region.
YYANG_AVS2007_14 Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics Maxwell Solution Azimuthal - 0.07 G – 0.07 G Scalar Potential - 61 V – 54 V Electrostatic Poisson Solution Potential - 65 V – 45 V Symmetric B due to out of phase sheath motion. Magnitude of B is small and not major contributor here. Similar scalar potential from MS as electrostatic potential from PS. Animation Slide POTENTIAL AND MAGNETIC FIELD Ar, 50 mTorr, 200 sccm 160 MHz, 300 W, 48 V
YYANG_AVS2007_14b Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics Maxwell Solution Azimuthal Max = 0.09 G Scalar Potential - 14 V – 30 V Electrostatic Poisson Solution Potential - 19 V – 25 V CYCLE AVERAGED MAGNETIC FIELD Ar, 50 mTorr, 200 sccm 160 MHz, 300 W, 48 V Symmetric B due to out of phase sheath motion. Magnitude of B is small and not major contributor here. Similar scalar potential from MS as electrostatic potential from PS.
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics SCALING WITH FREQUENCY YYANG_AVS2007_15 Maxwell Solution Ar, 50 mTorr 200 sccm 300 W Uniform [e] at 5 MHz for MS, similar to PS. With increasing frequency, [e] profile undergoes transition from flat at 5 MHz, to edge peaked at intermediate frequencies, to center peaked at 160 MHz. Wider edge peak with MS at 50 and 100 MHz.
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics COMPARISON WITH EXPERIMENT YYANG_AVS2007_16 [e] close to experiments from 5 to 100 MHz; Better match with MS. PS radial [e] is not sensitive to frequency. Ar 50 mTorr 200 sccm Maxwell Solution Poisson Solution Line integrated [e] G. A. Hebner et al, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 15, 879(2006)
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics ION FLUX YYANG_AVS2007_17 Ar 50 mTorr 200 sccm Maxwell Solution Electron density Experiment Ion saturation current G. A. Hebner et al, Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 15, 879(2006) MS transitions from uniform to edge peaked to center peaked from 5 MHz to at 160 MHz. Skin effect and wave effects have different contributions with frequency. Trends agree with experiment.
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_18 2-FREQUENCY CCP Ar, 50 mTorr, 200 sccm Electron density Single frequency at 160 MHz, 300 W Dual frequency 10/160 MHz, 500/500 W Ar has center peaked [e] for single frequency (160 MHz/300 W). dfCCP (P LF =P HF ) 10 MHz ionization source has uniform distribution. Electrons are “seeded” where HF ionization might not occur (near edges) increasing skin effect. Combined effects dominate over standing wave. Edge high [e] with a small center peak is produced.
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_19 Ar/Cl 2 dual frequency have similar effect of reduced importance of wave effects. Increasing Cl 2 decreases electron density and reduces axial current. Result is weakening of standing wave effect and skin effect. 50 mTorr, 200 sccm LF: 10 MHz/500 W, HF: 160 MHz/ 500 W ELECTRONEGATIVE DISCHARGE: Ar/Cl 2
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_19 ELECTRONEGATIVE DISCHARGE: Ar/Cl 2 Electron density Ar/Cl 2 dual frequency Decreasing importance of wave- effects produce edge- high electron densities. 50 mTorr, 200 sccm LF: 10 MHz/500 W HF: 160 MHz/ 500 W
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_20 POWER DEPOSITION Ar/Cl 2 = 80/20, more bulk power deposition due to lower electron density. Lower [e] produces smaller axial current, smaller A r, A z and longer wavelength. Ratio of inductive to capacitive field decreases. Power deposition Ratio: inductive to capacitive field 50 mTorr, 200 sccm LF: 10 MHz/500 W HF: 160 MHz/ 500 W
Iowa State University Optical and Discharge Physics YYANG_AVS2007_22 CONCLUDING REMARKS A full Maxwell solver was developed and incorporated into HPEM; to resolve wave effects. Experimental trends of transition of plasma density from flat to edge peaked to center peaked with increasing frequency are reproduced. At low powers, azimuthal B is not a large contributor to electromagnetic effects. Standing wave generally increases sheath fields at center of reactor. With dual frequency excitation, low frequency provides ionization independent of wave effect. Seeding of electrons reduces severity of high frequency wave effect. Adding Cl 2 reduces wave effects by lengthening wavelength and increasing bulk electron heating.
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