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03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Cluster Wood & Technology Cluster Wood & Technology South Tyrol Clustermanager Dr. Albert Überbacher.

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Presentation on theme: "03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Cluster Wood & Technology Cluster Wood & Technology South Tyrol Clustermanager Dr. Albert Überbacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Cluster Wood & Technology Cluster Wood & Technology South Tyrol Clustermanager Dr. Albert Überbacher

2 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Actions Cluster Wood & Technology Project management Report WP 5: analysis of alpine innovation and cooperation potential WP 6: Developing and carrying out joint cooperations projects WP 7.1: Innovation Assistant WP 7.3: Improving Timber construction Benchmarking Master course „Timber construction WP 7.5: Process optimation

3 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Project management / Report Preparation of agreement between Office for Innovation, Research & Development and TIS - Techno Innovation South Tyrol Search for employees ( by office for innovation, 1 by Cluster Wood) Planning of the projects Report of activities Financial report together with Office for Innovation

4 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Innovation Assistant I Exchange of information about the existing programs for the “Innovation Assistant” Chamber of commerce Handcraft institution - GNG Elaboration of a model Analyses of the branche (until end of July 06 ) Benchmarking and Evaluation (10 -20 companies until end of October 06 ) Optimization of processes Product optimisation Cost calculation for Cluster and participants 3 -6 pilot projects

5 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Innovation Assistant II System Analysis Benchmarking Process Optimization Product Optimization Innovation Process BRANCHE SWOT- analysis COMPANIES SWOT- analysis Innovative Process - Structure Innovative Product Timber construction / HOLZBAU - Branche Personal Hard factsSoft facts External service provided by Cluster Wood Results

6 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Innovation Assistant III Aim: regional sustainability Enlarge the model to other branches: joiner, sawmill, …. June 07 - August 07 Model of innovation for timber construction (2007) With 3 moduls of 2 days, beginning Okt. 06

7 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Improving Timber construction Benchmarking phase 1: analysis a)Developing questionnaire (for discussion in this meeting) - internet search about the topics (middle of June) - Questionnaire (15.06.06 – 30.06.06) - collect data from companies (05.07.06 – 20.09.06) b) Analysis data from Chamber of commerce c) evaluation ( End of Sept. – middle of October) d) Innovation management by the companies (Nov. 06 – Jun 07 )

8 03.-05.07.2006 Nena Meeting in South Tyrol Improving Timber construction Who of the partner is interested to join this activities and to promote it in the same way ? Short discussion of the content in a WS Fix the time table for all partners

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