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Cooperation in Education Principal areas covered – Soil and Water Conservation – Wildlife Conservation and Management – Animal Nutrition and Feed Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Cooperation in Education Principal areas covered – Soil and Water Conservation – Wildlife Conservation and Management – Animal Nutrition and Feed Safety."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cooperation in Education Principal areas covered – Soil and Water Conservation – Wildlife Conservation and Management – Animal Nutrition and Feed Safety – Plant Biotechnology Ways of cooperation – Joint summer courses – Joint curriculum development – Joint field traning programs / workshops – Exchange of students / teachers Joint research programs also proposed!

3 Cooperation in Research Environmental sustainability – Carbon footprint assessment methods for agricultural production – Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) technology and utilization – Environmental exposure guidelines for livestocks and animal welfare of farm animals Monitoring of freshwater fish stocks and research on endemic fish species Classical and molecular methods in plant genetics/breeding from maize to fruit species

4 Proposed and expected partners Established cooperations with several institutions in Central and South Eastern Europe – Formal institutional relationships – Personal experiences in common projects Ready to analyse of overlapping proposals to find common points and develop collaborative programs Open to new ideas and reveal new options

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