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A Combination Framework for Tracking Partition Sizes Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research Tal Lev-Ami, Tel-Aviv University Mooly Sagiv, Tel-Aviv University.

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Presentation on theme: "A Combination Framework for Tracking Partition Sizes Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research Tal Lev-Ami, Tel-Aviv University Mooly Sagiv, Tel-Aviv University."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Combination Framework for Tracking Partition Sizes Sumit Gulwani, Microsoft Research Tal Lev-Ami, Tel-Aviv University Mooly Sagiv, Tel-Aviv University POPL January 22, 2009 Savannah, Georgia

2 What? Framework for constructing static analyses – Tracking the sizes of dynamically allocated data structures h h.size =

3 Why? Sizes of data structures are important – Partial correctness – Termination – Memory bounds

4 How? x y z Shape analysis Numerical analysis A+B=C

5 How? x y z A+B=C = C = B = A + Shape analysis Numerical analysis

6 Partial Correctness: StringBuffer { SB(x), |x|=n } x. remove (s,e) { SB(x), |x|=n-(e-s) }

7 StringBuffer (from MS code) Linked lists of chunks – Reversed order (fast append) – Partially filled (fast remove) chunk.len = number of used chars in chunk x 10011181931 used(nil) =  used(z) = used(z.succ) [0.. z.len] y used(y)

8 remove(s, e) s e x |used(x)| = n |used(x)| = n – (e – s) x remove(s,e)

9 Termination: BubbleSort Termination is non-trivial BubbleSort(int* A, int n) { change := true; while (change) { change := false; for (j:=0; j<n–1; j:=j+1) { if (A[j] > A[j+1]) { Swap(A[j], A[j+1]); change := true; } }

10 Termination: BubbleSort Termination is non-trivial Prove c  n – c  number of elements in the correct position BubbleSort(int* A, int n) { change := true; c := 0; while (change) { c := c + 1; change := false; for (j:=0; j<n–1; j:=j+1) { if (A[j] > A[j+1]) { Swap(A[j], A[j+1]); change := true; } }

11 The Key Idea Modular abstract-domain combination approach Reuse existing domains – Set Domain Track sets of memory locations Such as domains for shape analysis E.g., Canonical Abstraction [SRW’02], Separation Domain [DOY’06], Boolean Heaps [PW’05] – Numerical Domain Track sizes and correlations with numerical variables E.g., Polyhedra [CH’78], Octagon [Miné’01], Intervals [CC’07]

12 Abstracting Lists x  _,nil  ls(y,nil)  z = nil  x yz nil

13 Reasoning about Sets and Sizes ls(x,nil)  ls(y,nil) x  _,nil  y  _,nil  z=nil z = x  _,nil  ls (y,nil)  z=nil  x  _,z  ls (z,nil)  ls (y,nil)  |ls(x,nil)| = |ls(y,nil)|  |ls(z,nil)|+1 = |ls(y,nil)|  |x  _,nil| = |ls(y,nil)|  |x  _,nil| = |y  _,nil|

14 Division of labor Share information between the domains – Similar to Nelson-Oppen [NO’80] [x  _,nil] A  [ls(y,nil)] B  z = nilA=B  |x  _,nil| = A |ls(y,nil)| = B x  _,nil  ls(y,nil)  z = nil

15 Extra Operations Required of Set Domain BaseSets – List the base sets of a given set-domain element Example BaseSets (x  _,nil  ls(y,nil)  z = nil) = {x  _,nil, ls(y,nil)}

16 Extra Operations Required of Set Domain BaseSets – List the base sets of a given set-domain element Witness – Relate the base sets before and after a set-domain operation Example Witness (ls(x,nil) x  _,z  ls(z,nil)) = {ls(x,nil)  x  _,z  ls(z,nil)}

17 Extra Operations Required of Set Domain BaseSets – List the base sets of a given set-domain element Witness – Relate the base sets of two set-domain elements Generate – Generate constraints of the form |p|  c or |p|  c PostPredicate ( |p| = c ) – Inform the set-domain element that a base-set is of given size [c = 0, 1]

18 Combination Approach Construct the standard operations for the combined domain – Use the operations of the base domains and the extra operations of the set domain

19 Example: Join [x  _,nil] A  [ls(y,nil)] B A=1  B = n-1  B  1  [ls(x,nil)] C  [y  _,nil] D D=1  C = n-1  C  1   [ls(x,nil)] E  [ls(y,nil)] F A=E  B=F  A=1  B=n-1  B  1 C=E  D=F  D=1  C=n-1  C  1 E+F = n  E  1  F  1  Join Set Join Num Witness

20 In the Paper Set Domains that support the extra operations – Canonical Abstraction – Boolean Heaps – Separation Domain Algorithms for combined domain operations – Soundness and precision claims and proofs Tradeoffs between complexity of set and numerical domains

21 Prototype Implementation Set Domain – Canonical Abstraction - TVLA [LS’00] Numerical Domain – Polyhedra - PPL [BHZ’08]

22 The Benchmarks Category ProgramTime (secs)OverheadStates String Buffer SB.remove295.212.8350,615 SB.toString79.533.1510,176 Termination BubbleSort3.570.54886 Mark2.443.021,530 Linked List Reverse0.341.6490 Filter0.760.54238 Merge1.081.88341 MergeNoDups4.062.531,838 Data AcyclicList.copy0.391.4474 Structure CyclicList.copy4.541.02155 Copy Tree.copy4.151.45642 NaryTree.copy138.2N/A5,439 ListOfLists.copy39.951.445,353 ListOfArrays.copy12.671.022,260 ArrayOfLists.copy7.993.001,628 JDK LinkedList.add1.452.2317 Collections LinkedList.addAll10.932.00215 Library LinkedList.remove2.512.10173 HashMap.put9.451.023,132 HashMap.putAll111.842.5922,431 HashMap.remove2.131.92725

23 Thank you! Questions?

24 Related Work Domain constructors [CC’79] – Logical Abstract Domains [GT’06] Combination of numeric and pointer analysis [Detsch’92] – Type systems [HP’99, HJ’03] – Tracking lengths of linked lists [YB’02, BBHIMV’06, MBCC’07] – Tracking other numerical properties [GDDRS’04, Rugina’04] Reducing Pointer to Integer Programs [DRS’03, BBHIMV’06, MBCC’07] Decision Procedures – BAPA [KR’07] – Entailment for separation logic with arithmetic [NDQC’07]

25 Our Basic Operation 1: Saturate Share Information between the domains – Similar to Nelson-Oppen [NO’80] [x  _,nil] A  [ls(y,nil)] B  z = nilA=B  A=1 B=1 [x  _,nil] A  [y  _,nil] B  z = nil  B=1  A=1

26 Our Basic Operation 2: P2N Relate the partition sizes of two representations of the same memory [x  _,nil] A  [ls(y,nil)] B [ls(x,nil)] C  [ls(y,nil)] D  N 1 : A+B=n  N 2 : ? Witness (P 1, P 2 ) x  _,nil  ls(x,nil) ls(y,nil)  ls(y,nil) P1:P1: P2:P2: P2N (P 1, P 2, A+B=n) A+B=n  A=C  B=D

27 Extra Operations Required of Set Domain BaseSets – List the base sets of a given set-domain element Witness – Relate the base sets of two set-domain elements Example Witness (x  _,nil  y  _,z  ls(z,nil), ls(x,nil)  ls(y,nil)) = {y  _,z  ls(z,nil)  ls(y,nil), x  _,nil  ls(x,nil) }

28 Termination: BubbleSort Termination is non-trivial Prove correlation between c and number of elements in the correct position 1 5 3 8 7 4 6 2 9 c=0 BubbleSort(int* A, int n) { change := true; c := 0; while (change) { c := c + 1; change := false; for (j:=0; j<n–1; j:=j+1) { if (A[j] > A[j+1]) { Swap(A[j], A[j+1]); change := true; } }

29 Termination: BubbleSort Termination is non-trivial Prove correlation between c and number of elements in the correct position 1 3 5 7 4 6 2 8 9 c=1 BubbleSort(int* A, int n) { change := true; c := 0; while (change) { c := c + 1; change := false; for (j:=0; j<n–1; j:=j+1) { if (A[j] > A[j+1]) { Swap(A[j], A[j+1]); change := true; } }

30 Termination: BubbleSort Termination is non-trivial Prove correlation between c and number of elements in the correct position BubbleSort(int* A, int n) { change := true; c := 0; while (change) { c := c + 1; change := false; for (j:=0; j<n–1; j:=j+1) { if (A[j] > A[j+1]) { Swap(A[j], A[j+1]); change := true; } } 1 3 5 4 6 2 7 8 9 c=2

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