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Imperative and functional programming languages UC Santa Cruz CMPS 10 – Introduction to Computer Science

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1 Imperative and functional programming languages UC Santa Cruz CMPS 10 – Introduction to Computer Science 2 May 2011

2 UC SANTA CRUZ Homework #3  Canceling this homework assignment: not due Wednesday  More details on the new HW#3 assignment Wednesday  Will update the syllabus to reflect this change once new assignment is complete

3 UC SANTA CRUZ Recap  Programming languages evolved to address the difficulty of writing machine code  Assembly language developed as a faster way to write machine code, maps very directly  High level programming languages developed to make it easier to write programs, reduce the gap between human thinking and program code  Compilation process  A programmer writes the source code of a program  Source code: A file of text with programming language instructions  A program called a compiler converts this text into assembly langauge  An assembler then converts the assembly language into machine code source code assembly machine code compiler assembler Microprocessor hardware can understand and execute

4 UC SANTA CRUZ Different styles of programming language  Imperative  Each statement is executed in order  Each statement modifies the state of the program  Program state is the set of values of all variables  In language, the imperative form of verbs is the one where you are giving orders: go there, do this, come back now.  Similarly, imperative programs involve the programmer ordering the computer to perform an algorithm, every step spelled out  In widespread use, examples include: C, C++, C#, Java, FORTRAN, PHP, many others  Functional  Statements define functions  A function only produces actual values if it is used; otherwise just remains as a definition  Function definitions are self-contained, and have no side-effects  Execution environment is free to pick best ordering of program statements  Of growing interest, but still mostly used in unversities.  Examples include Haskell, Miranda

5 UC SANTA CRUZ Examples  Consider code to add a series of integers from 1 to some number n Imperative int sum_to_n(int n) // input is integer n int sum = 0 int j = 0 // will use j as a counter while (j <= n) { sum = sum + j j = j + 1 } return sum Functional sumInt n | n==0 = 0 | n>0 = n + sumInt(n-1) Defines a base case (n=0), where the output of the function is 0 when n=0. Remaining cases are defined recursively: the current sum is the current value of n plus the value of the sum as of the previous value of n (n-1)

6 UC SANTA CRUZ Programs started small…  In the early days of high level programming languages, programs were small  Limited computer memory meant that programs couldn’t grow very big  Slow processing speed meant that programs couldn’t run very fast  The lack of good editing and debugging tools meant that writing large programs was tedious  Before the hard disk drive, managing large stacks of paper punched cards was tedious  A common fear was dropping a card stack on the floor, losing card order Programmer standing by punched cards 62,500 punched cards, representing the control program for the SAGE system, ca. 1955

7 UC SANTA CRUZ … but got larger  Over time, the desire to make computer programs have more functionality led to larger and larger programs.  This created a problem of how to structure the software  That is, how do you clump together related statements inside a large program?  Evolutionary path  Unstructured code  Use of IF and GOTO to control flow of software  Partially structured code  Subroutines/procedures, but also use of GOTO  Procedural code, block structuring  Use of GOTO deprecated, all code inside procedures, basic blocks  Data may or may not be co-located with code that operates on it  Object-oriented  Cluster code and associated data together into objects

8 UC SANTA CRUZ Unstructured code  Consider the following example of FORTRAN II code: C AREA OF A TRIANGLE WITH A STANDARD SQUARE ROOT FUNCTION C INPUT - CARD READER UNIT 5, INTEGER INPUT C OUTPUT - LINE PRINTER UNIT 6, REAL OUTPUT C INPUT ERROR DISPLAY ERROR OUTPUT CODE 1 IN JOB CONTROL LISTING READ INPUT TAPE 5, 501, IA, IB, IC 501 FORMAT (3I5) C IA, IB, AND IC MAY NOT BE NEGATIVE C FURTHERMORE, THE SUM OF TWO SIDES OF A TRIANGLE C IS GREATER THAN THE THIRD SIDE, SO WE CHECK FOR THAT, TOO IF (IA) 777, 777, 701 701 IF (IB) 777, 777, 702 702 IF (IC) 777, 777, 703 703 IF (IA+IB-IC) 777,777,704 704 IF (IA+IC-IB) 777,777,705 705 IF (IB+IC-IA) 777,777,799 777 STOP 1 C USING HERON'S FORMULA WE CALCULATE THE AREA OF THE TRIANGLE 799 S = FLOATF (IA + IB + IC) / 2.0 AREA = SQRT( S * (S - FLOATF(IA)) * (S - FLOATF(IB)) * + (S - FLOATF(IC))) WRITE OUTPUT TAPE 6, 601, IA, IB, IC, AREA 601 FORMAT (4H A=,I5,5H B=,I5,5H C=,I5,8H AREA=,F10.2, + 13H SQUARE UNITS) STOP END Arithmetic IF: if (num) Sneg, Szero, Spos If the number is negative, goto line Sneg. If the number is zero, go to Szero, etc. Source: Wikipedia

9 UC SANTA CRUZ Problem with unstructured code  What if we wanted to write a large program, and compute the area of a triangle in many places?  Could just repeat the lines of code that compute the area  But, this is wasteful (the same code is in memory multiple times)  Worse, if you need to update the formula, need to do this in many places  This is known as the code clone problem  Ideally would like to have the program go to the lines that compute the area, then return back to the place in the code that needed this  Requires:  Ability to save the current location  Ability to go to another place in the software, and perform some operation (compute area of triangle, for example)  Ability to return to the saved location after performing the operation  Problem: in early FORTRAN, there was no way to save the current location or return to a given location main code procedure

10 UC SANTA CRUZ Procedures  The first main way to structure code was to introduce procedures  These are sections of code that perform a distinct operation  Many places in the software can ask a procedure to perform its operation  Within a procedure, can have variables whose values are local to the procedure  I.e., can have a variable named j in the main program, an one named j in the procedure – the procedure’s j is different from main’s j  A major advance  A large piece of software can be subdivided into multiple procedures  Each procedure can focus on doing one thing well  Related procedures can be clustered together in a large program  Makes software easier to understand and easier to write  Allowed software to grow larger

11 UC SANTA CRUZ Example of procedural code  Here is the area of a triangle again, in the language C int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int a, b, c; printf(“\nSide A: "); scanf("%d", &a); printf(“\nSide B: "); scanf("%d", &b); printf(“\nSide C: "); scanf("%d", &c); printf(“\nThe area of the triangle is: %f\n", area(a, b, c)); return(0); } float area( int a, int b, int c ) { int s; float y; s = (a + b + c)/2; y = sqrt( s * (s - a)*(s - b)*(s - c) ); return( y ); } Here is the procedure for computing the area of a triangle. Though called only once, it could be called from many places in the code, and could easily be reused in another program. Note that variables a, b, c in the procedure are different variables (but, since they are passed to the procedure, the same values) as the variables a,b,c in the main program. Here is where the procedure is called

12 UC SANTA CRUZ Organization of a procedural program  In a procedural program  Functionality is described by source code statements inside procedures  Data is either local to a procedure, or is global, and can be access by the entire program  Local: inside a procedure  Global: outside a procedure program procedure data (local)code data (global) = contains

13 UC SANTA CRUZ Procedural organization in the file system  Today, procedural programs are written down as lines of text inside multiple text files  Each file can contain global data and procedures  That is, all of the global data is split up among multiple files program source code file procedure data (local)code data (global) = contains

14 UC SANTA CRUZ Problems with procedural organization  In well-organized procedural code:  Related procedures and their associated global data are co-located in the same file  One file holds global data for the entire system  But, there is nothing to enforce or even encourage this good organization  Consider a stack  Procedures for push, pop and creating a new stack can be in the same file  A global variable can hold the stack’s contents  Also possible  Files hold procedures that are both related and unrelated to each other  Some procedures are very large, and have many different functions  Procedures in one file use global data defined in another  Can be very hard to determine which procedures are using which data

15 UC SANTA CRUZ Object-oriented software  Object-oriented software gathers together procedures and their associated data into a class  This is the same notion of class as the class boxes from the data modeling homework, #2  For example, a stack class would have:  Procedures for push, pop  A data item for the contents of the stack  In object-oriented software, global variables are deprecated  It is still possible to have global variables, but ideally the use of such variables will be limited  And, in any event, most OO languages require such data to be inside a class

16 UC SANTA CRUZ Organization of Object-oriented code  An object-oriented program is organized into a set of classes  Each class contains code, and data related to that code  Any global data is put into one (or more) classes  Depending on language, one file holds one class, or one file can hold multiple classes  Classes can typically also contain classes (these are called inner classes) program class proceduredata = contains

17 UC SANTA CRUZ Object-oriented code: pros and cons  Benefits:  Easier to understand an individual class, since related code and data are clustered  Changes to a class are more likely to have an effect that is local to that class, due to better encapsulation of data and code  Clustering of data+code into classes allows for more complex relationships between classes, hence greater expressivity  It is easier to create very large software systems using OO code than with purely procedural code  OO classes support inheritance, which makes it easy to create code specialized for specific situations  Drawbacks:  Greater range of relationships among classes leads to OO code being more complex than procedural code, on average  Watch:  Dan Ingalls on emergence of Object Oriented programming 

18 UC SANTA CRUZ Summary  Imperative  Procedural  C, FORTRAN (older versions)  Object-oriented  C++, Java, C#, PHP, Smalltalk  Functional  Haskell, Miranda  Logic programming (not covered in class)  Prolog

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