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Introduction to RSV Database on the Colombian Conflict Lecture 5 Economics 3321 Economics of Conflict Professor Michael Spagat Autumn 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to RSV Database on the Colombian Conflict Lecture 5 Economics 3321 Economics of Conflict Professor Michael Spagat Autumn 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to RSV Database on the Colombian Conflict Lecture 5 Economics 3321 Economics of Conflict Professor Michael Spagat Autumn 2004

2 RSV Dataset Covers the years 1988-2003 Is a list of more than 21,000 events with a set of characteristics for each one

3 RSV Dataset Date Participants - left-wing guerrillas, government forces and right-wing paramilitaries Type of event – clash vs. attack with attacks divided into more than 40 categories

4 RSV Dataset Location – departments (like states or counties), municipalities and even lower levels for many events Casualties – killings and injuries of guerrillas, government forces, paramilitaries and civilians

5 Attacks, clashes, conflict intensity and the homicide rate

6 Quarterly number of people killed and injured in conflict events

7 Quarterly number of attacks by group

8 Quarterly number of clashes by group

9 Quarterly number of civilians killed and injured in conflict events

10 Quarterly number of civilians killed in conflict events by group involved

11 Quarterly number of civilians injured in attacks by group

12 Quarterly number of government- related casualties

13 Quarterly number of guerrilla- related casualties

14 Annual number of paramilitary-related casualties during clashes

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