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Market Crashes and Modeling Volatile Markets Prof. Svetlozar (Zari) T
Market Crashes and Modeling Volatile Markets Prof. Svetlozar (Zari) T.Rachev Chief-Scientist, FinAnalytica Chair of Econometrics, Statistics and Mathematical Finance School of Economics and Business Engineering University of Karlsruhe Department of Statistics and Applied Probability University of California, Santa Barbara Thalesian seminar , London - December 2, 2009 Today, my goal is to demonstrate the existence of a solid framework for quantitative modeling for volatile markets, or markets exhibiting extreme events. The recent market events provoked hot discussions and even dismay towards the appropriateness of quantitative approaches towards portfolio construction and risk management. Many established theories, concepts, approaches and measures have been strongly criticized. The concepts of diversification measured by correlation, the notion of a hedge portfolio, etc have all been discredited. Still, it is clear to everyone, investment decision making process today cannot exist without a quantitative insight. FinAnalytica has been working since its inception to provide more reliable tools that can be adequate in normal market conditions, but also during market stress. The first part of my presentation will consider the theoretical foundations. In the second one, we will see some applications for portfolio construction and risk management. In the first part we will go through the market phenomena of a factor (or risk driver)level as well as on multivariate, we will then discuss the models to handle them and finally what risk measures shall we use in the extended class of models that now accommodate for extreme events. So, let’s start by making sure we understand the notion of extreme events and it’s place in the structure of the market phenomena
Post Modern Portfolio Theory
MPT “translation” for Volatile Markets
Real World Old World Normal (Gaussian) Distributions Correlation Sigmas Sharpe Ratios BS Option Pricing Markowitz Optimal Portfolios Fat-tailed Distributions Tail & Asymmetric Dependence Expected Tail Loss STARR Performance Tempered-Stable Option Pricing Fat-tail ETL Optimal Portfolios 60 years ago the Normal distribution became the underlying model for financial application and theory because it is possible to relatively easy solve all main problems: risk measurement, portfolio optimization, hedging…. Today, we see after dozen years of research and development we can build a similar consistent framework based on realistic market assumptions… 3
Models Map
The Fat-tailed Framework
Agenda The Fat-tailed Framework Univariate model (single asset) Subordinated models Stable model Dependence Risk and Performance measures Applications Option pricing - Some extension of the main fat-tailed model: Tempered Stable models Modeling market crashes Risk monitoring Portfolio management and optimization
Fat-tail Modeling Framework
Phenomena of Primary Market Drivers - 1
Univariate level Time-varying volatility Fat-tails Asymmetry Long-range dependence (intra-day) DJ Daily returns When observing the return process of primary market drivers such as stocks, interest rates, exchange rates, indices we face 3 pronounced phenomena – time-varying volatility, fat-tails and asymmetry.… Other phenomena such as jumps (due to external events such as regulation, …), illiquidity, long-range dependence, etc. can be observed in certain financial time-series and to a different degree can be accommodated for in a quantitative framework. But let’s (at least for now), concentrate on those three aspects which we constantly observe across all markets… Time-varying volatility stands for the fact that "large changes tend to be followed by large changes, of either sign, and small changes tend to be followed by small changes.“ Fat-tails stand for the fact that from time to time we observe very large returns which probability is practically zero if normal or Gaussian distribution is used. This mathematically is expressed by having a power decay of the probability distribution function when the return (its argument) goes to plus or minus infinity. For us, it means observing market crashes or at least severe negative returns on the markets of say minus 8% - 10% daily not once in the life of the universe as the normal model would suggest, but every 5 to 10 years… Finally asymmetry means that we usually observe larger in magnitude negative extreme events, though not so frequently compared to the extreme positive returns or in some cases vice versa. So, how do we usually visualize those aspects of the returns. The first approach is to plot the probability density function. …. The second way is to construct QQ plot which depicts the theoretical quantile vs empirical ones. If the distribution is indeed normal all dot’s will be on the same line… Deviation in the tail in this direction means ,……
Subordinator (g(W)) < 1 Subordinator (g(W)) < 1 g <0
Fat-tailed Fat-tailed Subordinator (g(W)) < 1 “On the days when no new information is available, trading is slow and the price process evolves slowly. On days when new information violates old expectations, trading is brisk, and the price process evolves much faster”. Clark (1973) Subordinator (g(W)) < 1 g <0 We start with the normal model… how to make it better to fit the data and model the excess curtosis (the concentartion around the center ), fat-tailes and the skewness?...Well, its appear it is sufficinet to introduce a new random variable which we call market time intensity. If we look the price process what we do is to say – Ok… the return process is a Brownian motion but under a different, unobservable time – the marker time. If we look at a point of time, we see that this model actually results in randomizing the volatility ….We can incorporate skewness and a shift very naturally as well….So, what happens when we draw random numbers in a MC expiriment from such a model is the following: we sample togther a normal variable and a market time intensity variabl, which we call a subordinator… IF the subordinator is smaller than 1, the resulting simulation from the return will become smaller and thus we will introduce peakness. … on opposite, if it is larger – we introduce extreme events or fat-tailes… Subordinated models, it turns out have very nice additional features… Emp.
Subordinator > 1
Stable Family Rich history in probability theory
Kolmogorov and Levy ( ), Feller (1960’s) Long known to be useful model for heavy-tailed returns Mandelbrot (1963) and Fama (1965)
Fat Tails Study: 17,000+ factors
85%, 95%, 97.5%, and 99% VaR tested
Fat Tails Study: Factors Breakdown
Factors Tested Number Percentage Equities 8346 48.5% CDS Spreads 7803 45.3% Interest Rates 528 3.1% Implied Volatilities 518 3.0% Currencies 12 0.1% Total 17207 100.00%
Alpha Tail Parameter: Varies Across Assets & Time
Important to: Distinguish tail risk contributors and diversifiers Changes in the market extreme risk after removing GARCH
There is NO universal tail index!
Tail parameter Alpha for 41 indices after removing GARCH effect /May 15th 2009/ There is NO universal tail index!
Phenomena of Primary Market Drivers - 2
Tail Dependence Zero tail dependence Gaussian copula Now, suppose we have extreme events for our market drivers… say Russell 2000 and Nasdaq. Will they appear on this way? No, this is what the world would be if there was zero tail dependence. But this is not what our world is … The way we know they appear is this!
Dependence Models Asymmetric Dependence
There is more to say about the dependence – it is also assymetric – positive extreme events have lower tail dependence..
correct investment decisions
Dependence Models Modeling of Extreme Dependency in market crashes is critical for taking correct investment decisions Bi-variate Normal Fat-tailed indices Gaussian Copula Fat-tailed copula Observed returns in Q3 1987 Explain the charts Copulas – flexible and non-linear functions describing dependence structure Gaussian copula it is more or less equivalent to simple correlation matrix BUT – other copulas exist Non-Gaussian copulas address directly questions such tail dependence and asymmetry Objective way to define-stress-tests: Scanning for “Black Swans” (unknown unknowns) Challenges Developing efficient numerical algorithms. Choosing an appropriate parametric structure F is the multivariate cdf, C is the copula function and Fi are the one-dimensional cdf.
Risk & Performance Measures
Symmetric risk penalty Downside risk penalty Downside risk penalty and upside reward In the modern portoflio theory, based on the Gaussina distribution the natural risk measure is the sigma and the natural perf. Measure is the Sharpe ration. Those masures howeve does not work in a fat-tailed word. We need something different . The risk measure should account for the assymetric nature of the risk, skewed and fat-tailed distibution. Such coice is ETL or also know as….The can form performance measures based on it …Advantages of ETL: looks in the tail, coherent, good for interpretation, interpretation… semi-st-deviation, omega, … 18
Why not Normal ETL?
Fat-tailed world is a complex one:
Summary Fat-tailed world is a complex one: GARCH is not enough Fat-tails are not enough Copula choice is important Fat-tails change across assets and across time Beware of pseudo-fat-tailed models Fat-tailed ETL as a risk measure is important
Application 1 – Option pricing Stable and Tempered Stable Distributions
Tempered Stable Models Introduction
The stable model does not allow for unique equivalent martingale measure Take a stable model and make the very end of the tails lighter (still much heavier than the Gaussian) All moments exist No-arbitrage option pricing exists
Tempered Stable
Tempered Stable
Map of Tempered Stable Distributions
Kim-Rachev (KR) Modified Tempered Stable (MTS) Normal Tempered Stable (NTS) Smoothly Truncated Stable (STS) Rapidly Decreasing Tempered Stable (RDTS) Classical Tempered Stable(CTS)
Incorporating GARCH Effect
other tempered stable models
Is GARCH Enough? … No! QQ plots between the empirical residual and innovation distributions for daily return /data for IBM/
Option Prices and GARCH Models
SPX Call Prices (April 12, 2006) where N is the number of observation, is the n-th price determined by the simulation, and is the n-th observed price.
Model Universe We studied the full spectrum of tractable (infinitely divisible) models We see that Stable ARMA-GARCH is the best choice to model primary risk drivers We propose a form of tempered stable (RDTS) for option pricing
The Option Pricing Models Universe
Application 2 - Modeling Market Crashes
Daily Returns: S&P 500 Index
Crash Probability: Black Monday
On October 19 (Monday), 1987 the S&P 500 index dropped by 23%. Fitting the models to a data series of 2490 daily observations ending with October 16 (Friday), 1987 yields the following results:
Crash Probability: U.S. Financial Crisis
On the September 29 (Monday),2008 the S&P 500 index dropped by 9%. Fitting the models to a data series of 2505 daily observations ending with the September 26 (Friday), 2008 yields the following results:
S&P Backtest
Application 3 – Risk Monitoring
Backtest Example Long-short stock portfolio
99% VaR backtest was run from 8/1/2007 to 5/15/2008 (206 days) 250 rolling window used to fit the models Models: Historical method Normal method Constant Volatility EWMA for Cov matrix Asymmetric Stable with Copula Volatility Clustering
Model Comparison Quantitative - Number of exceedances Qualitative
Average - must be on average 2 Number of exceedances above 4 /95% CI is 0-4/ Checked on portfolio and industry level Qualitative Visual check of VaR evolution vs returns Historical 3.25 24% Normal 99 7.03 76% Normal 99 EWMA 3.90 42% Asym Stable Fat-tail Copula 1.64 3% Asym Stable Fat-tail Copula Volatility Clustering 2.27 6% Av. # of exceedances % Industries VaR rejected
Risk Backtest Both are important!
Fat-tailed VaR with constant volatility provides long-term equilibrium VaR Fat-tailed VaR with volatility clustering provides dynamic short-term view of the tail risk (VaR) Both are important! Returns Normal 99 Normal 99 EWMA Asym Stable Fat-tail Copula Asym Stable Fat-tail Copula Vol Clustering
Application 4 – Portfolio Management and Optimization
Portfolio Risk Budgeting
Marginal Contribution to Risk Standard Approach: St Dev ETL: The expression for marginal contribution to ETL is and the resulting risk decomposition:
Portfolio Optimization
Flexibility in problem types, a very general formulation is where the first ETL is of a tracking-error type, the second one measures absolute risk and l ≤ Aw ≤ u generalizes all possible linear weight constraints If future scenarios are generated, there are two choices: Linearize the sample ETL function and solve as a LP Solve as a convex problem
Portfolio Optimization References
Modeling Fat-tailed world is a complex task BUT crucial for:
Summary Modeling Fat-tailed world is a complex task BUT crucial for: Option pricing Explaining volatility smile Identifying statistical arbitrage opportunities Crash warning indicators Helps identify changes in the market structure faster Risk monitoring Realistic understanding of risk and its evolution Portfolio construction and optimization Achieve higher risk-adjusted returns
Q&A… Thank you!
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