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EMBIO – Cambridge Particle Swarm Optimization applied to Automated Docking Automated docking of a ligand to a macromolecule Particle Swarm Optimization.

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Presentation on theme: "EMBIO – Cambridge Particle Swarm Optimization applied to Automated Docking Automated docking of a ligand to a macromolecule Particle Swarm Optimization."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMBIO – Cambridge Particle Swarm Optimization applied to Automated Docking Automated docking of a ligand to a macromolecule Particle Swarm Optimization Multi-objective PSO + Clustering Docking experiments Conclusion

2 EMBIO – Cambridge Automated Docking Predict binding of a ligand molecule to a receptor macromolecule Minimize resulting binding energy

3 EMBIO – Cambridge Energy Evaluation [Morris et al.]

4 EMBIO – Cambridge Autodock 3.05 Determine energies using trilinear interpolation on precalculated grid maps Minimize docking energy with various optimization techniques  Simulated Annealing  Genetic Algorithm with Local Search Sum of energies is minimized

5 EMBIO – Cambridge Particle Swarm Optimization Multi-dimensional, numerical optimization by a swarm of particles Each particle has current position, best position and velocity Attracted by personal best position and neighbourhood best position

6 EMBIO – Cambridge PSO Algorithm

7 EMBIO – Cambridge Clustering Particles are clustered into K separate swarm K-means Clustering m data-vectors are clustered into k clusters Iteratively calculate centroids of each cluster

8 EMBIO – Cambridge Multiple Objectives Optimize, simultaneously Find dominating solutions Non-Dominated Front

9 EMBIO – Cambridge Clust-MPSO Update personal best position Each swarm has non-dominated front  is dominated if no particle is in  Dominated swarms are relocated Neighbourhood best particle  Picked for several iterations

10 EMBIO – Cambridge

11 1hvr Docking

12 EMBIO – Cambridge 4cha Docking

13 EMBIO – Cambridge Convergence – 1hvr

14 EMBIO – Cambridge Convergence – 4cha

15 EMBIO – Cambridge Conclusions Application of PSO to Automated Docking Optimization of two objectives Clustering to divide the search space

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