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Extended Dynamical Mean Field. Metal-insulator transition el-el correlations not important:  band insulator: the lowest conduction band is fullthe lowest.

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Presentation on theme: "Extended Dynamical Mean Field. Metal-insulator transition el-el correlations not important:  band insulator: the lowest conduction band is fullthe lowest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extended Dynamical Mean Field

2 Metal-insulator transition el-el correlations not important:  band insulator: the lowest conduction band is fullthe lowest conduction band is full gap due to the periodic potential – few eVgap due to the periodic potential – few eV even number electronseven number electrons  metal Conduction band partially occupiedConduction band partially occupied el-el correlations important:  Mott insulator despite the odd number of electrons  Cannot be explained within a single- electron picture (many body effect) zt F*F*F*F* Zhang, Rozenberg and Kotliar 1992 U

3 Doping Mott insulator – DMFT perspective  Metallic system always Fermi liquid  Im    Fermi surface unchanged (volume and shape)  Narrow quasiparticle peak of width Z  F   at the Fermi level  Effective mass (m*/m  1/Z) diverges at the transition  High-temperature (T>> Z  F ) almost free spin Georges, Kotliar, Krauth and Rozenberg 1996 LHB UHB quasip. peak 

4 Nonlocal interaction in DMFT?  Local quantum fluctuations (between states ) completely taken into account within DMFT  Nonlocal quantum fluctuations (like RKKY) are mostly lost in DMFT (entropy of U=  param. Mott insulator is ln2 and is T independent  2 N deg. states) (entropy of U=  param. Mott insulator is ln2 and is T independent  2 N deg. states) Why? Metzner Vollhardt 89 mean-field description of the exchange term is exact within DMFT J disappears completely in the paramagnetic phase !

5 What is changed by including intersite exchange J? For simplicity we will take infinite U limit and get t-J model: Hubbard model + intersite exchange

6 Extended DMFT J and t equally important: fermionic bath mapping bosonic bath fluctuating magnetic field Q.Si & J.L.Smith 96, H.Kajuter & G.Kotliar 96

7 Still local theory Local quantities can be calculated from the corresponding impurity problem

8 Diagrammatic auxiliary particle impurity solver NCA impurity solver This bubble is zero in the paramagnetic state

9 Pseudogap

10 Local spectral function

11 Luttinger’s theorem?

12 A(k,  )  =0.02 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

13 A(k,  )  =0.04 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

14 A(k,  )  =0.06 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

15 A(k,  )  =0.08 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

16 A(k,  )  =0.10 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

17 A(k,  )  =0.12 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

18 A(k,  )  =0.14 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

19 A(k,  )  =0.16 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

20 A(k,  )  =0.18 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

21 A(k,  )  =0.20 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

22 A(k,  )  =0.22 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

23 A(k,  )  =0.24 kxkx kyky k A(k,0) A(k,  )

24 Entropy EMDT+NCA ED 20 sites Experiment: LSCO (T/t*  0.035) J.R. Cooper & J.W. Loram

25  &  EMDT+NCA ED 20 sites

26 Hall coefficient T~1000K LSCO: T. Nishikawa, J. Takeda & M. Sato (1994)


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