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Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family

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1 Chenopodiaceae Goosefoot Family
Leaves of orach Organic Seed May 2004

2 Family characteristics
Pollination-wind Both dioecious and perfect Seed type - cluster and multigerm Seed maturity-indeterminate when 60-70% is mature then harvest windrow and dry seed

3 Spinach Spinacia oleracea L.
Origin: Central Asia Dioecious, outcrossing, mainly wind pollinated Importance: Next to cabbage, spinach is the most important of the vegetables grown for greens or pot herbs in the U.S. Season, seeding to harvest: 6 to 8 weeks. Use: As pot herbs; shipped fresh, canned, frozen.

4 Teton Avon Hybrid

5 Beet, Mangelwurzel, Sugar Beet, Swiss Chard Beta vulgaris
Origin: Mediterranean, from Greek times Biennial Outcrossing, perfect flowers, protandrous Wind pollinated

6 Beta vulgaris Biennial Outcrossing Wind-pollinated

7 Harvesting Mangels for feed (Beta vulgaris vulgaris) at Steve’s farm
Mangels of up to 63 lbs were harvested at Lulu Is. BC in 1900 (Stevenson Museum BC)

8 A mangel up close

9 Swiss chard Beta vulgaris cicla

10 Orach, mountain spinach Atriplex hortensis Origin Mediterranean: Greeks used
Mariquita farm, Hollister CA

11 Lamb’s-quarters Chenopodium album
Weed Leaves can be eaten SW Native Amer. Seed ground Monoecious- Male and female flowers in same plant Insect or wind pollinated

12 Does this look familiar?

13 Good King Henry Chenopodium bonicus-henricus
Also “fat hen plant” In English Gardens Perrenial, hardy Outbreeding

14 Quinoa Chenopodium quinoa

15 Quinoa grain

16 Quinoa variability

17 Quinoa harvesting

18 Nestle interested in large scale production of quinoa

19 Epizote, boldo Chenopodium ambrosiodes
Weed in Latin America Used as tea for human parasites Anti-nematode properties Plants of Hawaii

20 Chenopodium berlandieri
Used by Native Americans, pre corn’s arrival

21 Eastern US Domesticated four crops 1-2000 BC:
Squash Chenopodium berlandieri Sunflower Marshelder

22 Amaranthaceae Pigweeds Amaranthus sp.
A. retroflexus (redroot) Male and female flowers on same plant Outcrossing, wind-pollinated

23 Amaranthus Amaranthus hypochondiacus A. cruentus Origin: Andes

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