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Philosopher A person that offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics Phil – Love Sopher - Learning Philosopher is a noun. Aristotle was a.

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Presentation on theme: "Philosopher A person that offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics Phil – Love Sopher - Learning Philosopher is a noun. Aristotle was a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Philosopher A person that offers views or theories on profound questions in ethics Phil – Love Sopher - Learning Philosopher is a noun. Aristotle was a philosopher. Power point by C. Davis. Picture from http://fearofignorance. 0/17/quote-of-the-day- aristotle/

2 Bibliophile = a person who loves or collects books Biblio = an online market place to buy books Phile = lover of The army of bibliophiles marched to the library! I never knew the dictionary was so intriguing! Wbaird Block 4

3 DFleming 4 th

4 Philanthropist The people who made the Tower of London Were philanthropists. Philanthropist; Someone who does things for the good of man kind Phil; love Anthro; humans P. Bryant

5 Misanthrope Synonym- Cynic Antonym- Philanthropist Sentence- That man is a sorry misanthrope; I don’t know why he hates us so much. Picture- Misanthropist by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. Definition- Hater of mankind One who hates or distrusts mankind Roots- Misien- to hate Anthropos- man A. Imhoff

6 Miscreant A vicious or depraved person; villain Root: mis (hate) crea (belief) He belongs to a horrible gang of miscreants. K. Fitzpatrick

7 Maleficent: doing evil or harm adj. Maleficus- doing evil The maleficent queen has horns. J Moore

8 Adjective wishing or appearing to wish evil to others Mal = bad Vol = to wish or will The sock puppet was thinking malevolent thoughts about things to do to the boy. WBaird 4 Malevolent%20

9 Joe S Background from Mal = Bad “Utterly Bad” It’s a very dismal day with the rain and the clouds. Adj. Definition: depressing, gloomy

10 A utterance of good wishes Originat ed around 1400- 1450 BENE-good DICTION- speak NOUN Martin Luther King Jr. giving a speech about equality. co... D. Fleming

11 Benefactor Definition- A person who confers a benefit; a kindly helper Roots- – Bene- good – Facere- to do Noun Sentence- –That man is such a kind benefactor; he is always happy to help! A. Imhoff Television/Winnie_The_Poo h/gallery/WINNIEPOOHBV0 18/ Television/Winnie_The_Poo h/gallery/WINNIEPOOHBV0 18/

12 Amble Verb meaning to stroll Ambul - To walk As he ambled down the street he noticed that there wasn’t anyone else around. C. Davis

13 Roots: Ab- away from Duc- lead Definition: to carry off by force; kidnap Part of speech: Noun D. Tugman The man was abducted from his own house while watching the movie Signs.

14 Somnambulist Definition: A person who sleepwalks, or engages in activities normally associated with wakefulness while the person is asleep. Part of speech: Noun Root Words: Ambul=to walk Somn= sleep A Thiel and

15 Aberrant Adjective: Straying from the right or normal way Ab: away from Errare: to wander 1780 Animal friendship between species Video The aberrant cat continued to let the mouse chase him throughout the house. K. Weller

16 A MBULATORY Capable of walking; not stationary. AMBUL—To walk. AMBUL—To walk. Adjective. The tour we took around Europe was very ambulatory. C. Ezell 4 th hour

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