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© 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall, Experiencing MIS, David Kroenke

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1 © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall, Experiencing MIS, David Kroenke
Chapter 10 Systems Development © 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall, Experiencing MIS, David Kroenke

2 This Could Happen to You
Dee wanted to develop a blog for communication Focused goal Short time frame Was successful because system was simple Single contributor No user training RFID at DSI more sophisticated Vendors would need to place RFID chips Computer program would be needed to process data

3 Study Questions What is systems development?
Why is systems development difficult and risky? What are the five phases of the systems development life cycle? How is systems definition accomplished? What is the user’s role in the requirements phase? How are the five components designed? How is an information system implemented? What are the tasks for systems maintenance? What are the problems with SDLC? How does the knowledge from this chapter help DSI?

4 Systems Development Systems analysis and design
Process of creating and maintaining information systems Development involves all five components Requires more than programming or technical expertise Human relation skills Business knowledge Understanding of group dynamics Information systems are never off-the-shelf Must be adapted to fit needs of business and people

5 MIS in Use: Thinking Big about Systems Development
Large scale corporate information systems are more complex Need to ensure all employees are working toward same goals Must develop system that will function consistently in different languages May need to store information on worldwide use of product and the relevant laws Most information systems are process-design oriented Must be carefully planned and executed

6 Major Development Challenges
Difficulty of determining requirements Requirements change as system develops Scheduling and budgeting difficult to estimate Change as scope changes Technology changes Diseconomies of scale Brook’s Law

7 Systems Development Processes
Methodologies: Systems development life cycle (SDLC) Rapid application development (RAD) Object-oriented systems development (OOD) Extreme programming (XP) No single process works in all situations Different requirements Some systems wholly automated, others not Use augmentation system to fill gaps

8 SDLC Classical process with five phases: Systems definition
Management’s statement defines new system Requirements analysis Identify features and functions Component design Based on approved user requirements Implementation Implement, test, and install new system System maintenance Repair, add new features, maintain

9 Phases in SDLC Figure 10-2

10 Systems Definition Define goals and purpose for new system
Must facilitate organization’s competitive strategy Supports business processes Improves decision making Determine project’s scope May be delineated by users, processes, or facilities Assess feasibility of project Cost Schedule Technical Organizational feasibility

11 Systems Definition, continued
If deemed feasible, project team created from IT personnel and users Managers Systems analysts Programmers and software testers Users

12 Ethics Guide: Estimation Ethics
Buy-ins Companies agree to produce products for less than it knows will be required “Time and materials” contracts Fixed-cost contracts In-house projects are often started with buy-ins Projects started with hopes of more money later Team members may disagree about costs Not all costs may have been included in estimate Also may have buy-in on schedule

13 Requirements Analysis Phase
Determine and document features and functions Interview users Document requirements Examine existing system Review reports, forms, queries, application features Security and controls Approve requirements Less expensive to change system in this phase

14 Designing Components Develop and evaluate alternatives
Accurate requirements critical Hardware design determined by project team Software design depends on source Off-the-shelf Off-the-shelf with alterations Custom-developed programs Data model converted to database design Procedures designed for BI system Job descriptions created for users and operations personnel

15 Information System Implementation
System must be built Components constructed independently Document and review System testing Individual components tested System integrated and tested Users must be converted to new system

16 Systems Testing Test plan Product quality assurance (PQA) Beta testing
Sequences of actions that users take when employing system Both normal and incorrect actions should be considered Labor intensive Product quality assurance (PQA) Testing specialists Beta testing Future system users try out system on their own

17 System Conversion Converting business activity from old system to new
Pilot Organization implements entire system on single, limited unit If systems fails, it only affects limited boundary Reduces exposure Phased New system installed in phases Tested after each phase Continues until installed at entire organization Can’t be used in tightly integrated systems

18 System Conversion, continued
Parallel New system runs in parallel with old system during testing Expensive and time consuming Data must be entered twice Provides easy fallback position Plunge Direct installation Install new system and discontinue old There is no backup position

19 Systems Maintenance Fixing or adapting system
Need method to track system failures and enhancements Corrections usually prioritized based on severity Enhancements usually prioritized based on business decision Must generate reasonable rate of return Decision to restart systems development process

20 Problems With SDLC SDLC waterfall
Phases are not supposed to be repeated Often teams have need to repeat requirements and/or design phases Difficulty in documenting requirements Analysis paralysis or uncertain requirements Scheduling and budget difficulties Multiyear projects difficult to properly schedule Estimations on labor often produce insufficient budgets

21 Guide: The Real Estimation Process
Estimating is just theory Project managers sum up estimates and take to management Management then negotiates the schedule and budget Every change will negatively impact the project Start with optimistic schedules and end up with late projects

22 How Does the Knowledge from This Chapter Help You at DSI?
You can now give a summary of the phases of SDLC Describe tasks more specifically Create a realistic schedule

23 Active Review What is systems development?
Why is systems development difficult and risky? What are the five phases of the systems development life cycle? How is systems definition accomplished? What is the user’s role in the requirements phase? How are the five components designed? How is an information system implemented? What are the tasks for systems maintenance? What are the problems with SDLC? How does the knowledge from this chapter help DSI?

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