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Java developer tools Emanuel Dohi Lars Larsson

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Presentation on theme: "Java developer tools Emanuel Dohi Lars Larsson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Java developer tools Emanuel Dohi (‏ Lars Larsson (‏

2 What is an IDE? (Integrated Development Environment)‏ source code editor compiler build automation tools debugger version control system GUI builder class browser object inspector Etc…

3 IDE alternatives Eclipse NetBeans Both are free, have GUI-builder, debugger, CVS, mobility pack, can be used for Java and C/C++, can handle external compile/build/deploy such as ANT. They also have plugins for profiling and javadoc generation. Both are platform independent and can be used on both Linux and Windows… Another useful application is ESS-model.

4 Comments as JavaDoc / Code style JavaDoc /** The add function calculates c = a + b @param A first integer to add @param B second integer to add @return the integer value of A+B **/ int add(int A, int B) { return (A+B); } Code convention

5 CVS, Debugging, Testing CVS - What is it for? For CVS access at computing science contact and simply ask for one (including the usernames that should have access, i.e. your group). Debugging stepping in/out, breakpoints, watchers, etc… Unit testing

6 Demo Creating a project in Eclipse Auto compilation / error and warning helper Class / function helper CTRL-ALT-SPACE / sysout / syserr / for Refactor Getters and Setters Auto comments Compile / Run / External builders (ANT)‏ Debugger CVS GUI with NetBeans

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