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Presentation on theme: "IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers."— Presentation transcript:


2 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives”

3 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page Wars and regional conflicts leave millions of children and adults without any alternatives in the future.

4 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page Education opens the world of opportunities to everybody. Well-functioning schools, available textbooks and competent teachers, all together are prerequisites to normalcy.

5 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page We want to promote literacy and open doors into the world of education for every child or adult who needs it

6 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page by joining teachers willing to provide their knowledge and experience from all countries and helping them to take part in UNESCO educational programs. UNESCO

7 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First pageChildren 1.were born in the 80’s during the war between Iraq and Iran. 2.grew up in times of subsequent international economic sanctions. 3.are now maturing in a transition period following April 2003 defeat of SADDAM Husayn regime by US-led coalition. SITUATION

8 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First pageChildren have identified themselves with conflict and have identified themselves with conflict and seek the earliest opportunity seek the earliest opportunity to take up arms against their perceived enemies to take up arms against their perceived enemies SITUATION

9 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First pagePopulation SITUATION 24,683,313 of people (July 2003 est.) only 40.4% can at least read and write male: 55.9% female: 24.4% (2003 est.)

10 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First pageCountry SITUATION 80% of Iraq’s 25,000 schools are in poor condition. As many as 180 students occupied one classroom with an average of one textbook per six students. (Paul Wolfowintz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Washington, DC, 05/22/03)

11 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First pageSITUATION What future do these children have? What future does this country have?

12 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page Education is to help them to find their future in peace and stability.

13 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” Next page Next page Enter website Education for all Education for all UN Literacy Decade UN Literacy Decade

14 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First pageOBJECTIVES 1.address to all teachers of the world for their advise and help 2.distribute information on educational needs of Iraq 3.collect information about teachers, assistants and interpreters willing to work in Iraq

15 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page OBJECTIVES (cont) 4.provide them with an opportunity to participate in UNESCO educational program 5.provide teachers who take part in our program with sufficient salaries and living

16 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page WHOM WE ARE ADDRESSING 1.teachers of all school levels: elementary, secondary and high. 2.assistants 3.graduates connected with educational studies 4.interpreters

17 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page SOURCES OF OUR FUNDING 1.USAID funding 2.Grants 3.Donations

18 IRAQ IRAQ RECONSTRUCTION RECONSTRUCTION Teachers Sans Frontiers “Education provides alternatives” First page First page Education is to help them to find their future in peace and stability.


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