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EDGE™ Project P09122: MAV Control System Erik Bellandi.

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Presentation on theme: "EDGE™ Project P09122: MAV Control System Erik Bellandi."— Presentation transcript:

1 EDGE™ Project P09122: MAV Control System Erik Bellandi

2 EDGE™ Contents Background Planning Concept Development Risk Assessment Future Plan

3 EDGE™ Background Past projects focused on obtaining small size MAV rules have changed so focus is on autonomy with small size being secondary. Fly autonomously indoors and out MIT Autonomous UAV Aerobatics Project

4 EDGE™ Planning

5 EDGE™ Project Mission Statement Product Description /Project Overview To design and build a flight control system for the Micro Aerial Vehicle, that will most quickly lead to a fully autonomous system. Key Business Goals/Project Deliverables Primary Business Goals: – Make the MAV as autonomous as possible. A control system able to stabilize and control the flight of the MAV based on inputs. A control system that can be adapted for flight conditions, payloads and platform characteristics. A fully tested control system capable of integrating to the MAV platform. Secondary Business Goal: – Compete in the 2009 MAV Competition. Primary Customers Dr. Jeffrey Kozak Advisor to MAV Teams MAV Team Other Stakeholders Other 2009 MAV projects Vendors Funding Projects RIT

6 EDGE™ Staffing Requirements NameDiscipline/RoleDescription/Skills Dr. KozakMechanical Engineering Faculty Guide Will work closely with the team on a regular basis to guide progress. Dr. CrassidisMechanical Engineering Faculty Consultant Will provide technical support on an intermittent basis. TBD StudentMechanical Engineering Control Systems Will need to work on the controls system analysis and develop the control laws. TBD StudentMechanical Engineering Flight Dynamics Will need to analyze the flight dynamics of the current platform and calculate stability requirements. TBD StudentMechanical Engineering Test Stand Will need to design dynamic test stand to test response or control system. TBD StudentElectrical Engineering Test Stand Will need to design dynamic test stand to test response or control system. TBD StudentComputer/Electrical Eng. Controls/Electronics Will need to design electronics to transmit data and power the system. TBD StudentComputer Engineer Controller Will need to program microcontroller, get it functional and integrated it into the system.

7 EDGE™ Intellectual Property Considerations All work to be released to the public domain. The intent of the project is for it to be used for future projects and to give students knowledge and experience in the area of aeronautics and controls. All work completed by students in this project is expected to be released to the public domain. Students, Faculty, Staff, and other participants in the project will be expected to release rights to their designs, documents, drawings, etc., to the public domain, so that others may freely build upon the results and findings without constraint. Students, Faculty, and Staff associated with the project are encouraged to publish findings, data, and results openly.

8 EDGE™ Work Breakdown Structure

9 EDGE™ Preliminary Schedule

10 EDGE™ Team Values and Norms Punctual Each team member will be prompt and arrive at the team meetings on time. If an unexpected conflict comes up, the absent team member will notify at least one team-mate prior to the expected absence. The absent team-member should confirm that a team-mate has received their message (in person, voice mail, email, etc). Thorough Each team member will complete their tasks thoroughly and completely, so that the work does not have to be re-done by a peer on the team. If a member does not know how to complete a task, feels overwhelmed, or needs assistance then the member notifies peers, and seeks assistance either from a peer, the faculty guide, a faculty consultant, or another person. Accurate Each team member completes their work accurately and in a way that can be easily checked for accuracy by peers and the faculty guide. All work is fully documented and easy to follow. Professional and Ethical Each team member gives credit where credit is due. All work completed includes citations to appropriate literature, or sources of assistance. If a team member has gotten assistance from a publication or individual, then that assistance or guidance is fully documented in the reports prepared. Each team member is honest and trustworthy in their dealings with their peers. Committed Each team member will contribute an equal share to the success of the project. Vision Focused Each team member should continually be focused on achieving the mission statement: To design and build a flight control system for the Micro Aerial Vehicle, that will most quickly lead to a fully autonomous system. All decisions and efforts should reflect this and lead to progress towards the mission.

11 EDGE™ Grading Assessment Scheme Deliverables – Develop a system that will stabilize flight and will recover if disturbed and be able to adjust to mild or moderate wind gusts and maneuvers. –System can be configured for any various platform characteristics. –System is fully tested according to testing matrices to be defined during MSD I. –System will be integrated into MAV platform at the end of MSD II. GradeMSD IMSD II DDesign reflects a minimum amount of effort. The team has decided upon a control system method and tests that should be completed for MSD II Design reflects a minimum amount of effort. The team has programmed the microcontroller and demonstrated movement of the control surfaces following a disturbance. CDesign reflects an average amount of effort. The team has completed the tasks for a grade of D as well as having the control system be configurable for a couple of parameters. The team has also designed a test fixture to test a couple of the systems capabilities. Design reflects an average amount of effort. The team has completed the tasks for a grade of D as well as having built a simple test fixture and has demonstrated correct direction of movement of the control surfaces following a disturbance. BDesign reflects a good amount of effort. The team has completed the tasks for a grade of C as well as being configurable for any parameter. The team has also designed a test fixture to test the necessary systems capabilities. Design reflects a good amount of effort. The team has completed the tasks for a grade of C as well as having built a comprehensive test fixture. The team has also demonstrated the system moved the surface the amount needed to recover from the disturbance. ADesign reflects an outstanding amount of effort. The team has completed the tasks for a grade of B as well as designing a test fixture for all the systems capabilities. The team also designed the system to have a small element of autonomy. Design reflects an outstanding amount of effort. The team has completed the tasks for a grade of B as well as performing flight testing and integrated the system into a MAV platform.

12 EDGE™ Required Resources NameDescriptionAvailable Dr. KozakFaculty GuideYes Dr. CrassidisTechnical ConstantYes Faculty ItemSourceDescriptionAvailable Work/Meeting RoomMAV RoomLocation to work and meet.Yes Additional SpaceDesign CenterMay need additional work space depending on number and size of MAV team(s). Yes Space ItemSourceDescriptionAvailable Computers/SoftwareME/EE/CE LabsLocation to work and meet.Yes Controller/SoftwarePrevious MAV / O-Navi Controller, programming software and cablesYes ElectronicsEE/CE Labs/MAV Room Initial Testing, interface and initial designYes Testing EquipmentME/EE/CE dept MAV Room Computer, Power supply, multi-meter, oscilloscope, TBD TBD Equipment

13 EDGE™ Concept Development

14 EDGE™ Identify Customer Needs Needs Hierarchy 1.Control Capability 1.Be as autonomous as possible. 2.Create a stable flight. 1.Command the control surfaces appropriately. 3.Have a video relay system. 4.Process data from all inputs.. 2.Adaptability 1.Calibrated for the platform characteristics. 2.Compensate for environmental conditions. 3.Compensate for various payloads. 4.Have interchangeable sensors. 3.Receive Inputs 1.Work simultaneously with remote input. 2.Measure the current conditions. 3.Have GPS capability. 4.Weight 1.Be light weight 5.Independence 1.Be independent of the platform.

15 EDGE™ Identify Customer Needs Relative Importance of Needs (1=Highest) #NeedNeeds ToImportance 1.1Autonomous as PossibleAs many autonomous functions as resources permit 7 1.2Create Stable FlightCompensate for instability1 1.2.1Command SurfacesMove Surface appropriate direction and amount1 1.3Video RelayCapture and relay surroundings to fly remotely10 2.1Process DataReceive Data and determine action4 2.2Calibrated for platformControl based on Aerodynamics of platform8 2.3Compensate for Environment Correct and Recover from environmental disturbance 3 2.4Compensate for PayloadAdjust aerodynamics based on payloads11 2.5Interchangeable SensorsUpgradeable and Replaceable12 3.1Simultaneous with RemoteWork concurrently and assist during remote input 5 3.2Measure ConditionsCollect data of all in-flight conditions2 3.3GPS CapabilityMeasure and program position13 4.1Light WeightMinimize weight <0.5kg9 5.1Independent from platformNot reliant on other projects, configurable and testable 6

16 EDGE™ Establish Target Specifications List of Metrics NumberMetricImportanceUnits 1Recover from 5mph gust5Mph, m/s 2Fly straight and level within a foot over a distance of 50 ft 6ft, m 3Have at least 6 changeable parameters7# 4Weight less then 0.5 kg.4kg,lb 5All testing matrices completed1# 6Receive and process remote signal2Y/N 7Transmit data to ground unit8List 8Process and use data from all sensors3Y/N - List 9Determine it’s position within 1 foot9ft, m 10Fly a designated pattern within 2 feet10ft, m

17 EDGE™ Risk Assessment RiskProbabilitySeverityOverall RiskMitigation FundingLow Working this summer to get funding and already have important components from this years team Faculty Guide Leaving MedLowMedAs soon as it is determined talk to other faculty who are focused on controls. Trouble programming microcontroller Med Work with company ASAP to get new products and software. Other team’s delays prevent integration Low Test system with test fixture and flight testing with either OTS kit plane or previous year’s MAV platform.

18 EDGE™ Future Plan Where do we go from here? Outstanding Items –Obtain Funding –Look into additional work space and equipment depending on size of MAV Team(s). –Refine Schedule at beginning of SD I according to Team skills. Recommendation –Recommend to run the project. Staffing and goals are very obtainable and project would greatly benefit RIT’s Aerospace program and future MAV Teams. Funding is only uncertainty but is low risk because of equipment from previous teams.

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