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Survey Metadata Documentation Sue Ellen Hansen, Gina-Qian Cheung, Kirsten Alcser, Grant Benson, Ashley Bowers, Karl Dinkelmann, Youhong Liu, Beth-Ellen.

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Presentation on theme: "Survey Metadata Documentation Sue Ellen Hansen, Gina-Qian Cheung, Kirsten Alcser, Grant Benson, Ashley Bowers, Karl Dinkelmann, Youhong Liu, Beth-Ellen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Survey Metadata Documentation Sue Ellen Hansen, Gina-Qian Cheung, Kirsten Alcser, Grant Benson, Ashley Bowers, Karl Dinkelmann, Youhong Liu, Beth-Ellen Pennell, Marsha Skoman ISR Janet Harkness, Peter Ph. Mohler ZUMA IASSIST 2005 Edinburgh May 25, 2005

2 2Goals Collect sufficiently detailed data about the survey design and implementation process:  Facilitate standardization and cross-cultural comparison Standard measures DDI compliant XML metadata  Archive survey information and materials  Facilitate replication  Meet contractual obligations  Reduce administrative burden

3 3Goals Also to facilitate:  Monitoring of processes E.g., review and approval of sample designs before implementation  Assessment of process quality  Improvements in methods and measures  Analysis and correct use of data

4 4Obstacles Time and cost constraints Complexity of computer assisted interviewing (CAI) systems and instruments Lack of adequate tools for documenting survey lifecycle

5 5 Survey Metadata Documentation System (SMDS) ISR and ZUMA collaborative development Tool designed to facilitate documentation of survey lifecycle  from initial design  through data collection  to post-survey processing and archiving

6 6SMDS Features:  Supports multiple users simultaneously  Modularized  Web-based  Easy navigation  Built in skip logic

7 7SMDS Features:  Designed to follow the survey documentation life-cycle capture relevant information when it happens  Data reporting options by country, module, or question  Data extraction to third party software package

8 8SMDS Metadata Modules  General National Study Information  Ethics Review/Consideration  Sample Design  Translation Process and Products  Interviewers and Interviewer Training  Pretesting  Data Collection  Quality Control  Dataset Preparation/Final Report Information  Data Depositing

9 9 User Login

10 10 SMDS Modules Select modules in any order; complete in multiple sessions.

11 11 Module Contact Information

12 12 Translation Module

13 13 Quality Control Module

14 14 Sample Design Module Dynamic display of fields based on skip logic

15 15 Sample Design Module (4): Report

16 16 Example: Cross Country Comparison

17 17Summary SMDS:  Web- based data entry tool for capturing information about all phases of survey life cycle  Standardized, primarily closed questions, for all surveys, all countries Facilitates collection of comparative information Can search on discrete variables for cross-national comparisons  Multiple user access, data entry for single survey  Dynamic, incorporates skip logic  Can generate comparative reports across countries, surveys

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