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Role of Technology in GCC Integration. GCC Countries: the current status Gulf Cooperative Council Members Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE.

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Presentation on theme: "Role of Technology in GCC Integration. GCC Countries: the current status Gulf Cooperative Council Members Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Role of Technology in GCC Integration

2 GCC Countries: the current status Gulf Cooperative Council Members Bahrain Kuwait Oman Qatar Saudi Arabia UAE

3 GCC Trade


5 Integration the Key to Progress Progress Social Economic Environmental Services

6 Social Progress Social Welfare Social Security Pension and Old Age Support Services Education Primary and secondary education Manpower training Higher Education Healthcare Hospital Community Clinics

7 Economic Progress Standard of Living Increase in per capita income Job training investment Job Creation Industrialization and Manufacturing Research & Development

8 Services e-Government Citizenship (ID) and passport (e-passport) Immigration control (e-visa) Social Department Revenue collection e-Banking Paperless transactions Utility bills payment Investments e-Business Business transactions Internet marketing

9 IT the Great Integrator Information Technology Social ProgressEconomic Progress Government Services

10 Ingredients of IT Information, telecommunications, and computers form the backbone of IT. Information is a collection of data that conveys the status of a system or a command to take certain action. Telecommunication is a conduit for the information flow. Computers are machines to process information.

11 Computer Networks and Society e-Systems e-government e-commerce Distance learning Virtual Networks of Excellence Education

12 Benefits of Technology e-Commerce is for today and the future Region-wide electronic trading system Transparency is a very important issue and it is driven by technology e-commerce will radically alter the structure of trade.

13 Challenges Limited access to technology Low adoption of technology in education Limited job opportunities for IT specialists Lack of legal framework for new economy and market size limitations.

14 Limitations Limitations are created by policy inadequacy – both economic and social. We need reforms in Banking, in investment laws, property rights We need to stabilize, diversify, privitize, develop capital markets, and development of human resources.

15 Education and Human Resource Development Creation of Knowledge Economy and use of technology in all aspects of society. School dropout rates is climbing and are currently highest in the history.

16 The Role of Educational Institutions in Development

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