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Creativity/Be Interesting. NASA Test 1600 5 year olds Later at 10 yrs, 15 yrs Results 5 yr olds - 98% 10 yr olds - 30% 15 yr olds - 12% 280,000 adults.

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Presentation on theme: "Creativity/Be Interesting. NASA Test 1600 5 year olds Later at 10 yrs, 15 yrs Results 5 yr olds - 98% 10 yr olds - 30% 15 yr olds - 12% 280,000 adults."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creativity/Be Interesting

2 NASA Test 1600 5 year olds Later at 10 yrs, 15 yrs Results 5 yr olds - 98% 10 yr olds - 30% 15 yr olds - 12% 280,000 adults - 2% CONCLUSION!

3 Why? Educational System designed during Industrial Revolution to train people to be good workers and follow directions.

4 20 Characteristics of Genius 1)Vision 2)Desire 3)Faith 4)Commitment 5)Planning 6)Persistence 7)Learning from Mistakes

5 20 Characteristics of Genius 8) Subject Knowledge 9) Mental Literacy 10) Imagination 11) Positive Attitude 12) Auto-Suggestion 13) Intuition 14) Mastermind Group (Real)

6 20 Characteristics of Genius 15) Mastermind Group (Internal) 16) Truth/Honesty 17) Facing Fears/Courage 18) Creativity/Flexibility 19) Love of the Task 20) Energy (Physical/ Sensual/Sexual)

7 Mind Mapping Note taking  Complete Transcript  Summary  Key Words

8 Mind Mapping 1 = Least Learned 1) Complete transcript given 2) Student writes transcript 3) Summary Given 4) Student writes Summary 5) Key words given 6) Student selected key words 6 = Most learned

9 Mind Mapping Visual Memory Originality

10 Resources

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