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T-527 How to Teach For Understanding Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy Session 1.

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Presentation on theme: "T-527 How to Teach For Understanding Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy Session 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 T-527 How to Teach For Understanding Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy Session 1

2 T-527 Fall 2009 Challenge = bridge knowledge-action gap Connecting educational research with your experience and practice

3 T-527 Fall 2009 Using theory To design and analyze practice

4 T-527 Fall 2009 T527 Focus and Process Educational Principles Educational Technologies How can we deepen learning? Reflective Community Designs for Learning

5 T-527 Fall 2009 Goals for today What are the big questions for T527? How can I connect my experience to this course? Who are my classmates in T527? Where do I stand in relation to varied perspectives on curriculum and pedagogy? How will we investigate the big questions in T527? How can I plan a generative project?

6 T-527 Fall 2009 Big Questions How can we design curriculum that deepens meaningful learning? How can we infuse new technologies to enhance teaching and learning for understanding? How can we develop a collaborative, reflective community of learners?

7 Learning Activities Overview: Curriculum, Pedagogy, Technology How to Teach and Foster Learning: Throughlines/Targets of Difficulty, Topics, Goals Performances, Assessment, Community Implementation Issues: Diverse Learners, Technology and Change, Alignment Explore topics, partners Develop/refine proposal Learn, draft plans, reflect, revise Collaborate on review and feedback Articulate the rationale for your design Present your project ReadingsProject Community Share your expertise Exchange ideas and feedback

8 Education is a continuing reconstruction of experience. John Dewey

9 T-527 Fall 2009 Reflecting on your experience of understanding: Meeting your course mates  Think about something that you understand well….  Evidence: How can you tell that you understand it?  Process: How did you come to understand it?  Find one person in the class whom you don’t know …  Compare and contrast your answers to these questions  List some common themes  List some differences  What is understanding? How is it fostered?

10 T-527 Fall 2009 T527 Focus and Process Educational Principles Educational Technologies How can we deepen learning? Reflective Community Designs for Learning

11 T-527 Fall 2009 Perspectives on Curriculum and Pedagogy History, philosophy, politics, models, technology Dewey: education as reconstruction of experience Kinchloe: traditional vs. holistic models of curriculum, the politics of curriculum (including hidden and null) Darling-Hammond: social perspective on planned, enacted, and hidden curriculum; professional responsibilities amidst constraints Joyce: models of teaching/concepts of learning Partnership for 21 st Century Skills: implications of technology, globalization,

12 T-527 Fall 2009 Take a position:  Curriculum is a product that lays out the course students and teachers will follow through one or more subject matters  Curriculum is a process of understanding the self in relation to the world Where do you stand on this continuum? Why? How did the readings influence your position?

13 T-527 Fall 2009 Discussion Questions  How did this week’s readings influence your thinking and your position on this continuum?  The readings focus on k-12 schools in the US…  Are they relevant to other contexts for learning?  Other countries? Talk in small groups Share themes with whole group

14 T-527 Fall 2009 How can I plan a generative project? Design your project so that it creates a strong bridge between the course goals and your interests Use the project to connect and critique principles with practice Consider collaborating with a practicing educator and one or more classmates

15 T-527 Fall 2009

16 Project discussion groups (suggested) High School 1 Joel, Benjamin, Alex, Christopher High School 2Courtney, Katharine, Scott, Carolyn Adult LearningLaura, Sara, Leslie, Marcy Middle School 1 Toyin, Joshua, Jodi, Kelly Middle School 2 Shaheer, Rob, Winnie, Christine, Sam ElementaryRobyn, Lisa, Caroline, Lindsay, Dianne, InternationalJenny, Janhvi, Pouney, Bau Jun

17 Preparing for class next week Readings: compare the authors’ perspectives on the roles of educational technologies; consider them in relation to your own and your partner educator’s views. Think, take notes, collaborate. Project: explore partnerships with teachers and classmates. Use the course website discussion area to exchange ideas and plans. Website: check the announcement area of the website for updates about course activities. Meet Stone during office hours, if you wish: Wednesday, Sept. 9, 10-noon at Longfellow 324

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