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Multicultural tensions, culturally diverse solutions? Dr. Dianne Gereluk and Dr. Richard Race, Multicultural Britain: From Anti-Racism to Identity Politics.

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Presentation on theme: "Multicultural tensions, culturally diverse solutions? Dr. Dianne Gereluk and Dr. Richard Race, Multicultural Britain: From Anti-Racism to Identity Politics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multicultural tensions, culturally diverse solutions? Dr. Dianne Gereluk and Dr. Richard Race, Multicultural Britain: From Anti-Racism to Identity Politics to …? Roehampton University June 14th, 2006.

2 Aims and Objectives  Comparatively analyse multicultural tensions within education  Are multicultural policies leading to segregationist responses?  Is education socially dividing communities? (DfES, 2005; 2006)  Can identity politics lead to culturally diverse solutions?

3 ‘Together we Learn’ There are still very different mixes of young people from different ethnic groups in the different schools. Some parents and pupils are anxious about racial incidents and bullying at school. Across all of Lancashire’s schools, there were474 racial incidents reported in 2004-05. This is higher than some years ago – but head teachers, trade unionists and independent people all agree that this is because young people are more willing to speak out, and know that the problem is taken seriously. _The_Real_Story.pdf _The_Real_Story.pdf Last Accessed 13th June 2006

4 Race Riots in France  27 October 2005 two boys were fatally electrocuted, with a third boy injured  Sparked riots throughout France and other countries

5 Kirpan allowed in Canadian schools  2001 Gurbaj Multani, dropped his kirpan in the school playground  2002 Supreme Court of Quebec ruled in favour  2004, Quebec Court of Appeal overturned decision  2006 Supreme Court of Canada ruled in favour of the Multanis

6 Comparative Differences CanadaEnglandFrance Socio-economic factors Strong Sikh community British Black felt that Black Asian taking over Poverty & youth unemployment higher in the cites than nat’l standard Racial tensionsNot really present between individuals, but at institutional level Inter racial tensions ‘immigrant’ communities and trad’l French State approachLegal requirement – Cdn. Charter of rights and freedoms Commission of racial equality, but primary focus on white and ‘other’ Enforcing the civil republican tradition – with banning of religious symbols, and patchy policies (Muslim Worship 2003)

7 Developing underpinning multicultural values in society and schools  Requirements  Expectations  Encouragement  Aspirations

8 References  Carens, J. (2000) Culture, Citizenship, and Community: A contextual exploration of justice as evenhandedness, Oxford: Oxford University Press.  Carens, J. (2006) ‘Fear vs. Fairness: Migration, Citizenship and the Transformation of Political Community, Philosophy of Education Yearbook, forthcoming.  Economist. (Nov 14 2005) An underclass rebellion, Economist.  Gereluk, D. (2005) Should Muslim headscarves be banned in French schools? Theory and Research in Education, 3 (3), pp. 259-271.  Gereluk, D. (2006) Education and Community, London: Continuum  Gereluk, D. (2006) ‘Why can’t I wear this? Banning symbolic clothing in schools, Philosophy of Education Yearbook, forthcoming  Gillborn, D. (2006) Citizenship education as placebo: ‘standard’, institutional racism and education policy, Education, Citizenship and social justice, 1(1), 83-104.  Race, R. (2005) Analysing the historical evolution of ethnic education policy-making in England, 1965-2005, Historische Sozialforschung, Vol 30, No.4, 176-190.  Uitermark, J., Rossi, U, & vanHoutum, H. (2005) Reinventing Multiculturalism: Urban Citizenship and the Negotiation of Ethnic Diversity in Amsterdam. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 29(30, 662-40.

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