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Labour in Power January 13, 2012 William Beveridge and his report (1942)

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2 Labour in Power January 13, 2012

3 William Beveridge and his report (1942)

4 Winston Churchill – more convincing at war than at peace

5 Britain’s general election, July 1945

6 Clement Attlee, the victor of 1945 Of 640 seats in the House of Commons: Labour wins 393 seats (up from 154) Conservatives win 197 seats (down from 386) Liberals win 12 seats (down from 21)

7 Manchester, July 5, 1948: The National Health Service treats its first official patient

8 Britain’s empire in 1945: yellow = formal empire or Commonwealth shaded = informal control

9 Stafford Cripps, the apostle of austerity

10 Austerity Britain: rationing

11 Austerity Britain: working-class communities

12 Austerity Britain: postwar family life

13 Ernest Bevin: trade unionist & foreign minister

14 British instructors training Greeks, ca. 1947 (for more photos from the Greek Civil War: click here)click here

15 Bevin washes his hands of Palestine

16 Partitioning India: Lord Mountbatten meets with Nehru, Gandhi, Jinnah and develops the “Mountbatten Plan”

17 August 15, 1947: Indian independence & the creation of Pakistan

18 Communal riots in Delhi during the Partition

19 Partitioning India: Mass flight – in both directions

20 Churchill delivers his “Iron Curtain” speech at Westminster College, Fulton, MO (March 5, 1946)

21 President Harry Truman announces the “Truman Doctrine” to Congress (March 12, 1947)

22 NATO signing ceremony (April 4, 1949) Original members: USA Canada Iceland Norway Denmark United Kingdom France Belgium Netherlands Luxembourg Portugal Italy

23 The founding of the Council of Europe (May 1949) Permanent Base: Strasbourg, France

24 Winston Churchill speaks to throngs in Strasbourg (August 1949)

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