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User-System Interaction a challenge for the present and the future Prof. dr. Matthias Rauterberg IPO Center for User-System Interaction Eindhoven University.

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Presentation on theme: "User-System Interaction a challenge for the present and the future Prof. dr. Matthias Rauterberg IPO Center for User-System Interaction Eindhoven University."— Presentation transcript:

1 User-System Interaction a challenge for the present and the future Prof. dr. Matthias Rauterberg IPO Center for User-System Interaction Eindhoven University of Technology

2 Two approaches for Ergonomics limits attractors assessmentdesign principles

3 Interdisciplinary Research Approach Design relevant knowledge Empirical evaluation Interactive systems

4 What is an Interactive System (IS) ? userinteractionsystem perception action(s) IS := {IS*, Human, ICT component, [ additional component ]}


6 What are the research topics of USI? system user Working domain Communication / Co-operation Home / Office Environment Financial / Medical Sector Knowledge Management Product / Process Industry Transportation / Logistic Teaching and Learning Working system Science perception cognition action Application user-centered design Engineering audio interfaces computer vision/graphics speech interfaces tactile interfaces Goal: P a => P d

7 Cooperation with Industry

8 The optimization problem user system costs degree of usability optimum

9 What are the technical challenges? New interaction styles –speech input/output –computer vision based input (e.g., gestures) –audio interfaces (e.g., non-speech audio) –tactile and force feedback New interface concepts –adaptive and intelligent software –natural user interfaces

10 Trends in User Interface Technology Ubiquitous and Mobile computing Ambient rooms and Cooperative buildings

11 Perception Space –The physical space where the user’s attention is. Action Space –The physical space where the user acts in. Design Principle: –perception space and action space must coincide! What is design relevant knowledge?


13 Electronic Performance Support System Food processing plant worker with a first-generation prototype wearable computer. Possible applications include support for quality control data collection or assistance with environmental auditing. This system gives its users the information the users need to perform a task as they actually perform the task.

14 Airline Applications This remarkable ultra-lightweight computer, worn as a belt, delivers maximum information to users with a minimum of work. Designed for individuals who demand mobility, this computer offers voice control and heads up display for complete, hands-free operation. Users can enter or retrieve information while going about their jobs, instead of constantly returning to the shop area to check a stationary computer, or stopping work to punch keys.

15 The Virtual Workbench The KOSIMA project at the TU Aachen

16 Head-up Displays in Cars More information and less distraction Information on the state of the road, on the speed of the vehicle in front (supplied by the intelligent cruise control), on obstacles lying around the next bend in the road identified by the remote detection system, or direction arrows sent by the driver guidance system... drivers will be receiving more and more information from "intelligent" vehicle systems.

17 Natural User Interfaces (NUI) No technical equipment inside the body space of the user! 2. design principle Perception space and action space must coincide! 1. design principle


19 NUI: The First Round Design principle Field test

20 virtual player real chip virtual chips overhead projector video camera NEW button NUI (1): The Digital Playing Desk

21 Digital Playing Desk: Playing time per game

22 Digital Playing Desk: winning chance per dialog technique computer win remis user win Cell Line Chart for "winning chance" Grouping Variable(s): Interface type Error Bars: ± 1 Standard Deviation(s) CIMITIDPD P<.001P<.080P<.020 P<.802 P<.001 P<.007

23 NUI: The Second Round Design principle Experiments

24 BUILD-IT: an integrative design tool design team with different domain knowledge unconstrained social interaction integration of form and content intuitive interaction style

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