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Alberto Abián AgLT 2009 (Budapest - November 2009) Organic.Edunet Case Study: Harvesting Federated Organic AgLRs in a Portal.

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Presentation on theme: "Alberto Abián AgLT 2009 (Budapest - November 2009) Organic.Edunet Case Study: Harvesting Federated Organic AgLRs in a Portal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alberto Abián AgLT 2009 (Budapest - November 2009) Organic.Edunet Case Study: Harvesting Federated Organic AgLRs in a Portal

2 2 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Overall guidelines IntroductionIntroduction Organic.Edunet architectureOrganic.Edunet architecture –Metadata SCAM Repository –Metadata harvesting mechanism –Semantic module –Web portal ConclusionsConclusions

3 3 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Introduction Organic.Edunet aims to facilitate access, usage and exploitation of digital educational content related to Organic Agriculture (OA) and Agroecology (AE).Organic.Edunet aims to facilitate access, usage and exploitation of digital educational content related to Organic Agriculture (OA) and Agroecology (AE). It will deploy a multilingual online federation of learning repositories, populated with quality content from various content producers.It will deploy a multilingual online federation of learning repositories, populated with quality content from various content producers. The Organic.Edunet Web portal will facilitate end-users’ search, retrieval, access and use of the content in a multilingual environment.The Organic.Edunet Web portal will facilitate end-users’ search, retrieval, access and use of the content in a multilingual environment.

4 4 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) List of participants The consortium consists of 15 contractor organizations from 10 countries: Greece, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Estonia, United Kingdom, Hungary, Romania, Germany.The consortium consists of 15 contractor organizations from 10 countries: Greece, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Austria, Estonia, United Kingdom, Hungary, Romania, Germany. There are four kind of partners:There are four kind of partners: -Content provider -Technological partner -Quality assurance -Expert in educational methods and users UAH together with KTH and GRNET are in charge of the technical development.UAH together with KTH and GRNET are in charge of the technical development.

5 5 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Organic.Edunet architecture

6 6 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Content Provider CONTENT PROVIDER (Estonian University of Life Sciences) LEARNINGOBJECT METADATA ANNOTATION TOOL SCAMREPOSITORY1 CONTENT PROVIDER (Intute) LEARNINGOBJECT METADATA ANNOTATION TOOL SCAMREPOSITORY2 European Fertilizer Manufacturers Assoc. (EFMA) European Fertilizer Manufacturers Assoc. (EFMA) <dc:desc>...</dc:desc> <general><title> European Fertilizer Manufacturers Assoc </title></general></lom>

7 7 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) ONTOLOGIES Harvesting mechanism SCAMREPOSITORY SCAMREPOSITORY SCAMREPOSITORY SCAMREPOSITORY Ont-space synchronization mechanism OAI-PMH XML Files (IEEE LOM)

8 8 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Harvesting – IDENTIFY SCAMREPOSITORY HARVESTER Identify request Identify response <OAI-PMH> 2009-11-03T07:13:35Z 2009-11-03T07:13:35Z SCAM Repository SCAM Repository 2.0 2.0 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z 2000-01-01T00:00:00Z no no YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ gzip gzip deflate deflate </OAI-PMH>

9 9 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Harvesting – LIST SETS SCAMREPOSITORY HARVESTER ListSet request ListSet response <OAI-PMH><responseDate>2009-11-03T12:35:54Z</responseDate></request><ListSets><set><setSpec></setSpec><setName>MIKSIKE</setName></set><set><setSpec></setSpec> Nikos Manouselis Nikos Manouselis...</ListSets></OAI-PMH>

10 10 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) <oai-pmh><responsedate>2009-11-03T12:44:33Z</responsedate> <listidentifiers><header><identifier>oai:scam:</identifier><datestamp>2009-10-27T17:14:42Z</datestamp><setspec></setspec></header><header>...</header>…</oai-pmh> Harvesting – LIST RECORDS SCAMREPOSITORY HARVESTER ListRecords request ListRecords response

11 11 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Harvested files example (I)

12 12 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Harvested files example (II)

13 13 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Semantic module ONTOLOGIES Ont-space Translation from IEEE LOM to OWL and storage HARVESTED LEARNING RESOURCES

14 14 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) List of ontologies Organic Agriculture and Agroecology ontology expressed in OWL. Organic Agriculture and Agroecology ontology expressed in OWL. Learning Resource Type Ontology Learning Resource Type Ontology Predicates for Learning Resources Ontology. Predicates for Learning Resources Ontology. IEEE LOM mapping ontology expressed in OWL. IEEE LOM mapping ontology expressed in OWL.

15 15 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Web Portal

16 16 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Conclusions The content providers use specific tools to annotate the Learning Resources to provide additional qualitative information about them.The content providers use specific tools to annotate the Learning Resources to provide additional qualitative information about them. The resources and their metadata are uploaded metadata repository (SCAM).The resources and their metadata are uploaded metadata repository (SCAM). A harvesting mechanism is used to obtain the created or modified learning resources’ metadata.A harvesting mechanism is used to obtain the created or modified learning resources’ metadata. Metadata is converted to semantic format (ontology language) and stored in a CENTRAL repository (Ont- space)Metadata is converted to semantic format (ontology language) and stored in a CENTRAL repository (Ont- space) The Organic.Edunet Web Portal allows final users to search, locate, retrieve and access learning resources on OA and AE throughout the whole Organic.Edunet federation.The Organic.Edunet Web Portal allows final users to search, locate, retrieve and access learning resources on OA and AE throughout the whole Organic.Edunet federation.

17 17 AgLT 2009 (Budapest) Questions Project Web: Web Portal: E-mail:

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