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Regionalization A process whereby one combines similar “places”, thereby reducing the diversity of the Earth into manageable units for study.

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Presentation on theme: "Regionalization A process whereby one combines similar “places”, thereby reducing the diversity of the Earth into manageable units for study."— Presentation transcript:

1 Regionalization A process whereby one combines similar “places”, thereby reducing the diversity of the Earth into manageable units for study

2 Regions: 1  Mental Constructs: Constructed by someone  Internal similarity or homogeneity  Places incorporated need not be exactly the same, but should be alike in the features we are interested in.  Separated from other places by a boundary  The boundary is generally a transitional zone

3 Regions: 2  Formal and Functional Regions  Formal regions are homogenous in the presence of forms, or ideologies.  Function regions are systems of informational or material flow  Have a central place which the system is headquartered  Have a “hinterland” or service area –Kansas would be an example

4 Regionalization Process

5 Names and Locations of Regions  Can you provide an example of a regions?  What physical and human characteristics identify the region?  Where is your region located?

6 World Regions

7 What identifies the Region “Place”: Middle America  Physical Characteristics  Tropical Climate  Much precipitation  Physical Events  Hurricanes  Earthquakes  Volcanic eruptions  Others

8 What identifies the region (Place): Middle America  Human Characteristics  Plantations and Haciendas  Cultural hearth  Underemployment  Native and African Americans  Tourism focus  Other

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