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A.G.I.L.E Team Members: Brad Ramsey Derek Rodriguez Dane Wielgopolan Project Managers: Dr. Joel Schipper Dr. James Irwin Autonomously Guided Intelligent.

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Presentation on theme: "A.G.I.L.E Team Members: Brad Ramsey Derek Rodriguez Dane Wielgopolan Project Managers: Dr. Joel Schipper Dr. James Irwin Autonomously Guided Intelligent."— Presentation transcript:

1 A.G.I.L.E Team Members: Brad Ramsey Derek Rodriguez Dane Wielgopolan Project Managers: Dr. Joel Schipper Dr. James Irwin Autonomously Guided Intelligent Lawn Equipment ECE Department

2 A.G.I.L.E Team Members: Brad Ramsey Derek Rodriguez Dane Wielgopolan Project Managers: Dr. Joel Schipper Dr. James Irwin Autonomously Guided Intelligent Lawn Equipment ECE Department


4 4 Bradley University TOP SECRET Project Summary The goal of the project is to create a proof of concept autonomous lawnmower. The lawnmower will stay in a defined area and avoid obstacles while efficiently mowing.

5 5 Bradley University TOP SECRET PROJECT OBJECTIVES Vehicle Movement Vehicle Movement Detect the field boundaries using RF Detect the field boundaries using RF Track vehicle’s orientation Track vehicle’s orientation Detect and avoid objects Detect and avoid objects Safety shutoff switch and bump sensors Safety shutoff switch and bump sensors Design a lawnmower navigation algorithm Design a lawnmower navigation algorithm

6 6 Bradley University TOP SECRET PROJECT OBJECTIVES Vehicle Movement Vehicle Movement Get chassis, battery, and motors Get chassis, battery, and motors Create PWM signal using hardware Create PWM signal using hardware Use H-Bridge to drive motor from PWM Use H-Bridge to drive motor from PWM Detect the field boundaries using RF Detect the field boundaries using RF Set up transmitting test area Set up transmitting test area Design and implement two single supply band pass RF receivers Design and implement two single supply band pass RF receivers Test receivers in test area and record data Test receivers in test area and record data Use ADC to collect data from the receivers Use ADC to collect data from the receivers Detect and avoid objects (static/dynamic) Detect and avoid objects (static/dynamic) Write ultrasonic sensors drivers Write ultrasonic sensors drivers Write code to calculate distance from sensor data Write code to calculate distance from sensor data Mount ultrasonic sensors to chassis Mount ultrasonic sensors to chassis Write code to handle obstacles Write code to handle obstacles

7 7 Bradley University TOP SECRET PROJECT OBJECTIVES Track vehicle Track vehicle Software defined PWM signal Software defined PWM signal Mount digital compass Mount digital compass Utilize compass information Utilize compass information Safety shutoff switch and bump sensors Safety shutoff switch and bump sensors Mount shutoff switch Mount shutoff switch Mount bump sensors Mount bump sensors Tie all switches to a high priority external interrupt Tie all switches to a high priority external interrupt

8 8 Bradley University TOP SECRET PROJECT OBJECTIVES Design a lawnmower navigation system Design a lawnmower navigation system Intelligent algorithms to optimize mowing Intelligent algorithms to optimize mowing Calibrate sensors for optimal performance Calibrate sensors for optimal performance Ultrasonic sensor Ultrasonic sensor Digital Compass Digital Compass Utilize sensor input to know direction and orientation Utilize sensor input to know direction and orientation Utilize senor input to avoid obstacles Utilize senor input to avoid obstacles

9 9 Bradley University TOP SECRET Changes in design Removed off-board computer Removed off-board computer Simplified Design Simplified Design Redesigned RF receiver Redesigned RF receiver No negative supply on a battery No negative supply on a battery Compensation for lack of amplifier Compensation for lack of amplifier Redesigned Motor Controller Redesigned Motor Controller No microcontroller generated PWM No microcontroller generated PWM Voltage Controlled PWM via hardware Voltage Controlled PWM via hardware No feedback from rotary encoder No feedback from rotary encoder Utilizes D/A converter on microcontroller Utilizes D/A converter on microcontroller

10 10 Bradley University TOP SECRET Hardware Completed Completed Voltage controlled PWM generator Voltage controlled PWM generator H-bridge setup H-bridge setup All parts received All parts received RF circuits RF circuits Needs Work Needs Work Ultrasonic sensor mounts Ultrasonic sensor mounts Mount parts on chassis Mount parts on chassis Ultrasonic sensors Ultrasonic sensors Digital compass Digital compass Bump sensors Bump sensors RF receivers RF receivers

11 11 Bradley University TOP SECRET Voltage Controlled PWM Saw tooth Wave Saw tooth Wave DC Voltage DC Voltage Comparator Comparator

12 12 Bradley University TOP SECRET EMAC Wiring Diagram

13 13 Bradley University TOP SECRET Software User interface User interface Compass PWM Compass PWM U.S. Sensor PWM using software counter U.S. Sensor PWM using software counter RF sensor RF sensor Motor control Motor control Navigation and safety control Navigation and safety control Boundary following Boundary following Object avoidance Object avoidance

14 14 Bradley University TOP SECRET Software Completed Completed Ultrasonic Sensor Read Function Ultrasonic Sensor Read Function Base Code Base Code Timing Functions Timing Functions Needs Work Needs Work Compass Read Function Compass Read Function RF Sensor Read Function RF Sensor Read Function Control Algorithm Control Algorithm

15 15 Bradley University TOP SECRET Original Semester Timeline

16 16 Bradley University TOP SECRET New Semester Timeline

17 17 Bradley University TOP SECRET Questions? NO?.... NO?.... GOOD GOOD

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