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The Participants Sandra Blakeslee Freelance science writer and regular contributor to the New York Times Books: The Body Has a Mind of Its Phantoms in.

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Presentation on theme: "The Participants Sandra Blakeslee Freelance science writer and regular contributor to the New York Times Books: The Body Has a Mind of Its Phantoms in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Participants Sandra Blakeslee Freelance science writer and regular contributor to the New York Times Books: The Body Has a Mind of Its Phantoms in the Brain On Intelligence

2 The Participants Arthur L. Caplan Emanuel and Robert Hart Professor of Bioethics Chair of the Department of Medical Ethics Director of the Center for Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania Column on bioethics for

3 The Participants Erika Check Hayden News and features writer for Nature Freelance writer for Wired, Discover, and Foreign Policy Teaches science writing

4 The Participants Jenn McCormic Assistant Professor of Biomedical Ethics in the Departments of Medicine and and Health Sciences Research at the Mayo Clinic and College of Medicine Associate Director of the Research Ethics Resource Member of Women In Neuroscience and the Society for Neuroscience Co-author of Beyond Sputnik: US Science Policy in the 21st Century

5 The Participants Tiffany Lohwater Public Engagement Manager at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Worked with researchers and journalists as a public information officer at Johns Hopkins University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

6 The Participants Peter McKnight Columnist and member of the editorial board of the Vancouver Sun Legal analyst for Global National Adjunct professor in the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University

7 The Participants Christie Nicholson Editor for Scientific American, online Co-created and produced "Science of Sex” Produces and hosts pod and video casts, including 60 Second Psych, The Monitor and Instant Egghead

8 The Participants Anthony Phillips Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia Founding Director of the UBC Institute of Mental Health Chair of the Advisory Board for CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction Councilor of the Society for Neuroscience Founding member of Neuroscience Canada

9 The Participants Eric Racine Director of the Neuroethics Research Unit at the IRCM Canadian Institute of Health Research New Investigator Associate editor of Neuroethics

10 The Participants Elaine Snell Founder of Snell Communications Senior consultant to the European Dana Alliance for the Brain Works with the Federation of European Neuroscience and the British Neuroscience Association

11 The Participants Sam Weiss Director of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute Professor and Scientist at the University of Calgary Holds several patents in the neural stem cell field Founder of two biotechnology companies

12 The Participants Mary Anne Moser Science communicator journalist, book editor, and award-winning graphic designer Co-editor of Immersed in Technology: Art and Virtual Environments Founding editor of the Banff Centre Press

13 The Participants Jay Ingram Co-host of the Daily Planet Hosted Quirks and Quarks, and hosted two radio documentary series Wrote a weekly science column in The Toronto Star for 12 years Received numerous awards and honorary degrees for his outstanding contributions to the popularization of science

14 The Participants Judy Illes Canada Research Chair in Neuroethics Director of the National Core for Neuroethics Co-founder of the Neuroethics Society Member of the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives Editor of the American Journal of Bioethics - Neuroscience

15 The Participants Kevin Sauvé Master’s candidate of Science Journalism at the University of British Columbia Research intern with the National Core for Neuroethics Recipient of the Health Research Communications Award (CIHR) Recipient of CTV Globemedia fellowship

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