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Unfair Practice Ronan Fitzpatrick School of Computing Dublin Institute of Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Unfair Practice Ronan Fitzpatrick School of Computing Dublin Institute of Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unfair Practice Ronan Fitzpatrick School of Computing Dublin Institute of Technology

2 Introduction Unfair practice Plagiarism Avoiding plagiarism Including verbatim quotes Misrepresentation Consequences Tips of the masters

3 What is it? Cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation, bribery, falsification, impersonation and other forms of deception, including the possession of examination papers in advance of the examination, whether carried out alone or with others are instances of unfair practice. DIT General Assessment Regulations (2006) Unfair Practice

4 Plagiarism “The action or practice of taking someone else's work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one's own; literary theft”. Oxford English Dictionary (2006)

5 Plagiarism Avoid regrets 1820 W. HAZLITT Lect. Dramatic Lit. 257 If an author is once detected in borrowing, he will be suspected of plagiarism ever after.W. HAZLITT 1978 E. BLISHEN Sorry, Dad III. ii. 107, I..elected to copy a sketch from a book I'd borrowed from the public library. By doing so I broke all the rules. The work was supposed to be original. I remember now the loving unease with which I set about my plagiarism.E. BLISHEN Oxford English Dictionary (2006) elected

6 Avoiding plagiarism Give credit to your research sources by citation. Every time you make a statement give the source of that statement. Cite multiple sources if the statement is key to your paper or chapter. Cite multiple sources at the end of a paragraph.

7 Make it clear from your text that uncited statements are yours as a result of your argument, analysis, synthesis or inference. Cite sources for all tables and figures that you use. If they are your own creation cite yourself. Avoiding plagiarism

8 Paraphrase rephrase or write in your own words interpret (explain) clarify with examples summarise Write in your own words.

9 You should avoid unsubstantiated statements. A substantiated statement can be made based on: 1) an authoritative reference (by an acknowledged expert in the area) 2) an informed reasoned argument 3) a critical interpretation of a less reliable source (e.g. a web page or a newspaper article) 4) a self evident truth e.g. no system is perfect. Pat Browne, 2007 - (DT249 Course slides) Substantiated statements

10 Special rules apply to the inclusion of text verbatim from other sources. To help readers to understand that the text is a direct transcript and is not your own It must be identified by the use of italics It must be bounded by quotation marks The source must be cited. This practice must be kept to a minimum and should only apply to definitions, quotations or very significant points. Verbatim text

11 For a typical paper, report, manual, dissertation or thesis, it is not permitted to include a lengthy passage of text verbatim from a source you have read. Sometimes, in very special circumstances, it might be essential to use this method of reporting your research but it is the exception. It must also be clear that it is not your own.

12 Misrepresentation What you submit must be your own work. It must be original and never published before. Your dissertation will required you to sign a statement that confirms that the work is your own.

13 Consequences If you have stolen someone else’s Intellectual Property then there is a legal implication in that. Sanctions at the Institute – Read the General Assessment Regulations.

14 Preserve the integrity of what you write. Be confident that you can bring your paper to an international forum and defend it as your contribution. Be worthy of a Master. Tips of the masters

15 Just don’t do it.

16 Conclusion Unfair practice Plagiarism Avoiding plagiarism Including verbatim quotes Misrepresentation Consequences Tips of the masters

17 Questions

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