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The Enduring Societal Problem: What to produce? How to produce it? Who gets it?

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Presentation on theme: "The Enduring Societal Problem: What to produce? How to produce it? Who gets it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Enduring Societal Problem: What to produce? How to produce it? Who gets it?

2 These are social choices (rather than individual choices) And thus require collective action to effectively/efficiently produce the goods needed by society (military protection; clean water, sewer services, etc.)

3 A. Collective Action Problem Why is collective action difficult to achieve? PBS example Solution?

4 An economic and political system will define itself by they way that it answers these fundamental questions.

5 Range of possible answers: Feudalism (9th-14th century) : Fragmentation of political power; public power in a few private hands (A system based on the relation of lord to vassal to serf); armed forces secured through private contracts.

6 The Leviathan State: Thomas Hobbes Total centralized government control Mercantilism: an economic system designed to increase the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy usually through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion, a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies (post feudalism).

7 Capitalism/Free Market: John Locke Success of the Individual Business = Success of the Nation Federalism: Laboratories of Innovation Self-Governance: Neighborhood associations Polycentrism: All of the above/Overlapping institutions.

8 Economists love markets, political scientists love government institutions. Mainstream political economy takes a middle ground. When markets work well leave them alone, but sometimes governments need to step in to solve collective action problems

9 IV. CAUSES OF (SOME) SOCIETAL PROBLEMS: Cause of poverty? Cause of war? Cause of drug abuse? Cause of pollution?

10 SOLUTIONS TO THESE PROBLEMS? Market Solutions Government Solutions

11 LIMITS OF MARKETS: NEGATIVE EXTERNALITIES Voluntary exchange between 2 parties affects a third Pollution Is the market the enemy of the environment? Poor countries with weak markets have pollution The US environment is arguably cleaner than it was in the 1960s/70s (although there has been a decline in air quality recently) A story of a Noisy band or a sloppy neighbor Private costs v. Social costs

12 STATES AS SOLUTIONS A. Protection of Property Rights 1. Enforce Contracts 2. Intellectual Property Rights/Copy Rights 3. Lower Transaction Costs to do business 4. Tax Revenue for Public Goods (non- divisible/non-rival Consumption) 5. Land Use Regulation 6. Trust Busting 7. Provider of information (Incomplete Information) Example: Consumer Protection

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