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S. Jachmich (slide 1) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Control room tools Stefan Jachmich SL-Training 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "S. Jachmich (slide 1) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Control room tools Stefan Jachmich SL-Training 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 S. Jachmich (slide 1) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Control room tools Stefan Jachmich SL-Training 2010

2 S. Jachmich (slide 2) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010Outline  Xpsedit: Pulse schedule editor (solaris)  Xmimic: Mimics of subsystems (solaris)  Xpad: Pulse analysis and display (solaris)  XG: Display programme for real time data (solaris)  JETDSP:JET data display program (solaris & JAC)  KL-1 replay: Replay of pulse videos (JAC)

3 S. Jachmich (slide 3) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010Xpsedit  Xpsedit provides an interface to level-1 control software for uploading to the plant parameters and settings prior a pulse  Type of interface depends on the subsystem to be configured  as SL: default should be jet.conf (  “File”-menu  “Open config file”  select “jet.conf”)  Pulses are prepared as “Pulse Types”, which are organised in “Pulse schedules”  Settings of an old pulse can be retrieved as DAP (“Dial-A-Pulse) DAPs ~35,000 Previous Pulses Config EiC Pulse Schedule Editor (Xpsedit) PLANT Pulse Type LOAD handsover Pulse Type Config SL Config DCO Reference Organised by Task Force Pulse Types Create Modify Delete Pulse Types Pulse Schedules

4 S. Jachmich (slide 4) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xpsedit – getting started  logon on solaris (gen-off or gen-on)  start Xpsedit  Create your own schedule in Official/Training2010/myname  Modify title page and write title page (  “Pulsetype”-menu  “Write title page”)

5 S. Jachmich (slide 5) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xpsedit – getting started (2)  Append pulse type  Read pulse type reference Schedule: Official/PlasmaOpsGroup/Training2010 Pulsetype 0001 or 0002  Copy reference to your pulse type (  “Edit”-menu  “Copy ALL except Session Info”)  Save pulse type

6 S. Jachmich (slide 6) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xpsedit – checks  Xpsedit automatically checks JOIs when pulse is saved.  Clicking on “FAILED” directs to the corresponding JOI-page and further on to the level-1 page  Remember: although level-1 checks some JOIs electronically, it is still your responsibility that your pulse is in accordance with JOIs!   Don’t worry, while still on trainee license Correct protection to comply with JOI Check TF-waveform and RF-frequency

7 S. Jachmich (slide 7) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xpsedit – editing  Each page contains list of parameters and waveforms, which are settable by the SL  Some parameters/waveforms appear simultanously on several pages  level-1 checks validity of parameters (number is red => invalid!)  Colour-code: =Parameter modified; =Reference value is different  Some parameters are derived by algorithms based on your settings => re-run algorithm if changes to your pulsetype have been done  “Append pulse type” => creates new pulse type after last PT in schedule  “Insert pulse type” => creates new pulse type after chosen PT  “Globel edit parameter” => changes one parameter in all PTs of a schedule  to see parameters loaded on plant: in control room => set plant as reference in office => show plant snapshot

8 S. Jachmich (slide 8) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010  R. Felton, “Gas&Dens”, Monday  P. Lomas, “Plasma Ops I”, Monday  F. Rimini, “PPCC”, Tuesday Xpsedit – pages  Main page: general info about the pulse, Ip-control, PF-currents, Density, TF, excerts of Breakdown settings  PPCC Breakdown: detailed settings of IP- and PF-control up to 40.35 sec for Mode B or 40.8 sec for Mode D.  PPCC Control: overview of control modes as a result of main page settings  Power supply page: used for PS-commissioning  Turns & Polarities: check for correct PF-/TF-settings when dialing up old pulses  PS, CPS & PPCC-limits: for information (max current and voltages of TF-/PF-power supplies)  Gas (normal): basic settings of GIMs (dosing, feedback, puff)  Gas (advanced): additional settings to select GIMs into RTCC and density feedback settings (PID)  PDV-settings: specify diagnostic channels to be used for density validation during pulse

9 S. Jachmich (slide 9) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010  F. Rimini, “Contr. Tools II”, Monday  S. Jachmich, “EFCC”, Friday  V. Speakers, “add. Heating”, Fri.  R. Felton, “RTC&Protection”, Wed. Xpsedit – pages (cont’d)  PFPS-page: main plasma protection page (=> check!)  RTPP-page: (voluntary) additional protection settings (e.g. GIM-stop for low NBI-power)  External systems: settings of other inputs to PTN (=> check, but normally does not require changes)  RTSS: construct your own Real Time Signals for protection (e.g. P rad divided by P in )  PEWS-page: set plant protection when operating with auxiliary heating systems (common mistake: wrong PEWS-scenario)  Heating & Fuelling requirements: specifiy heating waveforms, RF-frequency, Pellet requests (check for sensible plasma protection settings!)  PRFA-controller: specify EFCC-waveforms  Maxfea Interface: produce circuit file for Maxfea-simulations  Extended waveform facilities: useful to quickly extend pulse  Flight simulator: shows overview of expected current waveforms, forces, etc.  “The big picture”: displays major waveforms, heating windows and active protection windows

10 S. Jachmich (slide 10) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xpsedit – hints  Xpsedit links also to Xmimics and Xg  Help:   any SL  in case of bugs, etc. : RO P. Mc Cullen

11 S. Jachmich (slide 11) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010Xmimics  Xmimics display actual status, settings and data of various subsystems  Mimics are linked (click on ◘). Feel free to browse through all mimics! 

12 S. Jachmich (slide 12) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010Xmimics  useful mimics for session leading (small selection):  mc/codas/countdown: displays status of all subsystems PF-/TF-speed  pf/pps/pps:displays times of PTN-stops of last pulse link to PTN-log  pf/plasma/plasma-ovr: displays SC- and WALLS-stops of last pulse  vc/codas/sys: overview of vaccuum (torus pressure, cryo temperatures, etc.)

13 S. Jachmich (slide 13) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010Xg  Displays data quickly after the pulse  Useful to analyse protection settings (PEWS, RTPP,...)  Quick glance on performance of auxiliary heating systems (NBLM, LHLM,...)  all Real Time signals can also be read into JETDSP by choosing subsystem XG  Help:

14 S. Jachmich (slide 14) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xg (2) (1) Select group of XG-signals Signal pallete Delete signal pallete Refresh if “Global” selected (2) Use if pulse is missing in pull-down list Signal canvas (3) Use middle mouse button to add signal to signal canvas Plot signals in canvas

15 S. Jachmich (slide 15) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xg (RTPP)  Output of scripts show signals, trip levels, active time window and trip times Time of trip Signal Trip level (max or min) Time when protection is active Ip-signal minIp Digital signal data

16 S. Jachmich (slide 16) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xg (PEWS)  Xg contains various scripts to examine PEWS (note GS-dens waveform used for PEWS) PEWS enabled !!Density close to standard min limit!! notch-densities (t=43.3-43.8s) minNe (34 fr) PEWS closes low minNe (=90% 34 fr) start of norm. PINIs norm. PINIs stop tang. banks stop already when 34.2 fr reached

17 S. Jachmich (slide 17) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010Xpad  Displays large number of different signal-types (JPF,PPF, cgrt, waveforms,...)  Updates signals automatically after each pulse (for pulse related signals)  standard set of signals available (called configuration files)  Help:  to browse signals: right mouse -> Change Curves

18 S. Jachmich (slide 18) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Xpad (2)  Displays large number of different signal-types (JPF,PPF, cgrt, waveforms,...) signal type subsystem selected day “only” or plus “0001” day(s) available signals to plot signals in same window change to “1”

19 S. Jachmich (slide 19) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010JETDSP  Displays general data such as JPF, PPF, TRANSP-output and any MDSplus data  Set of signals and plots can be retained as “Standard Sets”  Help:  Browse signals:  File  Read signals Signal selector make sure PPFUID is set to JETPPF sequence number “0” for most recent PPF-data “ON” for public JET-pulses “Data” for calibrated data

20 S. Jachmich (slide 20) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 JETDSP - main window  Plot signals:  Plot  “Plot All Signals” or “Plot Marked Signals” mark signals to plot only selected ones to exclude signal from plot set to “0” Internal name (editable) Marker Plot number Error bar associated?

21 S. Jachmich (slide 21) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 JETDSP – simple signal processing use for expression signal names as in 1 st column of main window add to avoid NaN specify time window shift signal by 1 sec: to plot signal1 (DDS3) vs. signal2 (LID3)

22 S. Jachmich (slide 22) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010KL1-camera  Wide angle camera video can be accessed via  jetmovie (on JAC: AnalysisPrograms  KL1  JetMovie)  level-1 interface  JET pulse information center (linked by overhead display)  for pulses up to 70749 use kl1-4-w; from 70965 on kl1-8-w.

23 S. Jachmich (slide 23) Control room tools SL-Training, Nov 2010 Final tip Final tip In case of problems, ASK!

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