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Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham1 Status of Mokka / Fluka Integration Aim Method Current Status
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham2 AimAim Systematic comparison between Mokka and Fluka implementation of test beam configuration Particularly interesting for hadronic interactions See DRW’s Geant studies Want flexibility to Adapt to new mokka detector models Investigate full TDR type geometry Original problems Fluka geometry defined by data cards Only limited geometrical structures supported Repeated structures at 1 level only
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham3 MethodMethod [From ATL-SOFT-98-039] Geomety and physics decoupled in G4 and Fluka Wrappers for f77/C++ Fluka authors’ tests Simple detectors Identical results Fluka,Fluka+G4 T36 calorimeter: 81 layers Pb (10mm)-scint.(2.5mm) Consistent results My first test Use T36 calorimeter as above
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham4 Normal Fluka use: calculate particle fluence through defined regions (x,y,z) (radiation damage, dosage, etc.) Want complete flexibility in information output Extract hits with user supplied “scoring” on boundary crossing in mokka format e.g. Lateral response of T36 to 10 GeV - Initial T36 calorimeter tests
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham5 (Missing!) replicated volumes… User routine callable when boundary between volumes detected during tracking a particle G4 replica or parametrised volumes Fluka “lattice volumes” Not seen during tracking Repeated placement of identical G4 physical volumes are seen Solution (from Flugg author) Use rudimentary drawing routine, gives user control at each step in tracking For Mokka study itself, can use Mokka CGA to determine boundaries within drawing routine Boundary Crossing Detection
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham6 Current status Mokka running within flugg/Fluka framework Using Mokka-01-00 Flugg05 (Jan. 2003) Fluka 2002.1b (Dec. 2002) Procedure: start from Mokka release and remove: all classes except for detector construction, detector parametrisation, magnetic field construction corresponding #include, variable and class definitions anything related to G4RunManager, DetectorMessenger code where SensitiveDetector is set interactive code, visualisation, etc. Some difficulties, e.g. with Mokka SD which contains sensitive detector definitions and rotation matrices
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham7 OperationOperation Two stage process First pass, to generate material definitions, fluka to G4 correspondance Second pass, to run fluka with G4 geometry /home/nkw/lc/calice/flugg05/examples/fluggEx/emptyEx/src: wildcard *.cc -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 23998 Mar 13 12:11 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 4275 Mar 6 16:13 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 10139 Mar 6 09:46 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 13878 Mar 5 11:46 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 27482 Mar 5 11:44 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 20384 Mar 5 11:40 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 17489 Mar 5 10:46 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 24553 Mar 5 10:46 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 20648 Mar 5 10:46 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 30122 Mar 5 10:45 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 20115 Mar 5 10:45 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 5052 Mar 5 10:36 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 10789 Mar 5 09:40 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 6664 Mar 4 15:19 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 5277 Mar 4 12:44 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 8014 Aug 1 2002 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 2197 Aug 1 2002 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 1529 Jul 22 2002 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 4762 Jul 19 2002 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 3329 Jul 19 2002 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 7795 Feb 20 2002 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 29959 Feb 20 2002 -rw-r--r-- 1 nkw opal 3333 Feb 20 2002
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham8 First pass, G4 Fluka conversion + B: dens. = 2.34g/cm3, nElem = 1 Stored as RON + B2O3: dens. = 2.34g/cm3, nElem = 2 Stored as B2O3 + Soda: dens. = 2.3g/cm3, nElem = 2 Stored as SODA + Pyrex: dens. = 2.23g/cm3, nElem = 4 Stored as PYREX + TetraFluoroEthane: dens. = 0.00455g/cm3, nElem = 3 Stored as TETRAFLU + Isobutane: dens. = 0.00267g/cm3, nElem = 2 Stored as ISOBUTAN + RPCGAS1: dens. = 0.004032g/cm3, nElem = 4 Stored as RPCGAS1 + Mix: dens. = 2.15747g/cm3, nElem = 9 Stored as MIX * Printing FLUKA materials... * Printing FLUKA compounds... * G4PhysicalVolumeStore (0x40213a60) has 561 volumes. * Printing ASSIGNMAT... * Printing Magnetic Field... No field found... NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created ==> Flugg FluggNavigator::UpdateNavigatorHistory(0xcbb6f18) +fHistory=History depth=0 Level=[0]: Phys Name=[WorldPhysical] Type=[N] Connecting to the database models00 Detector construction done. * G4PhysicalVolumeStore (0x40213a60) has 561 volumes. Iterating... * Storing information... + Tungsten: dens. = 19.3g/cm3, nElem = 1 Stored as TUNGSTEN + TungstenModified: dens. = 11g/cm3, nElem = 1 Stored as TUNGST02 + Copper: dens. = 8.96g/cm3, nElem = 1 Stored as COPPER + Silicium: dens. = 2.33g/cm3, nElem = 1 Stored as SILICIUM + Iron: dens. = 7.87g/cm3, nElem = 1 Stored as IRON * Printing FLUKA materials... * Printing FLUKA compounds... * G4PhysicalVolumeStore (0x40213a60) has 561 volumes. * Printing ASSIGNMAT... * Printing Magnetic Field... No field found... NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created ==> Flugg FluggNavigator::UpdateNavigatorHistory(0xcbb6f18) +fHistory=History depth=0 Level=[0]: Phys Name=[WorldPhysical] Type=[N] Connecting to the database models00 Building sub_detector P55, geometry db P55, driver proto00: Ecal prototype with 30 layers (10 x 2.8 mm, 10 x 2.8 mm and 10 x 4.2 mm) in vertical, 5 x 5 cells per wafer Connecting to the database P55 Sub_detector P55 DONE! Fe->GetRadlen() = 17.5854 mm Al->GetRadlen() = 88.9253 mm Ar->GetRadlen() = 109831 mm Air->GetRadlen() = 285161 mm SiO2->GetRadlen() = 122.948 mm Epoxy->GetRadlen() = 315.979 mm G10->GetRadlen() = 162.017 mm Kapton->GetRadlen() = 285.597 mm Polystyrene->GetRadlen() = 425.434 mm B->GetRadlen() = 224.928 mm B2O3->GetRadlen() = 164.123 mm Na2O->GetRadlen() = 126.811 mm Pyrex->GetRadlen() = 126.518 mm TFE->GetRadlen() = 77265.4 mm Isobutane->GetRadlen() = 169446 mm RPCGAS1->GetRadlen() = 89867.3 mm CGAGeometryManager starting the detector construction: Asking for the model P55: Building Proto... total_W_plates = 30 MixDensite = 2.15747 g/cm3 Mix->GetRadlen()= 75.0202 mm HalfDetectorX= 362.4, HalfDetectorY= 83.775, HalfDetectorZ= 171.4 Proto done. Detector construction done. * G4PhysicalVolumeStore (0x40213a60) has 561 volumes. Iterating... * Storing information...
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham9 OperationOperation * MATERIAL 74.0 183.840 1.930e+01 3.0 TUNGSTEN MATERIAL 74.0 183.840 1.100e+01 4.0 TUNGST02 LOW-MAT 4.0 TUNGSTEN MATERIAL 29.0 63.546 8.960e+00 5.0 COPPER MATERIAL 14.0 28.090 2.330e+00 6.0 SILICIUM MATERIAL 26.0 55.850 7.870e+00 7.0 IRON MATERIAL 13.0 26.980 2.700e+00 8.0 ALUMINUM MATERIAL 18.0 39.950 1.780e-03 9.0 ARGON MATERIAL 1.290e-03 10.0 AIR MATERIAL 7.0 14.010 9.990e-01 11.0 NITROGEN MATERIAL 8.0 16.000 9.990e-01 12.0 OXIGEN MATERIAL 2.200e+00 13.0 QUARTZ MATERIAL 14.0 28.090 9.990e-01 14.0 SILICON MATERIAL 1.300e+00 15.0 EPOXY MATERIAL 1.0 1.010 9.990e-01 16.0 HYDROGEN MATERIAL 6.0 12.010 9.990e-01 17.0 CARBON MATERIAL 1.700e+00 18.0 G10 MATERIAL 17.0 35.450 9.990e-01 19.0 CHLORINE MATERIAL 1.420e+00 20.0 KAPTON MATERIAL 1.032e+00 21.0 POLYSTYR MATERIAL 2.340e+00 22.0 BORON MATERIAL 5.0 10.000 9.990e-01 23.0 10.0B10 MATERIAL 5.0 11.000 9.990e-01 24.0 11.0B11 MATERIAL 2.340e+00 25.0 B2O3 MATERIAL 2.300e+00 26.0 SODA MATERIAL 11.0 22.990 9.990e-01 27.0 SODIUM MATERIAL 2.230e+00 28.0 PYREX MATERIAL 4.550e-03 29.0 TETRAFLU MATERIAL 9.0 18.998 9.990e-01 30.0 FLUORINE MATERIAL 2.670e-03 31.0 ISOBUTAN MATERIAL 4.032e-03 32.0 RPCGAS1 MATERIAL 2.157e+00 33.0 MIX * *
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham10 OperationOperation ********************* GEANT4 VOLUMES ********************* * *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7... * 1 WorldPhysical 102 WafferPhysical 103 CuPhys 104 CuPhys 2 SensWafferPhys 3 WSlabPhys 4 WafferPhysical 5 WafferPhysical 6 WafferPhysical 7 WafferPhysical 8 WafferPhysical 9 WafferPhysical 10 WafferPhysical 11 WafferPhysical 12 WafferPhysical 13 WafferPhysical 14 WafferPhysical 15 WafferPhysical & etc... 546 LayerPhys 547 LayerPhys 548 LayerPhys 549 LayerPhys 550 LayerPhys 551 LayerPhys 552 LayerPhys 553 LayerPhys 554 LayerPhys 555 LayerPhys 556 LayerPhys 557 LayerPhys 558 LayerPhys 559 LayerPhys 560 LayerPhys 561 LayerPhys
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham11 Ongoing work Understand runtime warnings, e.g. Check again Fluka user provided inputs, e.g. low energy neutron cross-section PEMF, etc., Extract information using CGA to Mokka format Compare with DRW’s work NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created NavHistWithCount::NavHistWithCount created ==> Flugg FluggNavigator::UpdateNavigatorHistory(0xcbb7278) +fHistory=History depth=0 Level=[0]: Phys Name=[WorldPhysical] Type=[N] )... <== Flugg FluggNavigator::UpdateNavigatorHistory(0xcbb7278) WARNING - Attempt to delete the physical volume store while geometry closed ! WARNING - Attempt to delete the logical volume store while geometry closed ! WARNING - Attempt to delete the solid store while geometry closed !
Imperial, 18/03/2003Nigel Watson / RAL PPD-Birmingham12 SummarySummary Identified “easy” way of comparing G4/Fluka Cannot use G-Fluka, completely obsolete Don’t want to use “standalone” Fluka inefficient, for variations in geometry Improved understanding, moderate progres Integration with Mokka geometry OK with some work Debugging phase, to understand Fluka/Flugg
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