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CSIF ’06 Alicante Critical Success Factors for Institutional Change Su White University of Southampton.

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1 CSIF ’06 Alicante Critical Success Factors for Institutional Change Su White University of Southampton

2 CSIF ’06 Alicante 2 of 9 The old problem of change “There is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than the creation of a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old system, and merely lukewarm defenders in those who should gain by the new one”. Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince (1513)

3 CSIF ’06 Alicante The long march of progress… Once upon a time someone invented computers There was a war on and lots happened After the war the military and business used computers Later academics got excited about technology futures Computers got cheaper -> we used them more Some more people were excited about technology futures Other people were a bit frustrated, so we provided some training… The web, simpler programmes cheaper computers At the end of all this we were still frustrated.. but if you count..more computers, more programmes. Invention->mainframes->minis->micros->mobile

4 CSIF ’06 Alicante My background… “let a thousand flowers bloom” “a campus wide structure from multimedia learning” “shift the culture of the university” “£42 million…a small amount of strategic money” “higher education and learning technologies: an organisational perspective”

5 CSIF ’06 Alicante Attitudes to change Early AdoptersEarly Majority Like radical changeLike gradual change VisionaryPragmatic Project orientatedProcess orientated Risk takersRisk averse Willing to experimentWant proven use Self-sufficientNeed support Relate horizontallyRelate vertically After Geoghegan, 1994

6 CSIF ’06 Alicante Different places, different faces…

7 CSIF ’06 Alicante Information Sources Six institutions perspectives academicsmanagers professional services learning technologists educational developers Experiences and Understandings

8 CSIF ’06 Alicante Perspectives Organisation StructureCulture Climate

9 CSIF ’06 Alicante 9 of 9 How do we change? I Can’t Do That Here Identity Mission Belief Motivation Capability Strategy Behaviour Activity Environment Context after Dilts (1990)

10 CSIF ’06 Alicante Flogging a dead horse Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount…. However, we often try other strategies with dead horses

11 CSIF ’06 Alicante Thinking about change… Organisation –harness existing organisational objectives to achieve change Structure –Use the organisational structure to nurture change Culture –select changes which are compatible with the existing organisational culture Climate –find ways to capitalise on the ‘local’ climate to enable change? Think Vertical – always come back to the whole institution Everyone is busy and has local and personal agendas Acknowledge – individuals’ local and specialist perspectives and experience Understand the likely nature of resistance and use it Share good (and bad) practice! …Make as much as possible visible, collaborate

12 CSIF ’06 Alicante (some of the) references Becher, T., Trowler, P., Society for Research into Higher Education.: Academic tribes and territories: intellectual enquiry and the cultures of disciplines. Open University Press in association with The Society for Research into Higher Education., Buckingham (2001) Geoghegan, W.H., Whatever Happened to Instructional Technology? In: Bapna, S., Emdad, A., Zaveri, J. (eds.): 22nd Annual Conference of the International Business Schools Computing Association (IBSCA). IBM, Baltimore, Maryland (1994) 438-447 McNay, I.: From Collegial Academy to the Corporate Enterprise: The Changing Cultures of Universities. In: Schuller, T. (ed.): The Changing University? Open University/SRHE, Buckingham (1995) Moore, G.: Crossing the Chasm: Marketing and Selling Technology Products to Mainstream Customers. Harper Business, New York (1991) White, S., Learning Technologies in Higher Education: an organisational perspective (2006)

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