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Molonglo: then and now Dick Hunstead University of Sydney.

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Presentation on theme: "Molonglo: then and now Dick Hunstead University of Sydney."— Presentation transcript:

1 Molonglo: then and now Dick Hunstead University of Sydney

2 In the beginning…

3 Construction begins…

4 East-west arm complete…

5 The official opening: 19 Nov 1965

6 The N-S sweated labour camp

7 Control room in the 1960s

8 The exciting 60s … 1963: discovery of quasars

9 The exciting 60s … 1965: discovery of the cosmic microwave background

10 The exciting 60s … 1967: discovery of pulsars

11 Discovery of the Vela pulsar Large, Vaughan & Mills 1968

12 Accurate position measurements Hunstead 1971, 1972: optical & radio

13 The unexpected: low frequency variability



16 Low frequency variable: 3C454.3

17 3C411 (z = 0.47): highest-z RG in 1975

18 Second Molonglo pulsar survey 1978 Manchester et al 1978: 155 new pulsars

19 Molonglo Reference Catalogue 408 MHz 12141 sources S>0.95 Jy Dec -85 o to +18.5 o |b|>3 o

20 Molonglo southern 4 Jy sample (MS4)

21 From Molonglo Cross to MOST

22 Supernova 1987A

23 Jupiter-SL9 comet crash: July 1994

24 GRO J1655-40: the brightest X-ray binary Hard X-ray MOST radio Black hole eats star


26 … here’s to the future!

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