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1 Objects and classes Classes – Act as blueprints Objects are instantiated from classes – Encapsulate data: Attributes – Encapsulate function: Methods – Ideal for modeling real-world phenomena
2 Summary – Class header Keyword class begins definition, followed by name of class and colon ( : ) – Body of class Indented block of code – Optional documentation string Describes the class Appears immediately after class header – Constructor method __init__ Executes each time an object is created Initialize attributes of class Returns None – Object reference All methods must at least specify this one parameter ( self ) Represents object on which a method is called
3 An abstract game with two players Player: – Name – Overall skill (5.0 – 10.0) – Motivation flux mf (0.0 – 1.0) – Current strength: Current motivation cm : random number in [ -mf, mf ] Current strength = skill + skill * cm With motivation 1.0, current strength is 2 * skill. With motivation 0.0, current strength is skill. Motivation flux 0.0: very stable player. Motivation flux 1.0: very unstable player.
4 Object reference self first argument in all methods self refers to the object on which the method is called Object attribute self.skill vs. local variable skill
5 >>> from player import Player >>> john = Player('John', 1.0, 8.0) >>> paul = Player('Paul') >>> print paul.skill 7.5 john name = ‘John’ skill = 8.0 motivation_flux = 1.0 name = ‘Paul’ skill = 7.5 motivation_flux = 0.0 paul No self argument in method calls! Python puts object reference in place of self class Player
6 Summary – Class header Keyword class begins definition, followed by name of class and colon ( : ) – Body of class Indented block of code – Optional documentation string Describes the class Appears immediately after class header – Constructor method __init__ Executes each time an object is created Initialize attributes of class Returns None – Object reference All methods must at least specify this one parameter Represents object of class on which a method is called Called self by convention
7 Remember the self. prefix when referencing object attributes >>> from player_wrong import Player >>> ringo = Player("Ringo") >>> print ringo.my_skill Traceback (most recent call last): File " ", line 1, in ? AttributeError: Player instance has no attribute ‘my_skill'
8 Let’s do something with our objects: method play >>> from player2 import Player >>> john = Player("John", 1.0, 8.0) >>> paul = Player("Paul") >>> John (11.97) - Paul (7.50): John wins >>> John (1.88) - Paul (7.50): Paul wins >>> Paul (7.50) - John (3.32): Paul wins
9 Destructors Constructor named __init__ Destructor – Method is named __del__ – Executed automatically when object is destroyed or when no more references to object exist – Can be used for housekeeping before Python reclaims object memory
10 Class Attributes – One copy of attribute shared by all objects of a class – Represents “class-wide” information Property of the class, not of an object of the class – Initialized once in the class definition (not in constructor) Otherwise it would be re-initialized every time an object is created – Should be accessed through the class name or any object of the class May exist even if no objects of class exist
11 Adding class attribute count + destructor >>> from player3 import Player >>> paul = Player('Paul') >>> ringo = Player('Ringo') >>> del paul Player Paul deleted
12 Preparing to hold tournaments New object attribute wins to keep track of match results New play method which updates attribute wins
13 Testing.. >>> from player4 import Player >>> john = Player('John', 0.2, 8.0) >>> paul = Player('Paul') >>> John defeats Paul >>> John defeats Paul >>> John defeats Paul >>> Paul defeats John >>> print john.wins 3 >>> print paul.wins 1 >>> ^D Player Paul deleted Player John deleted threonine:~/python% NB: destructor called automatically when session ends
14 Now we’re ready to hold a tournament!
15 Holding tournament with four players threonine:~/python% python Player name: John John's skill (5.0-10.0): 8 John's motivation flux (0.0-1.0): 0.2 Player name: Paul Paul's skill (5.0-10.0): 7.5 Paul's motivation flux (0.0-1.0): 0 Player name: George George's skill (5.0-10.0): 7.5 George's motivation flux (0.0-1.0): 0.5 Player name: Ringo Ringo's skill (5.0-10.0): 7.5 Ringo's motivation flux (0.0-1.0): 1.0 Paul defeats John John defeats George Ringo defeats John George defeats Paul Ringo defeats Paul Ringo defeats George Ringo is the winner with 3 wins! Tournament matches Player initialization
16 Summary – Class header Keyword class begins definition, followed by name of class and colon ( : ) – Body of class Indented block of code – Optional documentation string Describes the class Appears immediately after class header – Constructor method __init__ Executes each time an object is created Initialize attributes of class Returns None – Object reference All methods must at least specify this one parameter ( self ) Represents object on which a method is called
17 Rational numbers in Python Strange rounding-off errors: Create class for representing rational numbers by storing numerator and denominator >>> 2/3.0 0.6666666666666663 >>> 2/6.0 0.3333333333333331 >>> 5/6.0 0.8333333333333337
18 Rational numbers Use float to make sure result of division will be a float, not a rounded down integer Object reference self first argument in all methods self refers to the object on which the method is called Initialization: Reduced form
19 Creating and using RationalNumber objects >>> from rational import RationalNumber >>> a = RationalNumber(3, 4) >>> b = RationalNumber(3, 6) >>> a.getValue() 0.75 >>> b.getValue() 0.5 >>> b.getNumerator() 1 >>> b.getDenominator() 2 No self argument in method calls! Python puts object reference in place of self.getDenominator( )bRationalNumber
20 Creating and using RationalNumber objects >>> from rational import RationalNumber >>> a = RationalNumber(3, 4) >>> b = RationalNumber(3, 6) >>> a.getValue() 0.75 >>> b.getValue() 0.5 >>> b.getNumerator() 1 >>> b.getDenominator() 2 class RationalNumber a numerator = 3 denominator = 4 numerator = 1 denominator = 2 b
21 Forgetting the self. prefix when referencing object attributes Initializes only local variables which go out of scope when constructor terminates!
22 Comparing rationals - binary search tree a elements < a elements >= a
23 Binary search tree a elements < b < a b <= elements < a b elements >= a elements < a
24 Binary search tree of rational numbers
25 Node class from course notes Use this class to represent the search tree nodes: Each data attribute will be a RationalNumber
26 (part 1) Creating RationalNumber objects, adding them to a tree
27 (part 2) Adding a node to a binary search tree Recursive function! node rational
28 Testing %:~ python –i Numerator: 2 Denominator: 3 Numerator: 3 Denominator: 4 Numerator: 7 Denominator: 14 Numerator: >>> root.getData().getvalue() 0.666666666666663 >>> root.getRight().getData().getvalue() 0.75 >>> root.getLeft().getData().getvalue() 0.50 2/3 1/2 3/4
29 (part 3) Searching for a node Fast searching if tree is balanced
30 Searching for a node, demonstration Search in big tree of random rational numbers
31 Numerator: 2 Denominator? 3 Closest match: 433/650 Numerator: 4 Denominator? 5 Closest match: 43/54 Numerator: 1 Denominator? 2 Closest match: 370/737 Numerator: 4 Denominator? 9 Closest match: 391/878 Numerator: 10 Denominator? 1 Closest match: 994/103 Numerator: 5 Denominator? 3 Closest match: 521/313
32.. on to the exercises
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