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Strongly Correlated Electron Materials: a Challenge for the 21 st Century Strongly Correlated Electron Materials: a Challenge for the 21 st Century Gabriel Kotliar and Center for Materials Theory $upport : NSF -DMR, DOE-Basic Energy Sciences, MURI, materials world network. Colloquium Harvard University April 19 2010 Colloquium Harvard University April 19 2010 1
Outline Introduction to the problem of strongly correlated electron systems Introduction to some ideas and techniques from dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) Application to the most correlated element Pu Application to copper oxides. Outlook $upport : NSF -DMR, DOE-Basic Energy Sciences, MURI, NSF materials world network. 1 Collaborators. Rutgers, K. Haule, C. Weber, J. Shim T. Stanescu, M. Civelli Paris, M. Ferrero, A. Georges, L. DeLeo, P. Cornaglia, O Parcollet Sherbrooke, A.M. Tremblay B. Kyung D. Senechal
Standard Model of Solid State Physics In many materials ( Cu, Au, …)electrons in solids behave as waves, quasiparticles [Sommerfeld Bloch] Metals conduct! The Coulomb interactions renormalize to zero at low energies [ Landau] Density functional theory in the LDA gives good estimates for the density and a good starting point for computing spectra [Kohn Sham ] First order perturbation theory in the screened Coulomb interactions [GW ] is in good agreement with experiments. [Hedin] 2
Different approach is needed for magnetic insulators In other materials NiO, SmCo5 …Electron behave as particles Solid as a collection of (open shell )atoms with localized electrons. Interaction among the atom (exchange) order the atomic degrees of freedom (magnetic moments….) Excitation spectra: multiplet theory, Hubbard bands, low wavelength collective fluctuations (spin waves) 3
Strongly Correlated Materials Not well described by either the fully localized picture (well separated atoms) or the the band picture (weakly interacting bloch waves). Materials for which the standard model of the solid state fails. Challenging non perturbative problem. Not well described by either the fully localized picture (well separated atoms) or the the band picture (weakly interacting bloch waves). Materials for which the standard model of the solid state fails. Challenging non perturbative problem. Continuous discovery of interesting material and phenomena that did not fit the standard model of solid state physics. Heavy fermions (early 80’s), high temperature superconductors (late 80’s), other transition metal oxides (cobaltates, manganites, vanadates….) 90’s..high Tc in FeAs based compounds (2009). Continuous discovery of interesting material and phenomena that did not fit the standard model of solid state physics. Heavy fermions (early 80’s), high temperature superconductors (late 80’s), other transition metal oxides (cobaltates, manganites, vanadates….) 90’s..high Tc in FeAs based compounds (2009). 4 Interesting Correlated Materials discovered by serendipity and the Edisonian approach
Correlated materials: oxides, simple recipe, rich behavior Transition metal oxides Oxygen transition metal ion Cage : e.g 6 oxygen atoms (octahedra) or other ligands/geometry Build crystal with this building block or build layers separated by spacers Transition metal (open shell ) Transition metal ions Rare earth ions Actinides 5 Li x CoO2, Na x CoO2 Battery materials Thermoelectrics VO 2 Room temperature MIT La 1-x SrxMnO3 Colossal Magnetoresistance La 1-x Sr x CuO4 High temperature superconductor
Probing the Electronic Structure:Photoemission Probing the Electronic Structure:Photoemission Probability of removing an electron and transfering energy =Ei-Ef, and momentum k f( ) A( ) M 2 e Angle integrated spectra 6 a)Weak correlations b)Strong correlation: fermi liquid parameters can’t be evaluated in perturbation theory or fermi liquid theory does not work. A(k,
A. Georges and G. Kotliar PRB 45, 6479 (1992). DMFT self consistency condition DMFT Collective field describing the localization delocalization phenomena Hubbard Hubbard Green Green
Phase diagram :frustrated Hubbard model, integer filling Phase diagram :frustrated Hubbard model, integer filling M. Rozenberg G. Kotliar H. Kajuter G. Thomas PRL75, 105 (1995) T/W 16 Quasiparticles +Hubbard bands Transfer of spectral weight Mott transition Coherence Incoherence Crossover Spectral functions
Determine energy and and self consistently from extremizing a functional. Savrasov and Kotliar PRB 69, 245101, (2001) Full self consistent implementation Determine energy and and self consistently from extremizing a functional. Savrasov and Kotliar PRB 69, 245101, (2001) Full self consistent implementation 9 Spectra=- Im G(k, ) DMFT meets electronic structure. LDA+DMFT. V. Anisimov, A. Poteryaev, M. Korotin, A. Anokhin and G. Kotliar, J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 35, 7359 (1997). DMFT Bands in a frequency dependent potential DMFT atom in a medium described
Dynamical Mean Field Theory DMFT Describes the electron both in the itinerant (wave-like) and localized (particle-like) regimes and everything in between!. Simpler reference systems to understand correlated solids [e.g. harmonic oscillator] Impurity model non gaussian reference frame (dressed atom). Tools to think about correlated materials. Weiss field quantifies the notion of itineracy. Configuration histograms generalizes CI. CDMFT Reference state cluser of sites ( links, triangles, plaquettes, etc. ) 10 Locality assumption v accurate at high T (recent comparisons with cold atoms expts. and exact numerical techniques) Kozik et. al. arXiv:0907.0863 Schneider Science, 322,1520(2008). Locality assumption v accurate at high T (recent comparisons with cold atoms expts. and exact numerical techniques) Kozik et. al. arXiv:0907.0863 Schneider Science, 322,1520(2008).arXiv:0907.0863 Exact in the Metzner Vollhardt limit of infinite dimensions. Exact in the Metzner Vollhardt limit of infinite dimensions.
Impurity solvers[ Recent advances, CTQMC Gull et. al. EPL 82, 57003 (2008), P. Werner et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 076405 (2006) Bold CTQMC, OCA K. Haule arXiv:0907.0195 Phys. Rev. B 75, 155113 (2007) …..] Breaks problems in two parts a) study of mean field states from b ) evaluation of their energies. Compare different “ mean field states” of the system for the same value of parameters. Understand “mechanism” for ordering. Qualitative lessons can be drawn from (a) applied to simple models. High temperature universality. Low temperature, multiple ordered states. Detailed comparison experiments requires realistic implementions of electronic structure, e.g.LDA+DMFT. Bridge between atomic information and physical properties.(Structure-Property relation ). Theoretical spectroscopy.11
Localization Delocalization in Actinides Mott Transition . Pu 12 Pu anomalies Large specific heat, large Pauli-like susceptility Large room temperature resistivity Large room temperature resistivity Lashley et. al. 2005
The standard model of solids fails near Pu Spin Density functional theory predicts that Pu, Am are magnetic, large orbital and spin moments. Experiments (Lashley et. al. 2005, Heffner et al. (2006)): Pu is non magnetic. No static or fluctuating moments. Susceptibility, specific heat in a field, neutron quasielastic and inelastic scattering, muon spin resonance. Paramagnetic LDA underestimates Volume of Pu by 30% Paramagnetic LDA underestimates Volume of Pu by 30% Within LDA Pu has unstable phonon modes. Within LDA Pu has unstable phonon modes. Thermodynamic and transport properties similar to other strongly correlated materials. Thermodynamic and transport properties similar to other strongly correlated materials. 13 Pu strongly correlated paramagnetic metal
DMFT Phonons in fcc -Pu ( Dai, Savrasov, Kotliar,Ledbetter, Migliori, Abrahams, Science, 9 May 2003) (experiments from Wong, Science, 22 August 2003) 14
Photoemission Photoemission Gouder, Havela PRB 2002, 2003 alpa->delta volume collapse transition F0=4,F2=6.1 15 J. Shim K. Haule and G Kotliar Nature 446, 513 (2007).
Physical realization of the Mott localization-delocalization phenomena. Physical realization of the Mott localization-delocalization phenomena. Successful testbed for the LDA+DMFT method, volume, phonon spectra. Plutonium is non magnetic Curium is magnetic with large moment. Successful testbed for the LDA+DMFT method, volume, phonon spectra. Plutonium is non magnetic Curium is magnetic with large moment. Delta Pu, T* ~ 800K, mixed valent 20 % f 6 80 % f 5 strong coupling to the lattice. Delta Pu, T* ~ 800K, mixed valent 20 % f 6 80 % f 5 strong coupling to the lattice. Moment screening by valence fluctuations. s Moment screening by valence fluctuations. s Reconciles susceptibility, XAS, and specific heat expts. Reconciles susceptibility, XAS, and specific heat expts. Quasiparticle multiplets, material specific fingerprints in the photoemisson spectra of Pu compounds. Prediction : temperature dependence. Quasiparticle multiplets, material specific fingerprints in the photoemisson spectra of Pu compounds. Prediction : temperature dependence. Conclusions: elemental actinides. 16
Smith-Kmetko phase diagram Realism: electronic structure (band theory+atom ic physics+ Coupling electrons to structure) + Conclusion: elemental actinides 17
Electron and Hole Doped Cuprates : Similar but Yet Different NCCO : Robust AF Phase Comensurate Magnetism Lower Tc T^2 resistivity. Non monotonic angle dependence of SC order parameter ……… Review: Armitage Fournier Green (2009) Apical oxygen 18181818
Fundamental questions still unresolved Important degrees of freedom at different energy scales [ d x2-y2, px py, pz, d z2 ] Relevant effective hamiltonians, one band multiband, etc. Mechanism of the superconductivity [ phonons, spin fluctuations, charge fluctuations, critical fluctuations, ….] How to describe the underlying normal state which does not fit in the fermi liquid paradigm (reference system) experiments. Difference among different families, electron vs hole doped. [ t, t’ fermi surfaces, ….] 19
LSCO NCCO Single site DMFT (low T) look for AF and PM solutions for the parent compound NCCO magnetism is responsible for gap ! LCO is a Mott charge transfer insulator. 20
Building phase diagram magnetization at T=0 vs . Single site Two site 21
Optical spectroscopy Theory (single site DMFT) C. Weber et. al. Onose et. al. PRB 69, 024504 (2004 ) Expt. Uchida et. al. PRB. 43, 7942 (1991) 22
Optical Spectral Weights in LSCO and NCCO (up to 1.5 ev) [xx]Y. Onose et al., Phys. Rev. B, 69, 024504 (2004). [xx] S. Uchida et al., Phys. Rev. B 43, 7942 (1991). [xx]S. Lupi et al., Jour of superconductivity 17, 131 (2004). [xx]S. Lupi et al., Jour of superconductivity 17, 131 (2004). 23
Zero Temperature Moment Include d-wave superconducting solutions. Four site DFMT T=0 24
Conclusions LDA+DMFT NCCO vs LSCO Strength of correlations (as quantified by single site DMFT) the most fundamental difference between NCCO and LSCO compounds. NCCO ( c 2 )straddle the Zaanen Sawatsky Allen localization delocalization boundary. Can be traced to the absence of apical oxygen in NCCO (structure property relation). Introduces subtle differences in the metallization process and interplay of magnetism and superconductivity. Good agreement with many subtle experimental features in NCCO Good agreement with many subtle experimental features in NCCO even within single site DMFT. even within single site DMFT. No need to use x dependent values of the interaction U No need to use x dependent values of the interaction U In general, better modeling with DMFT (more sites, more orbitals etc ) better results. In general, better modeling with DMFT (more sites, more orbitals etc ) better results. 25
Bath 12 Return to models, Hubbard, t-J Link DMFT Ferrero et. al. Europhys. Lett. 85, 57009 (2009) Stanescu and Phillips P RB,69, 245104 (2004). Plaquette DMFT: Lichtenstein and Kastnelson PRB (2000) T. Maier, et. al. 2001, Europhys. Lett. 56, 563. Sordi arXiv:1002.2960 Sordi arXiv:1002.2960 Civelli et. al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 046402 (2008) Haule and Kotliar Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007) Kinetic Energy Exchan ge Energy Real Space Momentum Space 26
Link DMFT (high temperature results) Real Space Picture Momentum Space Picture T=| ↑, ↑ > 1+= 1/√2(|0, ↑> + | ↑, 0>) E=|0, 0> S=1/√2( | ↑, ↓> -| ↑↓ >) Overdoped Underdoped 27 Fermi Liquid Holes in a sea of singlets
Nodal Antinodal Dichotomy : Spectral Function A(k,ω→0) vs k K.M. Shen PRL 2004 LSCO 2X2 CDMFT Nodal Region Antinodal Region Civelli PRL 95 (2005) U=16 t=1, t’=-.3, Hubbard model 28
Cluster DMFT charicature of something interersting Plaquette and link DMFT share many similarities. CDMFT finite T technique (finite range cumulants or self energies). Underdoped region at low temperatures Fermi arcs turn into pockets. T. Stanescu and GK Phys. Rev. B 74, 125110 (2006) Optimal doping. Maximum in the scattering rate. Surprising particle hole symmetry. Hidden QCP (K Haule and G. Kotliar PRB 76, 104509 (2007)or critical endpoint (Sordi 2010)) preempted by SC Tc. Phase diagram from plaquette DMFT coherence scale extracted from (0,pi) cluster self energy. 29
Tunneling : DOS Ratio A S /A N,. Theory K. Haule and GK. PRB (2007) Tunneling : DOS Ratio A S /A N,. Theory K. Haule and GK. PRB (2007) Exp:Bi2212 with STM McElroy PRL 94, 197005 (2005) 30 Superconductivity evolves continuously with doping Anomalous superconductivity in the underdoped region. Coherence peaks decrease when gap increases. Non BCS. Pushp et. al. arXiv:0906.0817 Pushp et. al. arXiv:0906.0817
Superexchange Mechanism. K. Haule and GK Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007). Superexchange Mechanism. K. Haule and GK Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007). D.J. Scalapino and S.R. White, Phys. Rev. B 58, 8222 (1998). Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVG Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVG Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture G. Kotliar and J. Liu P.RB 38,5412 (1988) 31
Conclusion / Outlook Correlated Electron Systems: fundamental questions, promising applications. Huge phase space DMFT (simple ? ) framework to think about electrons in solids and compute their properties. Many succesful applications to many materials for which cannot be treated with other techniques. In use for many materials by many groups. Qualitative and quantitative system specific results gives us confidence in the method. Example of actinide series, cuprates. Needed: progress in implementation! DMFT treats local correlation well but ignores non linear interactions among long wavelength modes and topological defects and other fluctuation effects. Limited k dependence [Connection with other approaches to strong correlation] Starting point for more sophisticated treatments [ including long wavelength modes and their interactions as in. Stat mech] Needed : Fluctuations around DMFT 32
Realistic DMFT as a tool for material exploration New arenas Interfaces, junctions heterostructures, artificial materials containing correlated electrons Grand challenge: using theory and computation to accelerate discoveries in strongly correlated electron systems. Separates essential ingredients [e.g. phonons, orbitals, structure etc. ] responsible for an effect. Compare different “states” of the system for the same value of parameters. Understand Mechanism for ordering. Bridge between atomic information and physical and spectroscopical properties. [Structure-Property relation Design] 32
Thank you for your attention!
E Energy difference between the normal and superconducing state of the t-J model. K. Haule and GK PRB (2006) What is the Superconductivity Mechanism ?
Optics and RESTRICTED SUM RULES [Ekin]n is only defined for T> Tc, while [Ekin]s exists only for T Tc, while [Ekin]s exists only for T<Tc Experiment: use of this equation implies extrapolation. Theory : use of this equation implies of mean field picture to continue the normal state below Tc.
. Spectral weight integrated up to 1 eV of the three BSCCO films. a) under- doped, Tc=70 K; b) ∼ optimally doped, Tc=80 K; c) overdoped, Tc=63 K; the full symbols are above Tc (integration from 0+), the open symbols below Tc, (integrationfrom 0, including th weight of the superfuid). H.J.A. Molegraaf et al., Science 295, 2239 (2002). H.J.A. Molegraaf et al., Science 295, 2239 (2002). A.F. Santander-Syro et al., Europhys. Lett. 62, 568 (2003). Cond-mat 0111539. G. Deutscher et. A. Santander-Syro and N. Bontemps. PRB 72, 092504(2005). A.F. Santander-Syro et al., Europhys. Lett. 62, 568 (2003). Cond-mat 0111539. G. Deutscher et. A. Santander-Syro and N. Bontemps. PRB 72, 092504(2005).
Even within the same scheme at low T. In some region of parameters of the Hamiltonian, there are at low temperature many many solutions to the DMFT equations with different broken symmetries and ever increasing unite cells. No unique approach to expand around DMFT. Landscape of DMFT Solutions Problem Landscape of DMFT Solutions Problem Difficulties 2x2 cluster DMFT equations are considerably harder to solve and to interpret than single site DMFT. 2x2 cluster DMFT equations are considerably harder to solve and to interpret than single site DMFT. Uniqueness: no unique formulation of cluster DMFT Uniqueness: no unique formulation of cluster DMFT Realistic implementations ARE demanding. Realistic implementations ARE demanding. Technical Issues
Correlated Superconductivity New concepts and techniques to treat highly incoherent normal state and the superconductivity that emerges from it. Coherence incoherence crossover, lines of zeros, momentum space differentiation, …… Proximity to the Mott transition, accounts for many observations in correlated superconductors. Still further developments are needed to improve cluster dynamical mean field theories (k space resolution) Separates local mean field effects from fluctuation effects, superconducting fluctuations[ Nernst region etc.] Fluctuations around mean field.
T. Stanescu and GK Phys. Rev. B 74, 125110 (2006) Pseudogap state pockets + lines of zeros that screend them. Some similiarities with phenomenological approach developed around the same time. Yang Rice and Zhang PRB 73 174501 (2006). R. M. Konik, T. M. Rice, A. M. Tsvelik, Phys. Rev. Lett96, 086407 (2006).
Superexchange Mechanism. K. Haule and GK Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007). Superexchange Mechanism. K. Haule and GK Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007). D.J. Scalapino and S.R. White, Phys. Rev. B 58, 8222 (1998). Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVB Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVB Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture G. Kotliar and J. Liu P.RB 38,5412 (1988) 31
Superexchange Mechanism. K. Haule and GK Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007). Superexchange Mechanism. K. Haule and GK Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007). D.J. Scalapino and S.R. White, Phys. Rev. B 58, 8222 (1998). Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVG Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVG Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture G. Kotliar and J. Liu P.RB 38,5412 (1988) 31
Superexchange Mechanism?. K. Haule and GK Phys. Rev. B 76, 104509 (2007). Ex= J ij ( s - n )/t D.J. Scalapino and S.R. White, Phys. Rev. B 58, 8222 (1998). How is the energy distributed in q and w ? Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVB Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture Reminiscent of PW Anderson RVB Science 235, 1196 (1987) and slave boson picture G. Kotliar and J. Liu P.RB 38,5412 (1988) Expts; Dai
Uchida et. al. PRB. 43, 7942 (1991) Onose et. al. PRB 69, 024504 (2004)
“Matthias’s Rules” for High Tc Metals. Must have d electrons (not just s s-p, nor f). Stay away from oxides. High symmetry is good, cubic is best. Nb3Sn Certain electron concentrations are favored (look for peak in density of states at Fermi level) Stay away from theorists “ Do not follow my rules “ 29
Thanks !!!
Number of Articles using DMFT Citation Report Topic=(Dynamical Mean Field Theory) Refined by: Subject Areas=( PHYSICS, CONDENSED MATTER )
,. Theory K. Haule and GK. PRB (2007) McElroy et. al. PRL 94, 197005 (2005) Exp:Bi2212 with STM Separating overdoped and underdoped region there is an optimal doping where the scattering rate is maximal.
T=| ↑, ↑ > S= 1/√2(|0, ↑i + | ↑, 0i) E=|0, 0> S=1/√2( | ↑, ↓> -| ↑↓ >)
Optimal doping: Coherence scale seems to vanish Tc underdoped overdoped optimally scattering at Tc
Comments What about broken symmetries and their quantum critical points ? Charge stripes, spin stripes, staggered currents, uniform currents, bond density waves, spin nematic order, spin glass, bond glass, have all been observed. Connections with S. Sachdev arXiv:0910.0846 arXiv:0910.0846 What about the electron phonon interaction, disordered introduced by dopants, oxygen orbitals, realistic band structure which are out there ? Isolate the qualitative aspects that follow from the proximity to the Mott transition, from those that require specific broken symmetries. For example: formation of arcs. Competing short range order. Can all be studied with CDMFT, given a well defined hamiltonian. But first things first, local physics, high temperature regimes less sensitive to details. Can be studied with LDA+DMFT, GW+DMFT to understand chemical trends within different families.
Finite temperature view of the phase diagram t-J model. K. Haule and GK (2006)
LaOFeAs1111 9
Na x CoO 2 Na x CoO 2 YBa2Cu3O7 VO2 5
Underdoped vs Overdoped T=0 Civelli PRB (2009) Stanescu Kotliar (2005) F. F. Balakirev et. al. (2007).
Finding interesting correlated materials Serendipity An aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident The Edisonian approach to innovation is characterized by trial and error discovery rather than a systematic theoretical approach. In developing the carbon microphone that became the basis of telephones of the next hundred years Edison and his co-workers tried hundreds of substances. + E disonian approach 6
Optimal superconductivity _c2
Kinetic energy we can’t measure but…….
Return to models (Hubbard and t-J) Unclear if they are superconducting in the thermodynamical limit. Have Mott transition that can be studied in plaquette DMFT. Important lessons that will impact further realistic studies. Concentrate on robust states. AF, SC, PM, PI. There are of course ordered states [current order, nematic order, stripe order, staggered flux order, etc. etc etc. etc. ]
Key Question Within the Stated Assumptions (i.e. Model Hamiltonians and Plaquette DMFT)what is the mechanims for superconductivity. How it is connected to the underlying “normal” state
Valence-bond DMFT: bond-in-a bath One patch covers the nodal part of the BZ. The other covers the antinodal part In the even/odd basis: - The even (bonding) orbital 1+2 is associated with the central (nodal) patch - The odd (antibonding) orbital 1-2 is associated with the border (antinodal) patch Two-site Anderson impurity model Bath 12 2-patch DCA construction
Valence-bond DMFT: bond-in-a bath One patch covers the nodal part of the BZ. The other covers the antinodal part Bath In the even/odd basis: - The even (bonding) orbital 1+2 is associated with the central (nodal) patch - The odd (antibonding) orbital 1-2 is associated with the border (antinodal) patch Two-site Anderson impurity model 12 2-patch DCA construction
Dimer and Plaquette. Haule and Kotliar, Civelli et. al., Sordi et. al. Ferrero et. al. Stanescu and Phillips
Early studies of plaquette and link DMFT Lichtenstein and Kastnelson PRB (2000) Stanescu, T. D., and P. Phillips, 2003, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,017002. DCA in 2x2 Jarrell, M., T. Maier, et. al. 2001, Europhys. Lett. 56, 563. Lichtenstein and Kastnelson PRB (2000) Stanescu, T. D., and P. Phillips, 2003, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,017002. DCA in 2x2 Jarrell, M., T. Maier, et. al. 2001, Europhys. Lett. 56, 563.
Cluster DMFT Alternative construction via cumulants
Previous methods fail near Pu Previous methods fail near Pu Spin Density functional theory: Pu, Am, magnetic, large orbital and spin moments. Experiments (Lashley et. al. 2005, Heffner et al. (2006)): Pu is non magnetic. No static or fluctuating moments. Susceptibility, specific heat in a field, neutron quasielastic and inelastic scattering, muon spin resonance… Paramagnetic LDA underestimates Volume of Pu. Paramagnetic LDA underestimates Volume of Pu. Thermodynamic and transport properties similar to strongly correlated materials. Thermodynamic and transport properties similar to strongly correlated materials. Plutonium: correlated paramagnetic metal. Plutonium: correlated paramagnetic metal.
Optics and RESTRICTED SUM RULES Low energy sum rule can have T and doping dependence. For nearest neighbor it gives the kinetic energy. Use it to extract changes in KE in superconducing state Below energy
Plutonium: an anomalous metal
Photoemssion (expt. Arko, theory Shim. al. science) Gouder, Havela PRB 2002, 2003
Pengcheng, Science 284, (1999) YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6.6 (Tc=62.7K) 41meV resonance local susceptibility Resonance at 0.16t~48meVResonance at 0.16t~48meV Most pronounced at optimal dopingMost pronounced at optimal doping Second peak shifts with doping (at 0.38~120meV opt.d.) and changes below Tc – contribution to condensation energySecond peak shifts with doping (at 0.38~120meV opt.d.) and changes below Tc – contribution to condensation energy
Dynamical Mean Field Theory Describes the electron both in the itinerant (wave-like) and localized (particle-like) regimes and everything in between!. Simpler reference systems to understand a problem. [e.g. harmonic oscillator] Follow different mean field states (phases) Compare free energies properties. Non Gaussian reference frame for correlated materials. Reference frame can be cluster of sites CDMFT 11 REVIEWS. Lichtenstein and Kastnelson PRB (2000) Stanescu, T. D., and P. Phillips, 2003, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91,017002. DCA in 2x2 Jarrell, M., T. Maier, et. al. 2001, Europhys. Lett. 56, 563 CUMULANTS. REFERENCE.
Strongly Correlated Materials Not well described by either the fully localized picture (well separated atoms) or the the band picture (weakly interacting bloch waves)..Materials for which the standard model of the solid state fails. Challenging non perturbative problem. Correlated variables Correlated variables Continuous discovery of interesting material and phenomena that did not fit the standard model of solid state physics. Heavy fermions (early 80’s), high temperature superconductors (late 80’s), other transition metal oxides (cobaltates, manganites, vanadates….) 90’s …… high Tc in FeAs based compounds (2009). Materials discovered by serendipity and the Edisonian approach 4
Optics: electron doped cuprates
Building the phase diagram and testing 1 site – 2site DMFT HartreeFock Hartree Fock 21
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