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You Can Fool Mother Nature Presented by Judy Pokorny Chief Risk Officer 2004 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium.

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Presentation on theme: "You Can Fool Mother Nature Presented by Judy Pokorny Chief Risk Officer 2004 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Can Fool Mother Nature Presented by Judy Pokorny Chief Risk Officer 2004 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium

2 Weather Events Significantly Impact the Bottom Line of Natural Gas and Electric Utilities “We believe weather explains 10% of gas utility stock movement.” A.G. Edwards Gas Utilities Quarterly Review, January 7, 2004 “Outlook for 2004 and Beyond. In the short term, our financial results will be affected by a number of factors, including weather conditions, …”, Exelon Corporation 2003 Annual Report, MD&A

3 Why Weather Affects Utility Earnings Certain costs fit the definition “variable” These costs are divided by 20-30 year weather statistics Most variable costs are difficult to manage Rate cases are infrequent In Midwest, the trend has been warmer in winter

4 Annual Heating Degree Days Chicago O’Hare Trends

5 Gap Between Rates and Recent Averages

6 Weather is Volatile Monthly HDD’s Chicago O’Hare (30 Year Avg.)

7 Is Weather Risk Strategic or Should it be Insured? Questions to consider What is the sensitivity of the firm to weather ? What is the volatility of weather ? Can the firm withstand an extreme event? Are there internal mitigants?

8 What Are The Alternatives? 1. File rate case frequently 2. Weather normalization clause 3. Offer fixed cost distribution product 4. Derivatives 5. Insurance

9 Alternative Structures of Risk Transfer

10 Result of Purchasing Climatic Insurance PEC Net Income With & Without Weather Insurance

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