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Be Full of Knowledge… About Going to College. Be the queen (or king!) bee Education is important and you can help your child make it happen Be your child’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Full of Knowledge… About Going to College. Be the queen (or king!) bee Education is important and you can help your child make it happen Be your child’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Full of Knowledge… About Going to College

2 Be the queen (or king!) bee Education is important and you can help your child make it happen Be your child’s biggest cheerleader Challenge your child to reach his or her potential through hard work Be Inspired

3 Be Informed Types of colleges Types of degrees Types of admissions Make a beeline to get information… Be Informed What do you need to know about higher education?

4 Be Aware Make sure your child gets a good foundation in the following courses: EnglishMath Laboratory ScienceSocial Sciences Foreign LanguageVisual/ Performing Arts Explore options to take advanced or honors math, English, or foreign language Get the buzz on!

5 Be Active Develop your child into a worker bee Help your child establish goals and stay on track Help your child build good time management skills and study habits Encourage reading and writing as regular activities

6 Encourage your child to get involved in school and community organizations, clubs, and activities Join the PTO/PTA and participate in other volunteer opportunities to learn more about what’s going on at your school Fly into the hive of activity Be Involved

7 Get to know the teachers, staff, and administrators at your school and ask questions Meet with teachers during parent/teacher conference days Attend open houses and other activities at your school Be an Advocate Be a good beekeeper by

8 Start planning and saving now Help is available - explore options for financial assistance, such as grant, loans, scholarships and work programs Be Prepared Take the sting out of financing your child’s education

9 Preparing now can ensure success later Your commitment makes a difference You’re headed in the right direction already! Be Assured Investing in your child’s future is a honey of a deal!

10 Be Ready for College Brought to you by:

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