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Review before final exam Today: Guide how to identify type of the problem Workshop tomorrow: Do practice problems Tuesday lecture: (attendance optional)

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Presentation on theme: "Review before final exam Today: Guide how to identify type of the problem Workshop tomorrow: Do practice problems Tuesday lecture: (attendance optional)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Review before final exam Today: Guide how to identify type of the problem Workshop tomorrow: Do practice problems Tuesday lecture: (attendance optional) See more practice problems solved

2 Guide how to identify type of the problem The question is about?acceleration Only if the problem explicitly says “average acceleration” or if the acceleration is constant a=  v/  t may be used The problem is for application of Newton’s 2 nd Law: m a x =  i F i x (0=) Usually a y is zero for proper choice of coordinates m a y =  i F i y I  =  i  i Also often needed:  =a/R a x =v 2 /R for the x-axis pointing towards the circle center Does/can center-of-mass of any object move? Does/can any object rotate? Rolling combines both for the same object force conditions for system at rest a x =0 a y =0  =0 Circular motion? (linear or angular)  = ± r F sin  or ± r ┴ F

3 The question is about? velocity Only if the problem explicitly says “average velocity” or if the velocity is constant v=  x/  t may be used A free fall problem? (the only force is weight) v fx = v ix v fy = v iy  g  t  x = v ix  t  y = v iy  t      g (  t) 2 x y Collision? (two objects, there is “before” and “after” the “interaction”) Use conservation of mechanical energy L tot i =L tot f Extended object: L=I  Point-like object: L= ± r mv sin  or ± r ┴ mv Any rotation involved? Use conservation of angular momentum yes Use conservation of linear momentum no P tot i =P tot f p=mv Does the text say “elastic” ? In addition, use K i =K f yes v 1f =v 2f yes E tot i =E tot f K i +U i =K f +U f Extended object: K=    I   Point-like object: K=    mv  Gravitational: U=mgh Elastic (spring) : U=    kx 2 (linear or angular) Wave velocity? v =  /k =f Some free fall problems are easier to solve using energy conservation Does the text say “perfectly” inelastic or the objects stick to each other ? no

4 The question is about?position A free fall problem? (the only force is weight)  x = v ix  t  y = v iy  t      g (  t) 2 v fx = v ix v fy = v iy  g  t x y Is velocity constant? Use conservation of mechanical energy E tot i =E tot f K i +U i =K f +U f Extended object: K=    I   Point-like object: K=    mv  Gravitational: U=mgh Elastic (spring) : U=    kx 2 (linear or angular)  x = v  t  x = v i  t      a (  t) 2 v f = v i  a  t Is acceleration constant? linear  angular xvaxva     Some free fall problems are easier to solve using energy conservation

5 E tot i =E tot f Modification of the slide on “velocity” and “position” problems Use conservation of mechanical energy yes no Use energy-work theorem  E tot =W ext. or non-cons. E tot f  E tot i =W ext. or non-cons. Use conservation of mechanical energy … Is mechanical energy conserved? (Is work by external or non-conservative forces zero?)







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