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October 15 – outline: What we did last time – “memory refresher”: “Pedroni“Pedroni”, Page 8, laws of light reflection. Next, start taking about refraction.

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Presentation on theme: "October 15 – outline: What we did last time – “memory refresher”: “Pedroni“Pedroni”, Page 8, laws of light reflection. Next, start taking about refraction."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 15 – outline: What we did last time – “memory refresher”: “Pedroni“Pedroni”, Page 8, laws of light reflection. Next, start taking about refraction of light: “Pedroni”, pages 10-11 (basic facts). Then, continue with this PPT presentation.

2 Basic facts: light incident on a water or glass surface, is partially reflected, and partially refracted: Refraction may produce spectacular Visual effects: Explanation why objects in water seem to be closer to the water surface than they actually are – which causes the “broken stick” effect.

3 More about refraction, and total internal reflection Vacuum Medium * If we only say “refractive index”, it by default means “relative to vacuum”.

4 If the ray impinges on the surface from vacuum, the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction, and the refractive index satisfy the relation: This is known as the Snell’s Law. If there are two different media, as shown in the figure, then the Snell’s Law has the form: Note that it is consistent with the upper one. Suppose that Medium 1 is vacuum; and, obviously: So we indeed get the same formula as the “upper” one.

5 Here is an animated example. A ray is incident from air on water surface. The refractive index of air is 1.0003, so with a good approximation can be taken as 1. For water, it is easy to remember: n = 4/3 = 1.3333. We change the angle of incidence from 0 to 90º. The angle of refraction is always smaller. What is its maximum value?

6 Now we want to consider, what happens, if light impinges on the water surface, but “from below”. Here The Principle of Ray Reversibility comes in handy: Any actual ray of light in an optical system, if reversed in direction, will retrace the same path backward

7 The maximum value sin(θ r ) can take is 1. It happens when sin(θ i ) = ¾ = 0.75, it is, when θ i = 48.59º θ i = 48.59º in the present case is the critical angle. For θ i larger than the cri- tical angle the Snell Law is no longer valid! For θ i > 48.59º, light inci- dent “from below” on wa- ter surface is no longer refracted, but totally ref- lected – this effect is called a total internal reflection of light.

8 Here is the same animation, but a slower one:

9 Let’s discuss: a diver underwater looks up – what does she see?

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