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Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics Karl Crary, Stephanie Weirich, Greg Morrisett Presentation by Nate Waisbrot.

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Presentation on theme: "Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics Karl Crary, Stephanie Weirich, Greg Morrisett Presentation by Nate Waisbrot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intensional Polymorphism in Type-Erasure Semantics Karl Crary, Stephanie Weirich, Greg Morrisett Presentation by Nate Waisbrot

2 Authors' background Part of Cornell University's TAL (Typed Assembly Language) group Creating intermediate languages to compile into TAL

3 Three styles of polymorphism Get a value and inspect its type –Easy and efficient, but not powerful Pass types as first-class objects –Powerful, but slow and complicated for the compiler Pass values which represent types –Best of both worlds

4 Passing values Recall the paper "Dynamically Typing in a Statically Typed Language" (Abadi, Cardelli, Pierce, and Plotkin) Types are tied to values -- you can't have one without the other

5 Dynamic types Dynamic(5  int)dynamic value f : dynamic  dynamicdynamic function x:dynamic. typecase x of int  …   …     …

6 Passing types Values are described by types Types are described by kinds We could keep going… (System F  )

7 Overview of System F . x: .xThe polymorphic identity function .  The type of the identity function iden [int] 5Application of the identity function . . x: . y: . (x  y)a pair function . . (    )its type pair [int] [string] 0 “zero”application

8 Overview of i ML Start with System F, add the ability to work with types alone . .    the pair-type function Type  Type  Typethe kind of the pair-type function pairT [int] [string]this gives us the type (int  string) Now add the typecase construct: typecase [ .int]  substitute  for  and return an int int  0

9 i ML syntax  ::= Type |  c ::=  | int | c  c | c  c |  : .c | c c | Typerec c(c int, c , c  )  ::= c |  |    |  : .  e ::= x | i | x: .e | fix f: .v | e e | |  e |  : .v | e[c] | typecase [ .  ] … v::= i | x: .e | fix f: .v | |  : .v

10 Typing hierarchy 56 x:int.x int int  int Type types: values: .  Type  Type kinds:

11 What's wrong with type passing? Types must be kept separate from values –Doubles the type-checker's work –Compiling it down to TAL is hard Language semantics require types to always be passed

12 Solution: type representations Make new type, "representation" Get back all the simplicity of normal value- passing As a bonus, gain some abstraction

13 Overview of type representations R  (R int,R int )The representation of int  int R( R(int)  R(int) )Its type

14 Syntax of R  ::= Type |  c ::=  | int | c  c | c  c |  : .c | c c | R(c) | Typerec c(c int, c , c , c R )  ::= c |  |    |  : .  |  : .  e ::= x | i | x: .e | fix f: .v | e e | |  e |  : .v | e[c] | pack e as .  hiding  | unpack = e in e | R int | R  (e,e) | R  (e,e) | R R (e) | typecase [ .c] … v::= i | x: .e | fix f: .v | |  : .v | pack v as .  hiding  | R int | R  (v,v) | R  (v,v) | R R (v)

15 TypeToString: dynamic types typeToString : dynamic  string x:dynamic. typecase x of int  "int" string  "string"   "function"  ×   "<" + typeToString Dynamic(    1 x) + "," + typeToString Dynamic(    2 x) + ">" 

16 TypeToString: type-passing fix typeToString :  :Type.string.  :Type. typecase [ .string]  of int  "int" string  "string"   typeToString [  ] + "  " + typeToString [  ]  ×   "<" + typeToString [  ] + "," + typeToString [  ] + ">"

17 TypeToString: type representations fix typeToString :  :Type.R(  )  string.  :Type. x:R(  ). typecase [ .string] x of R int  "int" R string  "string" R  (x,y) as   typeToString [  ] x + "  " + typeToString [  ] y R × (x,y) as  ×   "<" + typeToString [  ] x + "," + typeToString [  ] y + ">"

18 Type erasure A well-typed program in typed -calculus has an equivalent in untyped -calculus Typed: x: .x Untyped: x.x

19 TypeToString: with types erased fix typeToString :  :Type.R(  )  string.  :Type. x:R(  ). typecase [ .string] x of R int  "int" R string  "string" R  (x,y) as   typeToString [  ] x + "  " + typeToString [  ] y R × (x,y) as  ×   "<" + typeToString [  ] x + "," + typeToString [  ] y + ">"

20 Type refinement Do dead-code elimination based on the type of the representation Propagate information about the type of an argument back through the function

21 Monomorphic closure x: .yA function with a free variable  Its type (if y has type  ) We want to eliminate free variables f = ( (x  e):   env.  y e)  The closed function  env.((   env)   )  envIts type

22 Polymorphic closure The same closed function, with type passing  :Kind.  env:Type.  : .  :  = . ((   env)   )  env

23 Closure with representations f’ =  x:(   R(  )).  2 x f’ : (   R(  ))   f’’ = pack (f’’  R  ) as  env.((   env)   )  env hiding R(  ) f’’ :  env.((   env)   )  env

24 Summary Create a value to represent a type Pass the value, not the type Passing values is easy Knowing types at runtime is useful

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