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Assessment of utilized technologies for preserving water quality P R E W A R C TMF-Skopje, 2007 Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Project PREWARC
OBSERVED INDUSTRIES Metallurgy Mines Electric power plant Project PREWARC Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius
FENI Problems: Filter dust, EAF slag, converter slag, Atmospheric leaching of the slag’s, gas emission MAKSTIL Problems: Filter dust, EAF slag, Ladle slag, Atmospheric leaching of slag’s, gas emission SILMAK Problems: Furnaces are without gas cleaning system M e t a l l u r g yM e t a l l u r g y Project PREWARC Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius
REK Bitola Problems: Fly ash (hazardous) REK Oslomej Problems: Fly ash (hazardous) Project PREWARC Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Electric Power Plants
Zletovo Sasa Toranica Bucim Problems: Solid waste - Tailings, Atmosferic leaching of solid waste, Pollution of underground water and soil, and Atmospheric emission Project PREWARC Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius M I N E S
Makstil, Skopje
Emission of primary gases The emission of primary gases from the electric arc furnaces is about 95% from the total emission of gases created during the manufacture. Most of the steel production plants use electric arc furnaces with three electrodes, where the extraction of the primary gases is carried out through so called fourth hole. That is why, 85 to 90% of the gases created during the process, starting from the charging until the moment the metal is tapped, can be captivated and cleaned. Even today, we can find electric arc furnaces that are consisted only by so called dog-house that is they are without the fourth hole. More than 50% from the electric arc furnaces used today, instead of fourth hole, use additional system for evacuation of gases from the unit’s atmosphere, mostly with ventilation hoods. Comparison of the current performances with BAT
Electric arc furnace with fourth holeDog – house for captivation of the gases And hood for de-dusting of the unit’sand dust from the electric arc furnace atmosphere Figure 1. Systems for de-dusting from the electric arc furnace
Electric arc furnace The electric arc furnace for production of steel used in Makstil – Skopje uses system of three carbon electrodes. The furnace has built on fourth hole for extraction of the primary gases. The problem of the removal of fugitive gases is not yet solved, that means a system for their captivation is not included. The secondary gases made during the charging, smelting and tapping of the metal can not be captivated. Primary emission, BAT – Makstil results of the comparisons
EmissionUnitBAT Electric arc and ladle furnace Dust mg/Nm 3 <20 mg/Nm 3 9.52 9.52(43.09g/t) SO 2 g/t20-100 91.45 (20.21mg/Nm 3 ) NO x g/t120-240 356.60 (78.80mg/Nm 3 ) COg/t740-2000 423.18 (93.50mg/Nm 3 ) Solid waste from the production Slag from electric arc furnace kg/t100-150110.64 Slag from ladle kg/t10-3020 Dust (total organic carbon) kg/t10-2016.6 Fireproof material kg/t2-84.4 Comparison of the values recommended by BAT and the current results for primary emission from the electric arc and ladle furnace in AD Makstil – Skopje
EmissionDustBAT Tapping of metal kg/t LS 0.2-0.3 Gases from the electric arc furnace kg/t LS 0.5-2.0 Charging 0.3-1.0 Secondary emission of gases from charging, tapping of metal and continuous casting Values for secondary gases created during transportation and charging, tapping of the metal and continuous casting, recommended by BAT, that are not a subject of Makstil’s analysis
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Optimal approach towards BAT For optimal approach or achievement of the measures recommended by BAT, during the steel production in electric arc furnace, we should use BAT techniques (methods) or their combination. Which one of the techniques (methods) or their combination will be used, depends on the local possibilities. Project PREWARC
Extraction of dust in electric arc furnace With combination of direct extraction with forth hole and a system of canopy hood, Dog-house and a system of canopy hood, or Complete evacuation of the unit. By applying one of these techniques or their combination, we expect that the degree of the dust and gas captivation would be higher than 98%. The further treatment of the steel is performed by using ladle technique in a ladle specially used for this purpose. The fugitive gasses that have been produced during this process are not extracted, which means there is no system for their collecting. Recommended measures
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius De-dusting of the waste gasses A well-designed bag filter can provide less than 5mg/Nm3 for new factories and less than 15mg/Nm3 for factories that have been operational some period of time. The decrease of the dust quantities is related to the decrease of heavy metal’s emission, but this does not include the heavy metals that are present in the gas phase, as the mercury. In AD Makstil the dust and gas extraction in the furnace is performed by using system with bag filter. For this, no greater investments are needed. Project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Decrease of PCDD/F and PCB emission Adequate system of post combustion equipped with system for collecting gasses or in special system for further combustion with quick cooling in order to prevent the synthesis that could happen again. Injection of lignite dust before entering the bag filter By applying one of the recommended techniques, we expect the gas emission to decrease to 0.1-0.5 ng I – TEQ/Nm3.. Project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Decrease of the solid waste Recommended BAT techniques Minimization of the waste from the production Decrease of the solid waste by recycling of the slag from the electric arc furnace and the filter dust. Depending on the local possibilities, the filter dust can be recycled and up to 30% Zn can be obtained from it. The filter dust with more than 20%Zn can be used in the non-ferrous metallurgy’s industries. For solid waste that can not be recycled, the only option is controlled disposal. Project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Decrease of the fugitive emission by manipulating with materials Change of the transportation system Maintenance of the transportation roads Maintenance of the unit’s inner, by using industrial vacuum cleaner Covering of the storages Captivation of the dust produced by the usage of dolomite in a ladle, etc. Project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius SILMAK, Skopje
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius BAT for receiving, storing and transportation In order to prevent the destroying and pouring of the material, the transportation systems, conveyers and pipes should be well secured To inhibit the dust emission during transportation in open transportation systems, they should include equipment for extraction and dust filtration Regular cleaning and washing of the vehicles and transportation systems should be performed Regular control and inspection of the transportation systems Control its humidity Insuring appropriate and regular maintenance
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius The analysis of the data obtained from Silmak and our own investigations show that the most important and necessary measures are: Closing of the open transporters Equipment for cleaning plant ’ s surroundings De-dusting of the transfer stations.
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Primary measures for cleaner production of ferrosilicon in open and half-closed furnaces The results obtained from Silmak ’ s data show that the air flow is twice as bigger than the one recommended by BAT. For approaching and achieving these values recommended by BAT, during ferrosilicon production in electric arc furnaces, some interventions on the system for gas extraction should be taken over, that is to redesign the regime of gas extraction. The furnace’s are not equipped with a system for extraction of gases and dust created during charging, of the fugitive gases created during smelting and of gases created during metals tapping. To inhibit the environment pollution of the plants surrounding with dust and gases that are released through out the chimneys, a system for captivation and cleaning of the gases – bag filter should be installed.
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Control of the process The most important parameters which should be controlled during the smelting process are: Control of the furnaces work in order to optimize the working conditions. The key parameters which should be controlled are the pressure and the temperature on different parts in the furnace and the oxygen and CO concentration. Control of the process is carried out by using relevant methods which allow undisturbed maintenance of the working conditions on an optimal level. The operators of the devices should be appropriately trained and informed about the procedures and parameters which should be controlled. Appropriate maintenance of the devices, the de-dusting systems and all the other following processes.
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Decrease of the fugitive emission from materials manipulation Maintenance of the road network Maintenance of the transportation roads Maintenance of the unit ’ s inner, by using industrial vacuum cleaner Covering the storages of loose materials Captivation of the dust produced by using dolomite in a ladle, etc. Contamination of water In the technological process of cooling there is no contamination of water, and because of this no treatment of the water is necessary. For the needs of the technological process – cooling of the furnaces transformers, sanitary water is also being used. There are no wastewaters
Figure 1.The general location of the Zletevo lead/zinc mine
BAT - RECOMENDATION It is recommended that an integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) approach is applied to planning for the future improvements at the Zletovo mining facilities. Thus, air and wastewater pollution controls should both be used (rather than either one form of abatement or the other being predominant), to achieve environmental improvements and compliance with the legislation. T a i l i n g s Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 1.Tailings Recommendation: Application of an integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC) for the future improvements at the Zletovo mining facilities. Thus, air and wastewater pollution controls should both be used (rather than either one form of abatement or the other being predominant), to achieve environmental improvements and compliance with the legislation. 2. Particulates Recommendation: The particulate wastes inside and outside the crushing building should be removed from the site and treated as hazardous wastes. The conveyors should be appropriately enclosed. Active ventilation with effective filters or scrubbers should be installed in the crushing area. The older areas of the tailings should be covered with a suitable soil. project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 3. Odour Recommendation: Instalation of active ventilation systems with effective filters in the areas where the odour emissions are high. 4. Solid Waste and Sludge Management 4.1General Wastes Recommendation: Disposing of the remaining scrap metal and other inert wastes of off- site, preferably for re-use or recycling. 4.2Hazardous Wastes (Other than Tailings) Recommendation: Construct of a specific hazardous waste disposal facility. This should be appropriately located; be lined and bunded to reduce the possibility for migration of any spills; and be covered to eliminate rainwater ingress. project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 4.3Tailings Recommendation: To develop a further tailings disposal site in the vicinity of the Zletovo mine, and do not employ the current disposal site (except perhaps for a short temporary period when the new disposal facility is being constructed - this to be specifically agreed with the Government authorities). 5.Water Supply and Wastewater Discharges These discharges should not be introduced into the mine wastewaters. project PREWARC
Reduction of emissions to water Re-use of process water Dissolved metals treatment Suspended solids and dissolved components Acid / Alkaline water treatment Groundwater monitoring Dams Techniques to design, construct and raise dams Monitoring the stability of dams and heaps Uses of tailings and waste-rock Earth construction hydraulic engineering landfill construction further applications (brick industry - ceramic processes) Management of tailings and waste-rock
Neutralization with adding of some agents (Lime, Ca(OH) 2..) Leaching and Extraction (cementation,...) Electrorecavery + neutralization Ion exchange of underground water (Na, Cl) WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES REMEDIOATION OF HISTORICAL TAILINGS DISPOSAL (i) profiling, as required (ii) covering or capping, and (iii) revegetation
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 1 Chemical Storage Recommendation: All old and empty chemical drums should be placed in a secure area with other hazardous waste materials. The floor of the chemicals store needs to be excavated, and this material should be placed in this secure hazardous waste area. New chemical drums should be placed in a secure bunded area under cover, with segregation by chemical type. Control over the use of chemicals in the dosing area needs to be improved. 2.Particulates Recommendation: To remove from the particulate wastes inside and outside the crushing building and treate them as an hazardous wastes. The appropriate enclosing of conveyors. To cover the older area of the tailings with a suitable soil. 3, Odour Recommendation: Instalation of active ventilation systems with effective filters in areas where odour emissions are high. project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 4. Solid Waste and Sludge Management 4.1.General Wastes Recommendation: Despousing of off-site of remaining scrap metal and other inert wastes preferably for re-use or recycling. 4.2. Hazardous Wastes (Other than Tailings) Recommendation: To construct a specific hazardous waste disposal facility. This should be appropriately located; be lined and bunded to reduce the possibility for migration of any spills; and be covered to eliminate rainwater ingress. 4.3. Tailings Recommendation: To develop a further tailings disposal site in the vicinity of the Sasa mine, and do not employ the current disposal site (except perhaps for a short temporary period when the new disposal facility is being constructed - this to be specifically agreed with the Government authorities project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 5. Water Supply and Wastewater Discharges To design and construct a wastewater treatment plant, to accept and treat all wastewaters arising at the Sasa mine facilities and containing significant quantities of contaminants. This must include the wastewaters arising from the adits; the mine buildings and processing areas; and any leachate arising from the new tailings disposal facility. The wastewater discharge standards to be achieved by the treatment facility will be as laid down by the MoEPP. 6. Housekeeping Recommendation: The materials that constitute hazardous wastes need to be stored in a secure area, with safeguards against leakage into the general environment. project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 1. Chemical Storage Recommendation: All old and empty chemical drums should be placed in a secure area, with other hazardous waste materials. The floors of the contaminated chemicals store need to be cleaned, and this material should be placed in this secure hazardous waste area. New chemical drums should be placed in a secure bonded area under cover, with segregation by chemical type. Chemical drums should only be stored where their use is essential around the site. Control over the use of chemicals in the dosing area needs to be improved, with bonding provided to contain spills. 2. Particulates Recommendation: If they cannot be recycled, the remaining particulate wastes inside and outside the crushing building should be removed from the site and treated as hazardous wastes, before operations are restarted. The damaged conveyors should be appropriately enclosed. Active ventilation with effective filters or scrubbers should be installed and/or repaired in the crushing area. The older area of the tailings should be covered with a suitable soil. This will reduce dust arising in windy conditions, and will assist in the revegetation of the tailings disposal area. project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius 4. Odour Recommendation: Installation of active ventilation systems with effective filters should be installed in areas where odour emissions are high. This will improve both environmental and Health & Safety conditions. 5. Solid Waste and Sludge Management 5.1 General Wastes Recommendation: To remaining scrap metal and other inert wastes should be disposed of off- site, preferably for re-use or recycling. 5.2. Hazardous Wastes (Other than Tailings) Recommendation: Construction of a specific hazardous waste disposal facility. This should be appropriately located; be lined and bonded to reduce the possibility for migration of any spills; and be covered to eliminate rainwater ingress. In the longer term, a more coordinated hazardous waste management system will need to be developed, in line with the Macedonian national programme for addressing hazardous wastes. project PREWARC
Faculty of Technology&metallurgy University “St’s Cyril & Methodius Thank you for your attention! Project PREWARC
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