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Code Development for Processing Video Streams
“NOT reinventing the wheel” Slides taken from a presentation by Dr. Gary Bradski, Intel Computer Corp.
Progress in Computer Vision
1970’s vision student First step: Build digitizer and video display hardware 1980’s vision student First step: Write image class library and interface to video capture card 2000’s vision student First step: Learn to use standard libraries with standard hardware!
Standard Libraries IPL OpenCV VIPeR Toolkit VisSDK
Link from network file system Download to your local disk IPL OpenCV VIPeR Toolkit An example program running under Windows which can be customized VisSDK
Standard Vision Libraries
Intel IPL (now IPP) – Image processing library Optimized (MMX) code for filtering, FFT, etc. Intel OpenCV – Open Computer Vision library Higher level support for image representation and manipulation Microsoft Vision SDK – Similar to OpenCV Includes standard routines for image and video input and output Otherwise, not used very much here
VIPER This is a starter project in Visual C++ which integrates the standard libraries. It includes Examples of reading and writing images and video files Examples of capturing live video and processing it Some simple rendering and interaction hooks under Windows Used extensively in Digital Video Special Effects class for several years with great success It is not elegant and beautiful code. It is a quick way to implement experiments.
First Problem Set It will give you a chance to use Viper with standard libraries to do some simple processing Two parts: Read in an image and compute its histogram Read in an AVI file and do some simple “tracking” Instructions for installing VIPER and connecting to standard libraries will be provided. Tutorial on VIPER, Visual C++, and histograms. This Friday from 4-5. Location: CCB 155
SDKs Galore! IPL OpenCV VIPeR Toolkit VisSDK
Image Analysis Thresholds Statistics Pyramids Morphology
Distance transform Flood fill Feature detection Contours retrieving
Image Thresholding Fixed threshold; Adaptive threshold;
Image Thresholding Examples
Source picture Fixed threshold Adaptive threshold
Statistics min, max, mean value, standard deviation over the image
Norms C, L1, L2 Multidimensional histograms Spatial moments up to order 3 (central, normalized, Hu)
Image Pyramids Gaussian and Laplacian pyramids
Image segmentation by pyramids Change the picture to something more clear!
Image Pyramids Gaussian and Laplacian
Pyramid-based color segmentation
On still pictures And on movies
Morphological Operations
Two basic morphology operations using structuring element: erosion dilation More complex morphology operations: opening closing morphological gradient top hat black hat
What is Structuring Element?
The rectangle mask with given position of a principal pixel:
Morphological Operations Examples
Morphology - applying Min-Max. Filters and its combinations Image I Erosion IB Dilatation IB Opening IoB= (IB)B Closing I•B= (IB)B Grad(I)= (IB)-(IB) TopHat(I)= I - (IB) BlackHat(I)= (IB) - I
Distance Transform Calculate the distance for all non-feature points to the closest feature point Two-pass algorithm, 3x3 and 5x5 masks, various metrics predefined
Flood Filling Simple Gradient
Feature Detection Fixed filters (Sobel operator, Laplacian);
Optimal filter kernels with floating point coefficients (first, second derivatives, Laplacian) Special feature detection (corners) Canny operator Hough transform (find lines and line segments) Gradient runs
Canny Edge Detector
Hough Transform Detects lines in a binary image
Probabilistic Hough Transform Standard Hough Transform
Another Sample of the Hough Transform Using
Source picture Result
Contour Retrieving The contour representation:
Chain code (Freeman code) Polygonal representation Initial Point Chain code for the curve: Contour representation
Hierarchical representation of contours
Image Boundary (W1) (W2) (W3) (B2) (B3) (B4) Get the english picture! (W5) (W6)
Contours Examples Source Picture (300x600 = 180000 pts total)
Retrieved Contours (<1800 pts total) After Approximation (<180 pts total) And it is rather fast: ~70 FPS for 640x480 on complex scenes
Optical Flow Block matching technique Horn & Schunck technique
Lucas & Kanade technique Pyramidal LK algorithm 6DOF (6 degree of freedom) algorithm Optical flow equations:
Pyramidal Implementation of the optical flow algorithm
Image Pyramid Representation Iterative Lucas – Kanade Scheme J image I image Location of point u on image uL=u/2L Spatial gradient matrix Standard Lucas – Kanade scheme for optical flow computation at level L dL Guess for next pyramid level L – 1 Finally, Generic Image (L-1)-th Level Image pyramid building L-th Level Optical flow computation
Pyramidal Implementation of the optical flow algorithm
6DOF Algorithm Parametrical optical flow equations:
Reconsider this slide!
3D reconstruction Camera Calibration View Morphing POSIT
Camera Calibration Define intrinsic and extrinsic camera parameters.
Define Distortion parameters
Camera Calibration Now, camera calibration can be done by holding checkerboard in front of the camera for a few seconds. And after that you’ll get: 3D view of etalon Un-distorted image
View Morphing
POSIT Algorithm Perspective projection: Weak-perspective projection:
References M.Hu.Visual Pattern Recognition by Moment Invariants, IRE Transactions on Information Theory, 8:2, pp , 1962. B. Jahne. Digital Image Processing. Springer, New York, 1997. M. Kass, A. Witkin, and D. Terzopoulos. Snakes: Active Contour Models, International Journal of Computer Vision, pp , 1988. J.Matas, C.Galambos, J.Kittler. Progressive Probabilistic Hough Transform. British Machine Vision Conference, 1998. A. Rosenfeld and E. Johnston. Angle Detection on Digital Curves. IEEE Trans. Computers, 22: , 1973. Y.Rubner.C.Tomasi,L.J.Guibas.Metrics for Distributions with Applications to Image Databases. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, Bombay, India, January 1998, pp Y. Rubner. C. Tomasi, L.J. Guibas. The Earth Mover’s Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval. Technical Report STAN-CS-TN-98-86, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University, September, 1998. Y.Rubner.C.Tomasi.Texture Metrics. Proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, San-Diego, CA, October 1998, pp
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