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ASCSU Tony Frank October 2010 Draft FY12 Budget Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "ASCSU Tony Frank October 2010 Draft FY12 Budget Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASCSU Tony Frank October 2010 Draft FY12 Budget Presentation

2 Take Away Messages from HESP2010: Colorado is an extraordinarily low public support state with relatively low tuition. (Note: the tuition bar on these tables an average of all types of Colorado public higher education and is much smaller relative to peers for the research universities alone.) CU – 22% higher; CCHE Peers – 44%

3 Take Away Messages: the amount we receive to educate a student has been held remarkably constant over 2 decades – we have controlled costs; what has changed is that 20 years ago we all chipped in to cover 2/3 the cost of an education, and now the individual family pays for 2/3 the cost. In short, we have been privatizing public higher education – we’ve just been doing it slowly and quietly.

4 Revenues Unbudgeted FY11 Enrollment Growth$1.9M Future Revenue Contingency Reserve$1.5M (Net of FY11 Bridged Reduction) Miscellaneous$0.5M Tuition State Funding – ARRA ($16.6M) Additional State Cuts SUBTOTAL: ($23.7M) Expenses Mandatory Costs$4.2M (FA Program Inflation) Financial Aid$6.2M Salaries$0.3M (Promotions) Pre-Existing Commitments$5.3M Unit Expense Reductions ( Differential Tuition?) SUBTOTAL: $16.0M NET: ($39.7M) Tuition:$18.7M (Full-time = 12 SCH, 3% NR, 5% Graduate) [9% resident UG is $8M] Unit Cuts:$23.0M (10%; 33% funding loss; 42.3% total cuts) ($11.0M ) FY12 Draft Incremental Education & General Fund Budget Colorado State University

5 Institution FA10 Full-Time SCH Adams State College 12 Colorado School of Mines 15 Colorado State University 10 Colorado State University - Pueblo 12 Fort Lewis College 10 Mesa State College 12 Metropolitan State College of Denver 12 University of Colorado - Health Sciences * University of Colorado at Boulder 11 University of Colorado-Colorado Springs * University of Colorado Denver 12-18 University of Northern Colorado 12-16 Western State College 12 Credit Hour Gap: How CSU Compares in Colorado


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