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Chapter 9 – Management of Quality
Dimensions, determinants, definition, pioneers, Cost of Quality, awards, ISO certification, TQM, process improvement methodology, quality tools, PDCA cycle, Quality Circles Rev. 07/05/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
What’s your definition of quality?
High price? Reliable? Attractive? Durable? Other? Rev. 02/04/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Dimensions of Quality Performance Aesthetics Special features Safety Reliability Durability Perceived quality Service after sale Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality - a Definition - 1
“Fitness for use” - Juran Based on various factors: reliability, durability, performance, usefulness, aesthetics, price, etc. - Various “Meets customer requirements” – Various “Consistently meets or exceeds customer expectations” - Stevenson Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality - a Definition - 2
“Consistently meets or exceeds customer requirements” – Bentley Emphasis on requirements Includes understanding of expectations Implies an agreement explicit or Implicit Concept: “Do it right the first time and every time” Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Determinants of Quality
How well a product satisfies its intended purpose based on 4 factors Design Conformance to the design Ease of use Service after delivery Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Case Study – a personal experience
Program introduction General manager kickoff talk Key question – “What do we do at the end of the month if we’re not sure that a product meets quality requirements?” The answer – “That all depends…” Possible consequences Program results Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 1
Frederick Taylor ( ) Inspection Gauging Walter Shewhart (Bell Telephone) ( ) Developed Statistical control charts Mentored Deming PDCA cycle (shared with Deming) Identified 2 causes of variation: chance and assignable Rev. 01/26/05 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 2
H.G. Romig and Harold Dodge (Bell Labs) Acceptance sampling tables W. (William) Edwards Deming ( ) Trained in engineering, mathematics, and physics Physics professor, U.S. Census Bureau, consultant Taught SQC to Japanese QC people ( ) PDCA cycle (shared with Shewhart) Honored by Japanese prize in his name Rev. 01/26/05 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 2
W. (William) Edwards Deming (cont’d.) 14 points based on: Constancy of purpose Continual improvement Profound knowledge Appreciation for a system A theory of variation A theory of knowledge Rev. 01/26/05 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 3
Joseph M. Juran (Western Electric) ( ) Also lectured in Japan Authored/Edited Quality Control Handbook Conceived idea of “Cost of Quality” “Quality Trilogy” concept Quality planning Quality control Quality improvement Rev. 01/26/05 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 4
Armand Feigenbaum (GE, General Systems Company) (????- ) “Cost of nonconformance” Total quality control concept Authored Total Quality Control 40 steps in quality principles TQC is system for integration… Standards, appraisal, corrective action Technological and human factors 4 categories of quality costs Control quality at the source Rev. 02/16/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 5
Philip Crosby (Martin Marietta, ITT, PCA) ( ) Zero Defects Authored Quality is Free, Quality Without Tears Started Quality College (multiple sites) Company teams trained Emphasized behavioral change Rev. 02/16/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 6
Kaoru Ishikawa ( ) Quality Circles Cause and effect [“fishbone” or Ishikawa] diagram Promoted statistical methods Recognized internal customer Conceived “company wide quality control Rev. 02/16/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Gurus / Pioneers - 7
Genichi Taguchi ( ) Emphasized variation reduction Taguchi loss function Shigeo Shingo ( ) Not focused on quality but had significant impact Setup standardization Poka-yoke Source inspection systems Rev. 02/16/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Cost of Quality External Failure Internal Failure Prevention Appraisal External Failure Internal Failure Prevention Appraisal Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Awards & Prizes Deming Prize Awarded by Union of Japanese Scientists & Engineers First awarded in 1951 Named after W. Edwards Deming Baldrige Award Awarded by US Department of Commerce 1987 legislation Named after Malcolm Baldrige Rev. 02/16/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Awards & Prizes (cont’d)
European Quality Awards Awards for “organizational excellence” 4 levels of recognition 5 areas of concentration Other awards Most developed nations have some form of Quality awards or prizes 02/09/05 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Value of Awards & Prizes
Shows effort Largely dependent on money spent Used in advertising Doesn’t reflect customer view Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
International Standards Org’n
ISO 9000 (QMS - Fundamentals and vocabulary) ISO 9001 (QMS - Requirements) ISO 9004 (QMS Guidance for performance improvement) ISO (Guidelines on Quality and/or Environmental Management Systems Auditing) ISO (environmental responsibility) Rev. 09/12/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
ISO Registration What’s been good Focus on quality Demonstrates effort What’s been bad (mostly fixed in ISO 9000:2000 Becomes mechanical Emphasizes conformance to documentation, not meeting QUALITY Doesn’t include customer view Rev. 09/12/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Quality Today Reflects a blend of concepts and contributions from the “pioneers” (“gurus”) Stresses organization-wide TQM Emphasizes the role of the front-line worker (authority and responsibility) Seeks to recognize achievement through prizes and certification 09/12/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
TQM Approach Know customer requirements and wants Design a product to delight the customer Design a process to do the job right (the first time and) every time Apply fail-safing techniques (“poka-yoke” devices) Monitor and record results for improvement ideas Work with suppliers and customers Rev. 02/20/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Poka-Yoke (Mistake-Proofing)
Developed by Shigeo Shingo An approach for mistake-proofing processes using automatic devices or methods to avoid simple human or machine error, such as forgetfulness, misunderstanding, errors in identification, lack of experience, absentmindedness, delays, or malfunctions Mod. 09/15/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Other TQM Points Continual improvement (“kaizen”) Competitive benchmarking Employee enablement Use of teams Training Extension to suppliers Traditional vs. TQM cultures Rev. 02/20/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Process Improvement Tools
Process flowcharts Check sheets Scatter diagrams Histograms Pareto analysis (charts) Cause-and-effect diagrams (Ishikawa/Fishbone) Control charts Run charts Rev. 03/02/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Flowcharts Shows unexpected complexity, problem areas, redundancy, unnecessary loops, and where simplification may be possible Compares and contrasts actual versus ideal flow of a process Allows a team to reach agreement on process steps and identify activities that may impact performance Serves as a training tool Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Check Sheet Creates easy-to-understand data Builds, with each observation, a clearer picture of the facts Forces agreement on the definition of each condition or event of interest Makes patterns in the data become obvious quickly xx xxxxxx x Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Scatter Diagram Supplies the data to confirm a hypothesis that two variables are related Provides both a visual and statistical means to test the strength of a relationship Provides a good follow-up to cause and effect diagrams * * * * * Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Histogram Displays large amounts of data that are difficult to interpret in tabular form Shows centering, variation, and shape Illustrates the underlying distribution of the data Provides useful information for predicting future performance Helps to answer the question “Is the process capable of meeting requirements? Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Pareto Diagram Helps a team focus on causes that have the greatest impact Displays the relative importance of problems in a simple visual format Helps prevent “shifting the problem” where the solution removes some causes but worsens others Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Cause and Effect Diagram
Enables a team to focus on the content of a problem, not on the history of the problem or differing personal interests of team members Creates a snapshot of collective knowledge and consensus of a team; builds support for solutions Focuses the team on causes, not symptoms Effect Cause Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Control Chart Focuses attention on detecting and monitoring process variation over time Distinguishes special from common causes of variation Serves as a tool for on-going control Provides a common language for discussion process performance * * * * * * Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Run Chart Monitors performance of one or more processes over time to detect trends, shifts, or cycles Allows a team to compare performance before and after implementation of a solution to measure its impact Focuses attention on truly vital changes in the process * * * * * * Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Process Improvement Sequence - 1
Develop process improvement plan Determine process or area to examine Form and train Process/Quality Improvement Team Rev. 09/15/02 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Process Improvement Sequence - 2
Use coarse tools Process flowchart Check sheets and histograms Pareto analysis < (iterative Fishbone chart > steps) Rev. 08/12/05 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Process Improvement Sequence - 3
Use fine tools Process control charts Run diagrams Scatter diagrams Failsafing Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Process Improvement Sequence - 4
Determine process changes Implement pilot process improvement Measure and evaluate results Repeat if results unsatisfactory; deploy full implementation if results satisfactory Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
PDCA (or PDSA) Cycle Also known as the Deming wheel, or Deming/Shewhart cycle or wheel 4 parts to the cycle Plan - document and analyze Do - implement “improvement” Check (Study) - compare to desired state Act - correct or standardize Rev. 08/31/06 SJSU Bus David Bentley
Quality Circles vs. QITs
Limited authority Focus within department Often seen as added work Ongoing Quality Improvement Teams Greater authority Focus on total process Recognized as important part of job End when process improvement complete Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
5W2H Approach What? Subject Why? Purpose Where? Location When? Timing/sequence Who? People involved How? Method How much? Cost/impact Rev. 09/06/01 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Six Sigma Quality Latest popular approach to Quality ± 6 standard deviations (6) from the process mean = % defects Represents a goal Certification from ASQ on processes to support Six Sigma Many consulting and training firms on how to implement Six Sigma 09/02/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
SJSU Bus 140 - David Bentley
Six Sigma at GE “The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many ‘defects’ you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to ‘zero defects’ as possible.” Making Customers Feel Six Sigma Quality 03/01/04 SJSU Bus David Bentley
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