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Politics of Tourism: A comparative analysis Progress presentation #3.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics of Tourism: A comparative analysis Progress presentation #3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics of Tourism: A comparative analysis Progress presentation #3

2 Outline I. Research Question and hypothesis II. Research, readings & Section I overview III. Case Study IV. Research design V. Challenges VI. Questions

3 Research Q Does tourism type differently affect government regulation and organization of space? If so, which tourism type is more restrictive to citizens’ use of space. in regard to these government regulations?

4 Hypothesis While tourism type leads to distinct government legislation and tactics regarding the regulation of space, based on the characteristics of, and particular protection for, both cultural and resort tourism… the restriction to citizen use of space does not prove to be any greater in either resort or cultural tourism, as shown in the case studies of Jalisco and Oaxaca, Mexico, though each tourism type hosts a unique variety of restrictive effects.

5 Research and readings: a summary of section I draft Economic vulnerabilities of tourism industry Key players Tourist preference Ties to private sector Government motivations for tourism protection

6 Economic vulnerabilities Consumer = tourist Opportunity for destination substitution High competition Low domestic investment FDI and potential pull-out

7 Key players and exclusions Central influences to legislative restriction of space: Tourist Formal business Host government Exlcluded:  Tourism-generating countries  Informal business  Host population (but will be dealt with later!!!)

8 Tourist The fickle, fickle consumer Increased options and destination choice Ability to change plans or avoid travel completely My leading question: What attracts, and what potentially deters tourists? Safety concerns will deter Relative comfort/ease of travel and exploration will attract

9 Private Sector/ Formal Business Low domestic investment High FDI Different agreements, but potential pull-out The “entrepreneurial state”: “Involves the subordination of national economic autonomy to meet the interest of foreign pressure groups and privileged local classes, rather than those development priorities arising from a broader political consensus” (Hall, 1994; 126) “making the world safe for tourism is essentially big business tricked out in ideological robes” (Goldstone, 2001; 250).

10 Host Government Influenced by: Destination substitution/avoidance Tourism-centred business Tax loss What to do? Increase tourist safety Instate tourist-friendly, business-friendly legislation …. essentially avoid negative publicity at all costs!! Translation? Restrict access to citizens who are potential culprits of crime Increase police/military presence

11 Case Study



14 Research Design  Tourism Concern: UK group  CBC : The Sunday Edition  Formulate descriptions of resort and cultural tourism  Government legislation re: spatial/land use around tourism areas  Academic accounts  Anecdotal accounts  Chart comparisons

15 Next section… (DONE WITH THEORY! YAY!)  Overview of issues in resort and cultural tourism &  Resort tourism in Jalisco

16 Challenges  Finding enough evidence for my case studies  Controlling for international tourism  Choosing a time period for my case studies

17 Questions, comments, etc.

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