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数据库内容及检索功能 钟似璇 (Sixuan Zhong Ei 中国区经理.

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Presentation on theme: "数据库内容及检索功能 钟似璇 (Sixuan Zhong Ei 中国区经理."— Presentation transcript:

1 数据库内容及检索功能 钟似璇 (Sixuan Zhong Ei 中国区经理

2 Engineering Village: Bibliographic Databases Compendex 最完整的工科文摘数据库 1969 至今,共有 1100 万文献 覆盖 190 个工程学科,包含:化工、电工电子、机械、土木、矿业等等

3 Getting started: 个人帐号 Register to create your personal account at Use Personal Account to: Set up e-mail and RSS alerts Tag records Create groups Save records and searches

4 快速检索( Quick Search ) 选择数据库 输入检索文字 选择限制条件

5 高级检索( Expert Search ) 输入检索式 浏览按字母顺序排列 的索引 参考数据字段 定义

6 检索结果 - Making Sense of Results Page 检索结果 Facets

7 检索结果的管理 结果记录的管理 : - 挑选记录 - 选择显示格式 - 保存, email, 打印, 下载数据 结果条数、结果排列 全文链接

8 结果太多吗?可能是因为不够具体。 限制检索字段: document type, publication years, language, etc. 从主题表( thesaurus )里找更具体的关键字。 关闭 autostemming 。 检查截词 cat* → cat, catalyst, catapults, caterpillar, etc. 检查布尔运算符 OR 、 AND 从 facets 里找启发

9 Faceted Search Feature Facets include: Database (when searching multiple) Author Name Author Affiliation Controlled Vocabulary Year Language Classification Codes And more 可利用 include 或 exclude 来找到更理 想的结果 参考记录条数。可将这些统计数字 导出至表格

10 Including & Excluding Terms From Facets 点击 键可将此字段取消 “ + ” sign appears between initial keyword and terms included from facets “ - ” sign appears between initial keyword and terms included from facets Including Terms Excluding Terms

11 Individual Records Search terms are highlighted in the abstract to show relevance Controlled terms and links to thesaurus offer additional possibility

12 结果不理想(太少了)? 利用 Ei main headings 及 classification codes 浏览索引( indexes ),从而找到作者名字的不同写法 打开 autostemming 利用截词 (*) 使用准确的布尔运算符: AND instead of OR 从主题词表里( thesaurus )找到更广泛的关键字

13 Thesaurus Thesaurus Options: - Select “Search” to search any terms - Select “Exact Term” to find Thesaurus details for a known Ei controlled term - Select “Browse” to scan an alphabetical list of index terms Click terms to see Thesaurus details. Select terms to include in search

14 Thesaurus Click on to see more information about the term Selected thesaurus terms are automatically added to your search form

15 记录标签( Record Tagging ) Search other users’ tags to gain new perspectives Share tags with other users Organize records of interest for yourself and groups

16 记录标签( Record Tagging ) Assign meaningful keywords Choose with whom to share:  Public = All Engineering Village users can see the tags  My Institution= only people from the users’ organization can see tags  Private = Only the user can see their tags Or create groups to share tags with members

17 RSS (Really Simple Syndication) What is RSS? An XML format for distributing content on the internet Also known as syndication Why is RSS Important? Content is delivered to the reader as it is updated Set up alerts so you’re notified any time a new record that fits your search criteria is added to the database Alternative to email alerts

18 RSS (Really Simple Syndication) Copy the link provided and paste it in your RSS Aggregator to receive alerts. Click the RSS icon if you’d like to be updated when new records are added that fit the search criteria.

19 RSS Feed From Engineering Village Paste url from box on Engineering Village

20 RSS delivered to your reader

21 Blog This Link from a blog to a record of interest on Engineering Village Create current awareness by highlighting new publications in a popular subject area Create a forum from which to collaborate with colleagues in your area of research Share information with an audience outside your organization

22 Blog This Click the “Blog This” button in the record’s abstract or detailed view. Copy the code from the box in the screen that appears and paste it into your blog post.

23 Blog a Record Once published, the title will link to the record’s abstract. Give the post a title Paste the link from Engineering Village’s “Blog This” box Publish

24 Search Tips and Help icons provide user assistance

25 Additional resources on Help Source list Training materials on EV tools and databases


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