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NAVISION. Who we are ?  Started in 1907 by Sir Truby King.  Purpose : “ To help the mothers and children ”.  “Fence at the top of the cliff”.

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2 Who we are ?  Started in 1907 by Sir Truby King.  Purpose : “ To help the mothers and children ”.  “Fence at the top of the cliff”.

3 Community owned and driven. National Society  18 Area Societies  126 Branches  600 Entities Now

4 Some Figures 800 staff 3000 paid up members National Office of 60 staff. $45 million turnover. $5 - $8 million volunteer fundraising. $11 million volunteering.

5 A unique combination of services  Clinical - Well Child checks - Needs assessment - Parenting Education  Community - Parent Support Groups - Car Seats - Toy Libraries - etc. The Plunket Service

6 How it works (1) parent nurse family volunteer organisation Plunket Service Interface child community

7 How it works (2)

8  Centralised Accounting Team – manual processing.  8 year old system.  Increasing demands on information.  Increasing need for timely reporting to aid decision making.  System crashes a regular thing !! Business Challenge

9  October 04 - Agreement to replace - RFP  December 04 – Selected Navision (with Topaz / Starfish)  Feb 05 – Implementation started  July 05 – went live On time, on budget, to quality specifications. Process

10  Logical structure  Flexible reporting  Microsoft products already understood by most.  Future proofed.  Ability to link to other Plunket systems. Why Navision ?

11 Key Success Factors Robust Project Plan Great Partners Risk Management Training – Road Show Post Implementation Review

12 What’s next Single point of entry WEB Access Budgeting Tool Business Intelligence


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