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MATH 125: Computer-assisted problem solving in mathematics Taught in computer classroom PH 324 Mathematica-based Paperless environment Electronic worksheets.

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Presentation on theme: "MATH 125: Computer-assisted problem solving in mathematics Taught in computer classroom PH 324 Mathematica-based Paperless environment Electronic worksheets."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATH 125: Computer-assisted problem solving in mathematics Taught in computer classroom PH 324 Mathematica-based Paperless environment Electronic worksheets and exams

2 Projects (adapted from Rose-Hulman) Dragstik Stick is attached to wheel rolling along floor. Represent by parametric curve. Analyze motion, velocity, acceleration

3 Ballpark Design the outfield fence so that the field does not favor any particular angle

4 Rock Out At an outdoor concert, three rock bands play at varying levels. Goal: to find the quietest spot in the triangle between the bands.

5 Comments Students took longer on exams Immediate feedback on solutions Students came to class early & stayed late Different ways of learning successful

6 First Year Seminar Fractals: The Geometry of Nature

7 Examples of fractals


9 Natural fractals

10 Natural fractals??

11 Iteration Fractals are created by iterative procedures, often many thousands of iterations. A computer helps! The chaos game tal/software/ tal/software/

12 Fractal forgeries FDesign software FRACTAL FORGERY PROJECT: Try making an IFS image of a picture of a natural object of your own choosing. Leaves, flowers, broccoli and cauliflower all work well. You can construct the blueprint either by hand (make a sketch of the objects edge and then cut smaller copies, arranging them to mostly cove the image), or using a computer program. Use FDesign or Frame’s Random IFS to generate your final image. Record the transformations used.

13 MATH 10 College Algebra Mark McCombs/FITAC grant Course well-suited to self-paced learning Website: ombs/web/alg/collegealgebra.html ombs/web/alg/collegealgebra.html Expansion planned

14 Other courses Calculus: planning possible lab component Multivariable calculus: to aid 3-dimensional visualization Differential equations Symmetry seminar Non-Euclidean geometry Linear algebra Other software: MATLAB, Maple, Geometer’s Sketchpad

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