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Review Chapter 14
(Refer to figure 31.) What is the headwind component for a Rwy 13 takeoff if the surface wind is 190° at 15 knots?
(Refer to figure 31.) What is the headwind component for a Rwy 13 takeoff if the surface wind is 190° at 15 knots? 7 Knots
(Refer to figure 32.) GIVEN:
Temperature 30°F Pressure altitude 6,000 ft Weight 3,300 lb Headwind 20 kts What is the total takeoff distance over a 50-foot obstacle?
Move vertically from 30oF to 6,000 feet
Move to the right to the first ref line Move up and to the right proportionally between the guidelines to 3,300 lbs Move down and to the right proportionally to the headwind of 20kts Move to the right horizontally to the right margin of the graph and read 1,500 ft.
(Refer to figure 35.) GIVEN:
Temperature 85 °F Pressure altitude 6,000 ft Weight 2,800 lb Headwind 14 kts Determine the approximate ground roll.
Compute 53% of the total landing distance over a 50 ft obstacle
Begin at 85oF up to 6,000 ft Proceed horizontally to ref line Proceed up and to the right proportionally to 2,800 lb line
Proceed horizontally to the right to the ref line
Proceed down and to the right proportionally between the lines to 14 kts Proceed horizontally to the right to 1,400 Multiply by .53 to get 742 feet
Short Field Takeoff & Landing
Takeoff Objective - Knowledge of elements
Positive and accurate control of aircraft with shortest ground roll and steepest angle of climb Proper airspeeds VR, VX, and VY
Takeoff After clearing the obstacle accelerate to VY +5/-5
Maintain VX =+5/-0 KTS After clearing the obstacle accelerate to VY +5/-5 Retract the landing gear and flaps after a positive rate of climb or as recommended
Common Takeoff Errors Failure to use the entire runway
Improper positioning of the flight controls and wing flaps Improper engine operation during short field takeoff and climb out
Common Takeoff Errors Inappropriate removal of hand from throttle
Poor directional control Improper use of brakes
Short Field Landing Consider the wind conditions, landing surface and obstructions Height of obstructions dictate how steep the approach will have to be
Short Field Landing Descent angle will be steeper than a normal approach. Aim point will be closer to the obstacle Aim point will be short of the touchdown point Select a go around point, normally before descending below barriers
Common Errors Improper use of landing performance data and limitations
Failure to establish approach landing configuration at appropriate time or in proper sequence
Common Errors Failure to maintain a stabilized approach
Improper technique in use of power, wing flaps and trim
Common Errors Improper removal of hand from throttle
Improper technique during round out and touchdown
Common Errors Poor directional control after touchdown
Improper use of brakes
Soft Field Takeoff & Landing
Common Errors Improper initial positioning of the flight controls or wing flaps Allowing the airplane to stop on the takeoff surface prior to initiating takeoff Improper power application
Common Errors Inappropriate removal of hand from throttle
Poor directional control
Common Errors Improper use of brakes
Improper pitch attitude during liftoff Dragging tail of aircraft on ground
Common Errors Settling back to the runway because of too high or too low a pitch attitude Failure to establish and maintain proper climb configuration and airspeed Drift during climbout
Soft Field Landing Maintain crosswind correction and directional control throughout the approach and landing Touch down softly, with no drift, and with the longitudinal axis aligned with the runway
Soft Field Landing Maintain some power to assist in making a soft touchdown Hold it off to slow airspeed and establish a nose high pitch attitude
Soft Field Landing After touchdown maintain back pressure to keep the nose wheel off the ground Maintain full back pressure Maintain after landing proper position of the flight controls and taxi speed
Common Errors Improper technique in use of power, wing flaps and trim
Inappropriate removal of hand from throttle Improper technique during roundout and touchdown
Common Errors Failure to hold back elevator pressure after touchdown
Closing the throttle too soon after touchdown
Common Errors Poor directional control after touchdown
Improper use of brakes
Steep Turns
Enter Steep Turn Heading toward reference point roll into a coordinated turn with an angle of bank of 50o +5/-5 As the turn begins, add back pressure to increase the angle of attack
Enter Steep Turn As you go through 30o, add power if necessary to maintain entry altitude and airspeed
Enter Steep Turn Trim to relieve excess control pressure
Begin rollout one half the angle of bank degrees before your reference point Look and clear before all turns.
To recover from an excessive nose-low attitude reduce the angle of bank
Add back elevator pressure to raise the nose Reestablish the desire angle of bank
Maintain Altitude +100 Maintain entry altitude and airspeed throughout the entire maneuver During rollout release the back pressure or if using trim apply
Common Errors Improper pitch, bank, and power coordination during entry and rollout Uncoordinated use of the flight controls
Common Errors Inappropriate control applications
Improper technique in correcting altitude deviations Loss or orientation
Common Errors Excessive deviation from desired heading during rollout
Altitude FAA requires the maneuver be performed no lower than 1,500 ft AGL Pick an altitude that is easy to identify on your altimeter
Bank Establish but do not exceed 30o angle of bank
Enter using a smooth coordinated level turn
Apply Power and Pitch After establishing a level 30o banked turn start a climbing turn by applying back elevator pressure to attain the highest pitch attitude at the 90o point
Common Errors Improper pitch, bank, and power coordination during entry or completion Pitch up too fast will cause a stall Pitch too slow or allow the pitch to decrease will cause you to reach 180o point at too high an airspeed
Common Errors Adjust power prior to the maneuver to establish cruise flight and increase after bank is established and as pitch is being increased No other power changes are made
Common Errors Uncoordinated use of flight controls
Maintain coordinated flight Compensate for torque and aileron drag Check the ball in the inclinometer
Common Errors Improper planning and timing of pitch and bank attitude changes During the first 90o of turn the bank is constant At the 90o point you should have reached the maximum pitch
Common Errors During the second 90o, pitch attitude remains constant and the bank is slowly reduced At the 180o point, the pitch attitude is constant and the roll out to wings level is completed
Common Errors Plan and time the pitch and bank changes while dividing you attention Factors related to failure to achieve maximum performance Improper pitch Improper bank
Lazy Eights
Objective Lazy eights require smooth coordinated use of the flight controls At no time are you straight and level Maneuver requires constantly changing control pressure
Plan,Orient and Maneuver
At 45o Altitude Increasing Airspeed Decreasing Pitch Attitude Maximum Bank Angle 15o
Plan,Orient and Maneuver
At 90o Altitude Maximum Airspeed Minimum Pitch Attitude Level Bank Angle 30o
Plan,Orient and Maneuver
At 135o Altitude Decreasing Airspeed Increasing Pitch Attitude Minimum Bank Angle 15o
Plan,Orient and Maneuver
At 180o Altitude Entry Airspeed Entry Pitch Attitude Level Bank Angle 0o
Common Errors Poor selection of reference points
Easily identified Not too close Uncoordinated use of the flight controls
Common Errors Maintain coordinated flight Compensate for torque Check inclinometer Unsymmetrical loops from poor pitch and bank attitude changes
Common Errors Inconsistent airspeed and/or altitude at key points
Stalling before reaching the 90o point Excessive diving Rushing the angle of bank Inconsistent airspeed and/or altitude at key points
Common Errors Adjust power after the first maneuver if off entry airspeed or altitude Loss of orientation. Need to observe your reference point as well as your attitude indicator, altimeter and airspeed indicator
Common Errors Excessive deviation from reference points
Each 45o segment must be preplanned and the proper pitch and bank attained
Eights-on Pylons
Objective At a given groundspeed there is an associated altitude at which the airplane will appear to pivot about the point and is called the pivotal altitude The higher the groundspeed the higher the pivotal altitude
Objective In strong wind, altitude changes will be greater e.g. 100 to 200 feet In light wind, altitude changes will be smaller e.g. 50 to 100 feet Wind calm means no change to pivotal altitude
Determine the Pivotal Altitude
To determine the pivotal altitude fly at an altitude well above the pivotal altitude then reduce power and descend at cruise airspeed in a medium bank turn.
Determine the Pivotal Altitude
The reference line will move back until the pivotal altitude is reached. If you continue to descend the reference line will move forward You can estimate the pivotal altitude by using the following formula
Determine the Pivotal Altitude
(Groundspeed in knots)2 = Pivotal Altitude 11.3 = 885
Perform the Maneuver As you turn into the wind the groundspeed decreases causing the pivotal altitude to decrease causing you to descend to maintain the pivotal altitude
Orientation and Planning
Remain oriented on the location of the pylons and the direction of the wind Plan ahead Divide your attention between coordinated airplane control and outside visual reference
Use Pivotal Altitude Do not use rudder to force the reference line forward or backward to the pylon
Common Errors Faulty Entry technique
Poor planning Not being at pivotal altitude Rolling into a bank too soon Poor Planning, Orientation and Division of Attention
Common Errors Lack of anticipation of changes in groundspeed
Poor pylon selection Poor division of attention. Uncoordinated flight control applications and not looking out for other traffic
Common Errors Uncoordinated flight control application
Use of improper line of sight reference Application of rudder alone to maintain line of sight on pylon Most Common Error
Common Errors Improper timing of turn entries and rollouts
Do not Yaw the wing backward with rudder if the reference line is ahead of the pylon Improper timing of turn entries and rollouts Usually do to poor planning
Common Errors Rollout needs to be timed to allow the airplane to proceed diagonally to a point downwind of the second pylon
Common Errors Improper correction for wind between pylons
Selection of pylons where there is no suitable force landing area within gliding distance Large pitch and airspeed changes
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