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Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Dr. Michela Bertolotto School of Computer Science and Informatics, UCD Funded by: Advanced Technologies Research Programme CoMPASS.

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Presentation on theme: "Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Dr. Michela Bertolotto School of Computer Science and Informatics, UCD Funded by: Advanced Technologies Research Programme CoMPASS."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Dr. Michela Bertolotto School of Computer Science and Informatics, UCD Funded by: Advanced Technologies Research Programme CoMPASS Combining Mobile Personalised Applications with Spatial Services

2 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Spatial data (Geo-)Spatial data:(Geo-)Spatial data: data with an associated spatial location 80% of all available data has a spatial component80% of all available data has a spatial component FormatsFormats –Raster vs Structured (vector) data

3 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Maps in mobile GIS and LBS Most commercially available mobile systems: Transmission of raster maps Transmission of raster maps (easy to compress but not as versatile) Standard content (no personalisation): Standard content (no personalisation): - information overload - low relevance

4 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 CoMPASS : research issues and innovations 1.Multiresolution maps and progressive transmission –transmission of vector maps –users start working with coarser version

5 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Progressive transmission

6 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Progressive transmission

7 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Progressive transmission

8 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 CoMPASS : research issues and innovations 2.Personalisation -Creating and updating user profiles -Implicit profiling: capturing user interactions with the map (turn on/off layers, zoom in/out, etc.) -Improved relevance and readability

9 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Personalised maps

10 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Personalised maps

11 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Personalised maps

12 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Personalised maps

13 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 CoMPASS : research issues and innovations 3.Intuitive GUI (full functionality on Tablet PC) –Multimedia annotations –Multi-modal interaction (pen and voice)

14 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Multimedia annotations

15 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Technologies Oracle Spatial Database and Application ServerOracle Spatial Database and Application Server Java application programs and JDBCJava application programs and JDBC OpenMap InterfaceOpenMap Interface ViaVoiceViaVoiceVideo

16 Dublin, May 5 th 2006


18 Performance evaluation  Personalisation  Multi-modal interaction

19 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Personalisation: task completion time NP : tasks completed with non-personalised maps PP : tasks completed with maps personalised based on user interaction Personalisation improves efficiency (up to 50%)

20 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Personalisation: layer actions Non-personalised mapsPersonalised maps Personalised maps require fewer layer actions (further reduced as users complete more tasks)

21 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Multi-modal interaction: results Multi-modal input capabilities can improve user interaction speed (up to 30%) unimodal multimodal

22 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Related research MEMS: Mobile Environmental Management System Objective: Deliver text-based field data sheets used by scientists of the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Ocean Plus additional multimedia information to a spatially-enabled DB with mobile access

23 Dublin, May 5 th 2006MEMS Digital Photos, Maps, etc. Oracle Spatial + Text-based info

24 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 MEMS

25 Thank you

26 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Geo-Spatial Imagery Sets of pixels e.g. satellite images, aerial photos, scanned maps e.g. satellite images, aerial photos, scanned maps

27 Dublin, May 5 th 2006 Vector Geo-Spatial Data Sets of spatial entities (points, lines, regions) and spatial relations e.g. geographic maps, digital terrain models, etc. e.g. geographic maps, digital terrain models, etc.

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